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Town Council - Work Session - 4-18-05


1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Councillor Roseann Williams
Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
Councillor Judith Paquin        
                                Councillor Deborah Fine
Deputy Mayor John P. Pelkey
Mayor Edward Havens
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Cary Prague
Councillor Matthew Streeter
Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                Town Attorney Barry D. Guliano

Public Participation

Betty Warren, of 494 Abbe Road, stated that she was speaking as a member of Inland/Wetlands Commission Conservation Commission.  She addressed the Public Works portion of the budget regarding the two additional people that are proposed in the budget.  She explained why she felt that those two positions are necessary.

Suzanne Fitts, of 239 Oak Street, stated that they are going to continue with the land.  She stated that all of the gardens have been reserved except for six, which are iffy plots.  Everyone that called in to reserve a garden asked that she thank the Council for them.

Communications - None

Town Manager’s Report – Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan stated that it would be for the next meeting.

Items for Discussion

A.      Proposed 2005/2006 Budgets
Mayor Havens stated that this is the first serious look at the budget.  Speaking for himself, he is looking for a reduction of at least $250,000 to $300,000.  

Town Clerk
Ms. Gretchen Bickford, the Town Clerk stated that her budget is on page 58.   She explained that the Town Clerk’s office has generated quite a few extra dollars in income for the General Fund.  Ms. Bickford explained that last year they generated over $753,000 and this year, year-to-date, $577,000.   Ms. Bickford stated that her proposed budget is decreased by $1,500.

Regarding the rental/leasing portion of the Town Clerk’s budget, Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton asked what exactly do they rent/lease.  Ms. Bickford stated that they lease the Konica copier, but they charge for copies and the income from that is substantial.  Councillor Pendleton stated that they do a great job and thanked her.

Councillor Roseann Williams agreed with Councillor Pendleton and stated that they do a great job.  Councillor Williams asked if the grant that is in the budget is one that is applied for every year.   Ms. Bickford answered that it was and explained how the grant works.

Councillor Thomas Delnicki asked if Ms. Bickford had an estimate of what the income collected was going to be at the end of the fiscal year.  Ms. Bickford stated that it would be about $650,000 to $700,000.

Councillor Deborah Fine also complimented the Town Clerk’s office.

South Windsor Public Library
Ms. Suzanne Fitts, of 239 Oak Street, stated that the budget is located on page 129.  She provided the Council with information on How the Library Budget Works, which is attached as Exhibit A.  Ms. Fitts explained that their requests are very small and have been for several years.  However, this year they are asking for permission to hire a full-time position aimed toward the children of the Town.  They are proposing to do a very early literacy program, which would be for children from the age of 1 and older.  

Mayor Havens asked the Town Manager if he had approved this position.  Town Manager Galligan explained that the Library is a grant agency and

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whatever the Council gives them, the Library decides the number of personnel that they are going to hire and how they arrange their personnel.  Ms. Fitts stated that they would not hire a new position without approval from the Council.  

Mayor Havens asked the Town Manager what the dollar increase was.  Town Manager Galligan stated that it is about a 4% increase.  Ms. Fitts explained that it is a $35,000 increase, with $20,000 being for the new position.

Councillor Pendleton asked Ms. Fitts how many employees do they presently have.  Ms. Fitts stated that they have 12 full-time positions and 9 part-time in the weekday staff, which are all 19 hours or less, so they do not impact the general government budget as far as benefits go.  Ms. Fitts stated that they are open about 63.5 hours a week.  

Councillor Pendleton asked the Town Manager if under the Health/Life, do they have their own or do they participate with what the Town just did.  Town Manager Galligan explained where each portion is taken out of, which is explained on page 129.  

South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department

Chief Philip Crombie, of 11 Bridle Wood Road, stated that the budget is located on page 87.  He also distributed a Program Summary, which is attached as Exhibit B.  Chief Crombie explained the Fire Department’s budget as shown in Exhibit B.  

Chief Crombie explained that the increase they are requesting is about $34,000.  That increase comes in two primary areas; one being for the upgrade of the self-contained breathing apparatus masks, and the other being for replacement for the network server that the Fire Department computers are on.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey asked what the amount was for the computers.  Chief Crombie responded with $12,000.  

Deputy Mayor Pelkey also asked, regarding the donations, why was it projected at $5,000 and to date it is only $317.44.  He asked if that number was correct.  Chief Crombie stated that now it is about $1,300.  

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Councillor Delnicki stated that $34,000 is a very modest increase, and is money well spent.  He asked how they were doing on staffing.  Chief Crombie stated that this year they have brought on six new volunteers and they are well staffed.  He explained some of their objectives, which are on page 87.  

Councillor Delnicki asked when they are going to be on referendum.  Chief Crombie stated that it would be ready for them this year.  

Councillor Delnicki commended him on having a 100% all Volunteer Fire Department.

Town Manager Galligan explained the referendum in more detail.  He also addressed the equipment that the Town is thinking about buying and how long it will take to get them.  

Councillor Fine asked why the Fire Department is responsible for the grounds themselves as opposed to being taken care of by the staff.  Chief Crombie said that it is easier to do the maintenance items themselves, so he budgets for them.

Councillor Fine had a few questions for Chief Crombie regarding the Utility and Command Vehicles.  

Mayor Havens, Deputy Mayor Pelkey, and the Councillors thanked Chief Crombie and the Department.

Capital Projects
Deputy Mayor Pelkey discussed the various line items that are listed on page 135.  He explained the different projects in detail.  Deputy Mayor Pelkey stated that they have identified 209 projects, which is about $41.6M.  He also stated that there is about $17.5M of referendum type expenditures that have been identified.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey explained that in about 10 years, the Town should be at a point where the Town will be able to fund whatever needs to be done that year instead of having to put it aside.

Councillor Streeter asked what the funding of $250,000 between the Town and Board of Education is for, regarding the computers.  Deputy Mayor Pelkey stated that the concept is that it is a $250,000 a year plan

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and it will continue on out, with the main reason being that technology is constantly changing.  

Councillor Streeter also said that in a few years the whole system may be obsolete, which leads him to believe that this may not be money well spent.  He asked where the actual value is going to be five or ten years down the road.  Deputy Mayor Pelkey said that he thinks that people think about the computer plan as something that is on a desk, but a lot of it has to do with servers and things that will last for a number of years.  Councillor Streeter asked if there was a written guide of where the Town is going with this.  Deputy Mayor Pelkey said that he would share that information.  Town Manager Galligan gave an explanation of how everything that they will be doing is strictly capital costs.  

Councillor Streeter also asked what the line item that the Board of Education has for technology is for.  Town Manager Galligan said that he was not sure what that line item is for, but he thought that it is for two additional people and maybe for replacement of some office type technology.  

Town Manager Galligan said that he would provide the Council with information about the plan so that they can take a look at it before May.

Councillor Streeter also asked where they were on the Bridge Study.  Mr. Michael Gantick said that two weeks ago they received the study from the consultant and they are currently reviewing it.  He said that out of the 4 bridge structures that were studied, 3 of them have life expectancies between 5 and 15 years before major work is needed.  Unfortunately, one of them, located on Felt Road, needs some attention within the next 5 years.  

Mayor Havens asked if anyone had any questions for Deputy Mayor Pelkey regarding Capital Projects.

Craig Zimmerman, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission, on behalf of the Commission, thanked the Town Manager, the Deputy Mayor, and the Town Council for including recreation projects in the Capital Projects budget.  He also thanked the Town Staff, Public Works Department, Engineering, and the Recreation Department for some successes, which he described.

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Police Services
The Police Department’s budget is located on page 72.  Chief Gary Tyler stated that Cmdr. Hart and Sgt. Riggs were with him.  Chief Tyler gave a presentation demonstrating the increases and decreases for the different calls that they received.  

Chief Tyler also gave a break out of the Cost Per Capita of towns that are of similar size or population and compare the Cost Per Capita with them and South Windsor.  This Comparison Chart is attached as Exhibit C.

Chief Tyler gave an overview of the Police Administration, which is on page 74.  He explained that they reorganized the Department by shifting positions, but keeping the same amount of positions.

Chief Tyler also went through Police Operations, which is on page 77 and 78.  He continued explaining the different areas of the Police Department’s Budget, which continues through to page 84.

Chief Tyler asked the Council to look at page 92, which refers to the Street Lights.  He explained that the Street Lights are in the Police Department’s budget and how CL&P charges.

Town Manager Galligan explained that the Police Department’s budget increased by 2.2%.  He also explained that there wasn’t a major increase because there was a 0% increase in the Employment Agreement.

Mayor Havens asked Chief Tyler where he thought the major problems were going to be.  Chief Tyler responded that if things are kept the way they are, there will be an increased demand in medical assists because of the elderly housing units and the population is getting older.  He also said that there is always going to be an increase in traffic accidents.

Councillor Paquin said that Chief Tyler is doing a fine job.

Councillor Delnicki, referring to page 78, asked if it was safe to say that what is listed as salaries was an offset of what is on page 82.  Chief Tyler said that the increase in services is because they shifted the personnel from one division to another.  

Councillor Delnicki said that he thought there were 58 authorized positions and that there was an open spot.  Chief Tyler said that there is

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an open spot for a dispatcher.  As far as sworn positions, he said that they are up to strength until next Friday, when they will then be 1 shy.  He said that there are several officers that are eligible for retirement, but they have not announced it yet, so he assumes that they are going to continue to work.  

Councillor Delnicki also asked if there was an impact from Evergreen Walk.  Chief Tyler said that overall, it has been less of a police problem than they anticipated as far as bad checks or shoplifting.  

Councillor Delnicki asked what the status of the substation is at Evergreen Walk.  Chief Tyler said that they had some problems with air-conditioning and heating that they have since resolved.  He said that they should have the substation completed within a couple of weeks.

Councillor Delnicki then asked Chief Tyler about regional dispatch.  Chief Tyler said that because of the cost of startup he doubts that it is going to happen.

Councillor Delnicki commended the department for having taken a 0% increase, which really helps the Council.

Councillor Pendleton asked if it would benefit the Town if they had Elementary Resource Officers.  Chief Tyler said that they try to do that now, but it is the cost factor.

Councillor Pendleton asked how many sworn officers did the Department have.  Chief Tyler said that they have 44.

On page 76, under Administration, it shows a decrease in full-time salaries.  Councillor Pendleton was curious as to why.  Chief Tyler explained that it was because of the shifting in positions.  Town Manager Galligan added that last year the Department had a 53 pay-week period and this year it is 52.

Councillor Pendleton asked if page 78, under Operations, was patrol people.  She said that what she understood, by the Department hiring the extra officers, was that it would decrease some of the overtime.  She said that the overtime is the same as last year even though there are more officers.  Chief Tyler said that the four officers that were brought on

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board, today was the first day for two of them to be out on their own and the other two are still in training.

Councillor Pendleton asked Chief Tyler to gather some information on the Police Explorer’s Post.  She thinks that it would be a wonderful thing to have in the community.

Councillor Fine asked if there were any other revenues aside from registering alarms.  Chief Tyler said that they charge fees for copies, fingerprints, photographs, and false alarms.  Town Manager Galligan said that on page 2 of the revenue line items, there is an item for Police and any revenues collected are put in as general revenues.

Councillor Fine said that in the past they discussed having drug dogs in the high school; she asked what the status is. Chief Tyler said that they have dogs capable of doing that and it has been discussed with the school, but as of yet, nothing has been done.  

7.     Regular Meeting

Mayor Havens recessed the Work Session for a few moments at 8:00 p.m. to call the Regular Meeting to Order.

Mayor Havens presented a $2,000.00 check to Ms. Janice Snyder for the  “2005 Operation Graduation.”  Ms. Snyder thanked everyone and explained what Operation Graduation is.

Mayor Havens then presented a check to the Treasurer of Cheney Tech Project Graduation.  The Treasurer thanked the Council and explained their Project Graduation.

6.      A. (Continued)

Deputy Mayor Pelkey asked Chief Tyler a question regarding why the Information Technology section was combined, in which Chief Tyler answered.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey also asked Chief Tyler, regarding the cost per capita, if the Police Department pays for the wear and tear of the vehicles and the gas.  Chief Tyler said that it comes out of their budget.

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Deputy Mayor Pelkey commented on how sometimes overtime is a good tool for getting more officers and not having to pay the benefits.  He said that he doesn’t get too overly concerned about the overtime number unless it gets too high.  Chief Tyler explained the process that overtime gets approved.

Councillor Streeter asked Town Manager Galligan what the process was when officers are needed to direct traffic.  Town Manager Galligan explained the process and that the cost is then billed to the contractor.  He said that he feels it adequately covers the cost.

Councillor Streeter then asked Chief Tyler if there was sworn officers doing dispatch or criminal/traffic records.  Chief Tyler said that it is only on emergency situations.

Councillor Williams thanked Chief Tyler and the Department.

Public Works
Mr. Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works, gave a presentation, which is attached as Exhibit D.  The Public Works budget is on page 93.

Councillor Paquin said that she knows the Town is over budget in terms of snow removal.  She asked Town Manager Galligan where the money comes from to pay for it.  Town Manager Galligan said this year the Town was over by about $180,000 and $120,000 came from contingency and the remainder gets balanced out from the spring maintenance accounts, which means that less work gets done in the spring.  He also said that they applied for a grant, which may be about $60,000 that the Town may get back.

Councillor Streeter thanked Mr. Gantick and Public Works.

Councillor Pendleton also said that Public Works does a great job.  She did ask Mr. Gantick if the information could be converted into an acreage number.  Mr. Gantick said that the Town has over 1,600 acres total that the Town owns.  He said that on a weekly basis they mow about 194 acres.  

Town Manager Galligan discussed some of the different programs that have been cut but have not been initiated.  These are programs that the residents requested.  

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Councillor Delnicki asked why refuse and recycling is up $131,730, when CRA has frozen their rates from last year to this year.  Mr. Gantick said that there was a readjustment of the number of customers being served when there was the change in containers, there has been an increase in the contracted cost, and other costs, which are displayed on page 107.  At the date the budget was published, Mr. Gantick said that they were anticipating a 3% increase in CRA tip fees.  Councillor Delnicki asked for a breakdown of the $131,730.

Councillor Delnicki said he doesn’t think that the Town necessarily needs a curbside pickup on brush collection as apposed to a place where brush could be brought.  Mr. Gantick said that they have priced it out and it ended up being cheaper to have a curbside pickup twice a year, which he explained.

Councillor Delnicki complimented Public Works.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey said that people that live on the side roads don’t get the same speed of plowing service as those that live on the main roads, however once it is done, it’s a great job.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey then spoke about how some fields are not maintained because there are not enough people to maintain them.  He feels that the way the Town has grown, it is time to get the staff to maintain it.

Councillor Williams said that Mr. Gantick's numbers are very impressive, especially when there are fewer employees.  

Councillor Fine asked why the year of 90/91 was used.  Mr. Gantick said that they used that year because it was kind of a high water mark in terms of full-time employees in Public Works.

Councillor Fine asked if they were putting in new street signs.  Mr. Gantick said that it was decided that only the new streets would be getting the new signs.

Councillor Fine said that last year there was an issue about trash receptacles in the parks, the trash receptacles were removed and the users of the parks were encouraged to bring their trash home.  She asked if that was going to be done this year also.  Mr. Gantick said that they are

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doing the same thing again this year.  Because of the cost, they have not put them back.

Mr. Gene Jay, of 18 Carey Lane, said that he is from the South Windsor Soccer Club.  He said that the Soccer Club fully endorses additional positions for the Parks Department, that they do a great job.  He also said that they fully endorse funding for the Recreation Master Plan.

Mr. Andrew Paterna, of 251 Skyline Drive, said that he is from the Park and Recreation Commission.  Mr. Paterna said that they support the request for 2 new Park Maintainers also.  

Garry Lewis, of 44 Hitchcock Way, said that he is in charge of the South Windsor Panther Football and Lacrosse teams.  He thanked everyone for all of their help.  He said that they also support the new positions.

Mayor Havens thanked the speakers and also Public Works.

Ms. Patricia Botteron, of 34 Victor Lane, said that she is representing the Open Space Task Force.  Ms. Botteron gave an overview of how Public Works helps the Open Space Task Force.  She stated that the Open Space Task Force extends their support to the Public Works Department.

Recreation Department
Mr. Raymond Favreau, the Director of Recreation said that with him is Ryan Kane, the Assistant Director.  Mr. Favreau distributed a copy of his PowerPoint Presentation in which he presented, Proposed Budget Highlights, New Revenue Initiatives, and 8-Year Phase-In Plan, which are included as Exhibit E.

Councillor Paquin vehemently stated that she disagrees with the rates, the video games at the pool, and the money spent on Recreation’s in-house magazine.  

Town Manager Galligan gave an explanation as to why the rates have increased.  

Councillor Streeter stated that it seems as though Mr. Favreau is making the supply and demand judgment and he is making it work.  Councillor Streeter asked if it was possible to delay some of the Capital Projects for a

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year, so that it can balance out.  Mr. Favreau said that they did that last year.

Mayor Havens asked Town Manager Galligan what the increase in the Recreation Department’s budget is.  Town Manager Galligan said that the expenses were reduced in order to meet the revenue projections.  The budget increase, as far as the administration portion, is 3%.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey stated that he also has a concern with having the video games at the pool.  He asked that Mr. Favreau consider including a mechanism in the contract that will allow him to cancel the contract, should parents complain.  Mr. Favreau said that they do have that ability.

Mayor Havens asked if there were any further questions.

7.      Executive Session – To discuss personnel matters

The Executive Session was held after the regular meeting.

8.      Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Vanessa Perry
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council

Attachments: (Exhibits A, B, C, D, & E)