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Town Council - Work Session - 5-16-05

COUNCIL CHAMBERS        May 16, 2005

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Councillor Roseann Williams
Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
Councillor Judith Paquin        
                                Councillor Deborah Fine
Deputy Mayor John P. Pelkey
Mayor Edward Havens
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Cary Prague
Councillor Matthew Streeter
Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                Town Attorney Barry D. Guliano

Public Participation - None

Communications - None

Town Manager’s Report – Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan stated that it would be presented at the regular meeting.

Items for Discussion

A.      Revised Park and Recreation Master Plan
Mr. Craig Zimmerman, Chairperson of the Park and Recreation Commission, distributed copies of the Revised Master Plan of Development for Parks & Recreation to the Council and the audience, which is attached as Exhibit A.  Mr. Zimmerman gave a brief history about the Master Plan.  

Mr. Zimmerman said that it is very important for people to understand some of the assumptions that they made.  He explained the different assumptions as shown on page 2 in Exhibit A.  

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Mr. Zimmerman gave an explanation of the Comparison of Proposals spreadsheet, which is page 3 of Exhibit A.  He explained that these are only for outdoor facilities.  

Mr. Zimmerman gave an overview of the Revised Master Plan (Outdoor Facilities) – By Year Scheduled Initial Phase, which are pages 4 and 5 of Exhibit A.  Mr. Zimmerman then explained that this plan could be changed.  

Mr. Zimmerman confirmed for Councillor Fine, that the items completed are for year 2004-05.  

Councillor Fine asked Mr. Zimmerman what a Splash Pad is.  Mr. Ray Favreau, Director of Recreation explained that it is a water playground.  Councillor Fine asked where the Splash Pad and Skate Park will be located.  Mr. Favreau said that locations have not been determined but there are a few possibilities.

Mr. Zimmerman confirmed for Mayor Havens, that what is listed in the second box (Year 1), is for 2005-06.  Mr. Zimmerman then explained to May Havens how the projects are going to be funded.

Councillor Williams asked the Town Manager if the in-house assistance and resources, which will probably be on a daily basis, was something that is already done.  Town Manager Galligan said that it is, that certain Town Staff will be meeting to plan the whole project with the Park and Recreation Department.

Councillor Streeter asked Mr. Zimmerman if the Donnelly Preserve and Wapping Park were outside the scope of the Master Plan.  Mr. Zimmerman and Town Manager Galligan explained that they have always been outside the scope and that in the Capital Budget there is an Open Space Fund.  

Councillor Streeter asked if Locip Funds were applied for, for Year 4.  Town Manager Galligan said that they were.  The process of Locip Funds was discussed between the Town Manager and Councillor Streeter.

Councillor Streeter asked Mr. Zimmerman if they are planning to come back for any further referendum.  Mr. Zimmerman said that they will not be going for a referendum for outdoor facilities.  Councillor Streeter then asked if they would be going for a referendum for indoor facilities.  Mr.

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Zimmerman said that there is some work being done by the Town, but they are not talking about a referendum.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey said that he looks at this Plan as a revised Master Plan of initial phasing in of the bigger Plan, in which he explained his reasoning.  He then thanked Mr. Zimmerman for all of the work that he has done and stated that he is a great asset to the Town.

Councillor Delnicki asked Mr. Zimmerman about the neighbors agreeing with what is listed on Year 1 and Year 2.  Mr. Zimmerman said that they are close and he went through the details. Mr. Zimmerman said, for the record, that Lawrence Road would have a small backstop comparable to what is seen near the Pavilion, there would be no fencing, no field, no lines, no lights, and no scoreboard.  It’s a backstop and a plot of land so that kids and adults in the neighborhood can play.   He then explained what they would like to do in Year 2 at Lawrence Road.  He said that the neighborhood would prefer a tennis court rather than a basketball court.  He said that their priority is basketball because there are only 2 basketball courts and 15 tennis courts in the Town already.

Councillor Delnicki said that the best possible case is if they can balance what Park and Recreation wants to do and get the agreement from the neighbors so that it is a win-win situation.  He hopes that discussions are continued.  Councillor Delnicki commended Mr. Zimmerman because the dialog is there.

Councillor Fine asked how many tennis courts are in Town.  Mr. Zimmerman said that there are 15.

Councillor Fine asked how Park and Recreation’s Plans will be affected by the Girl Scouts looking for a permanent campsite on Rye Street.  Mr. Zimmerman said that it does not affect anything that they are doing.  Town Manager Galligan confirmed that the campsite has nothing to do with the park.

Councillor Streeter asked, if the land clearing at Lawrence Road is to go through, when would that be, and is there funding for the maintenance in the Public Work’s budget.  Town Manager Galligan said that he would have to get back to him.  He thinks that the issue is whether or not they will be using a chemical process to clear the land.  He also said that this is

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something they are looking to possibly do next spring because they have other projects they are going to be doing this year.

There is a Resolution for the approval of this Plan during the Regular Meeting.

Mr. Alan Witkin, of 64 Lawrence Road, stated that the Lawrence Road group was hoping to have the same cooperation and results as the Oak Street Neighborhood Park Project.  He also stated that they do not agree with the Master Plan for Lawrence Road, he said that their concerns were expressed at many Town Committee Meetings.  He stated that the Master Plan contradicts their input, and if the Town Council approves the Plan, they do so knowing that the public input was ignored and that the Park and Recreation Committee is moving forward on its own.

Mr. Paul Bruno, of 20 Leah Lane, stated that he lives in the Lawrence Park area as well.  He echoed Mr. Witkin’s comments.  He stated other local areas have open fields, softball fields, and basketball courts.  He said that there are not any tennis courts close by and that the pond can be used for ice-skating.  Mr. Bruno said that they do not have walking trails, and that this park would make for great walking trails.  He said that there are great things that can be done and that it shouldn’t be a mirror image of what the Town already has.

Mr. Jeff Post, of 43 Heatherwood Drive, stated that he also lives in the Lawrence Road area.  He also echoed Mr. Witkin and Mr. Bruno’s comments.  He said that he drove through the neighborhood and 60 to 70% of the homes have basketball hoops, so one isn’t needed at the park.  He also feels that trails would be nice to have in that end of the Town.

B.      Towns of South Windsor and Manchester Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement
Gary Tyler, Chief of Police, gave some information on Connecticut General Statute §7-148cc.  He explained that the Town of South Windsor already works closely with the Town of Manchester in a variety of assignments.   Chief Tyler explained what the intentions of the Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement are and how it works.  The Towns of South Windsor and Manchester Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement is attached as Exhibit B.

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Councillor Streeter asked if there are any other towns that South Windsor did this with.  Chief Tyler explained that there are 9 communities in the Metro Traffic Services that are involved, and Manchester is one of them.  Chief Tyler explained that Manchester and South Windsor do far more with each other than any other surrounding town.  
Chief Tyler explained to Councillor Streeter that the towns are having more and more interaction with each other, which is what prompted this agreement.

Mayor Havens recessed the Work Session at 8:00 p.m. to call the Regular Meeting to Order.  Mayor Havens presented James Graffam, Principal of Wapping Elementary School, with a Proclamation recognizing Wapping Elementary School being named “Elementary School of the Year” by the Connecticut Association of Schools.  Mayor Havens reconvened the Work Session at 8:05 p.m.

Councillor Williams understands why the agreement is with Manchester, but she asked why agreements aren’t made with all surrounding towns.  Chief Tyler said that this type of agreement is just starting in the State of Connecticut.

Councillor Williams asked if there were any union issues that came up with Manchester or South Windsor.  Chief Tyler said that this kind of action doesn’t really cost anything.

Chief Tyler said that if a Manchester Police Officer sees a crime happening in South Windsor, this agreement allows them to react.  Chief Tyler explained that the agreement that already exists through Metro Traffic is what allows Manchester Police to come into South Windsor to direct traffic if needed.

Councillor Prague stated that South Windsor Police Officers are well trained and he is concerned with the level of training that Manchester Police Officers have and if it is equivalent.  Councillor Prague also asked if the Manchester Officers would be doing routine traffic stops.  Chief Tyler said that that was not the intent of the agreement.  The intent is more for if they witnessed a drunk or hazardous driver, they would be able to pull the car over and call a South Windsor Officer.  Chief Tyler said that the person would be booked through South Windsor’s process.

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Councillor Pendleton thanked the Police Department and the Fire Department for the excellent job that they did with the recent fire in Town.  

Councillor Pendleton said that she doesn’t understand why this agreement has to happen right now.  She also was concerned with the training of the officers.  Councillor Pendleton then asked if South Windsor Police Officers use the shooting range in Manchester.  Chief Tyler said that they do not.   

Councillor Pendleton asked if Manchester Police Officers would be used if the South Windsor Police Department was short officers for a shift.  Chief Tyler said that they would not, that it is not meant for that.   

Chief Tyler further explained for Councillor Pendleton the reasoning for this agreement.  Chief Tyler said that if it does not work out on either side, the agreement can be ended.

Councillor Delnicki asked if this is a proactive approach.  Chief Tyler said that it is.  Councillor Delnicki asked if the goal is to create some kind of seamless law enforcement around the Evergreen Walk area.  Chief Tyler said that it would be nice, but it is not going to be any different than when the substation is opened.  Manchester will be invited to use the facility to write reports, so that they don’t have to go all the way back to their police station.  Chief Tyler explained that both departments are on the same computer aided dispatch and report system.

Councillor Delnicki said that he also has the same concern as the other Councillors in regard to the quality of the Manchester Officers and the South Windsor Officers.  Chief Tyler said that if they don’t meet our standards they will change the agreement.  Councillor Delnicki asked that if they pass this agreement, will the Council receive updates on how it is working.  Chief Tyler said certainly, he also said that if it doesn’t work, he would be the first one to have the Council withdraw the Town’s participation in it.

Councillor Delnicki wanted to confirm that the intent is not to have the Manchester Officers specifically patrolling in South Windsor and vise versa.  Chief Tyler said positively.

Councillor Fine asked, in regard to item 5 of the agreement, who is the participating municipality.  She said that the question that arises is, who is responsible for the actual payroll.  Town Attorney Guliano wanted

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everyone to understand that this agreement was reviewed extensively with the Town Attorney’s office in Manchester and by him.  He also explained that whoever is responsible for that officer initially, will bare the costs.  

Attorney Guliano said that he agrees with everything that Chief Tyler said.  He also said that he feels that it is a good idea.  He did say that he wanted to caution the Council because this is a new statute.  He explained that there was a statute in place previously that allowed inter-local and inter-town agreements with respect to police services.  That old statute listed about 10 or 12 municipal functions that could be shared, it was limited.  He explained that when the legislature passed the new statute, a lot of it had to do with opening it up to more municipal functions.  One of the primary intents of the statute was to open it up to municipal services beyond police services.  He said that there is a good interpretation that allows the Town to do exactly what their doing, but they won’t know for sure until somebody challenges it, perhaps someone that is arrested in South Windsor by a Manchester Police Officer.

Councillor Fine asked if a South Windsor resident was arrested in South Windsor by a Manchester Police Officer, which Police Station would that person be brought to.  Chief Tyler said that it would be South Windsor’s Police Station.

Town Manager Galligan said that from a planning standpoint, the more the surrounding police departments, fire departments, and ambulance services know each others community, the easier it is to run an emergency operation center, in case there is an emergency.  Town Manager Galligan then explained NIMS (National Incident Management Systems).  

Councillor Pendleton asked how it is going to work with Manchester being at 400 megahertz and South Windsor at 800 megahertz.  Chief Tyler explained that there is equipment that if put in Manchester’s Communication Center and South Windsor puts the equipment in their cars, it can be switched over using the same radio.  

6.      Executive Session – To discuss pending and/or potential claims and litigation regarding town property, easements and rights-of-way

The Executive Session was held after the regular meeting.

7.      Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Vanessa Perry
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council

Attachments: (Exhibits A and B)