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Town Council - Joint Work Session - 6-20-05

COUNCIL CHAMBERS        June 20, 2005

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Town Council

Members Present:        Mayor Edward Havens
                                Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
                                Councillor Thomas Delnicki
                                Councilor Deborah Fine
                                Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
                                Councillor Matthew Streeter
                                Councillor Roseann Williams  

Members Absent: Councillor Cary Prague

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                Town Attorney Barry Guliano
                Keith Yagaloff, Councillor-Elect

                        Board of Education

Members Present:        Chairman Robert E. O’Connor
                                Kathleen Soucy Daugherty
                                Anthony J. Fornuto II
                                David S. Joy
                                James Katz
                                Victoria S. McCulloch
                                Janice A. Snyder
Also Present:           Superintendent of Schools Dr. Joseph Wood
                                Carolyn Egan, Member-Elect, Board of Education
                                Richard Stahr, Member-Elect, Board of Education
Michael Gantick, Co-Chair Shared Services Committee
Al Mothersele, Co-Chair Shared Services Committee
Patrick Hankard, Member, Shared Services
Judy Nevins, Member, Shared Services
Michele Lipe, Member, Shared Services
Melanie Crucitti, Member, Shared Services
3.      Items for Discussion

A.      Shared Services Committee’s Final Report
Town Manager Matthew Galligan explained that some time ago the Town Council and the Board of Education have been talking for many years about trying to do joint services together in order to keep costs down.  He said that resolutions were passed by the Board of Education and the Town Council, which authorized the Superintendent and himself to put together a Shared Service Steering Committee to look at different areas.  He distributed a document that explained the Charge of the Committee, which is attached as Exhibit A.  Town Manager Galligan explained the Charge in further detail.

Town Manager Galligan said that they might find things that the Board is doing well that maybe the Board should do versus the Town and they may find things that the Town is doing well that maybe the Town should do versus the Board.  He said that they are here tonight so that the Committee can issue their report to the two legislative bodies.  

Mr. Michael Gantick thanked both the Town Council and the Board of Education for taking the initiative to pass these resolutions.  He explained that the Shared Services Organizational Chart was the framework from which they started.  Mr. Gantick described the Shared Services Organizational Chart, which is attached as Exhibit B.  

Mr. Al Mothersele said that once they had an understanding of the types of services that were already being shared throughout the Town, they decided that they needed a way to examine potential, new shared services.  They came up with a document that allowed them to make comparisons, determine whether it was a viable idea, and then move it on to the Steering Committee to either approve or disapprove.  He explained this process in further detail.

Dr. Joseph Wood, Superintendent of Schools, discussed the planning process.  He distributed and explained the action plan, which is attached as Exhibit C.  He said that every year they will establish Action Planners for specific goals that have been recommended for implementation.  He also said that every year this will be monitored and reported to the Board and Council as to what progress was made on the objectives that have been identified for that year to implement.

Town Manager Galligan explained some of the long range planning and how they are going to proceed.  He said that this identifies some services and issues that we should think about in 2006/2007 that we should start looking to budget those items or have them on a target list.  He then gave the example of an automated payroll system, which he explained in further detail.  He said that cost, productivity savings, and the end result have to be looked at before money is spent.  He reminded everyone that what is saved today is also saved in future years.  

Dr. Wood explained that when the long range objectives, they will be put into the action plan.  He then spoke about the monitoring and reporting process.  He said that the Steering Committee will stay active and make sure that the long term objectives will find themselves into action plans and that other long term objectives are identified.

Town Manager Galligan agreed with Dr. Wood in saying that monitoring is key because it establishes new goals and objectives.  He said that there are certain things that are unique about the operations.  Not everything can be a shared service or done a different way.  

Town Manager Galligan and Dr. Wood fielded questions from all those participating in the meeting.

Mayor Havens recessed the Work Session at 7:45 p.m. to call the Public Hearing to Order.  The Work Session was reconvened at 7:55 p.m.

Town Manager Galligan said that he would love the savings to be put where they are supposed to be.   There was a discussion regarding when the Council and Board will receive updates.

4.      Executive Session

The Executive Session was held after the regular meeting.

5.      Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at ----8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attachments: (Exhibits A, B, and C)