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Town Council - Regular Meeting - 3-7-05
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March 7, 2005

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall


Members Present:
Mayor Edward Havens
Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Judith Paquin
Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
Councillor Cary Prague  (Left at 8:30 p.m.)
Councillor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Roseann Williams

Also Present:
Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
Town Attorney Barry Guliano
Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m.


5.     Public Input

First to speak from the audience was Mr. Keith Carman, 208 Dogwood Lane, who addressed the Town Council on issues related to the proposed 2005/2006 Board of Education Budget, asking that the Council be “open-minded” about what was being requested in that budget.

Mary Etter, Director, South Windsor Public Library, informed the Council of upcoming events at the Library this week.

Addressing Patrick Hankard who was seated in the audience, Councillor Fine asked about the size of the house numbers that should be displayed on residents’ homes.  Mr. Hankard responded by stressing how critical it was to have the numbers large enough—particularly in the case of emergency vehicles locating a residence having an emergency.

6.     Environmental Health & Safety Message  -  None

7.     Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings  -  None


8.     Public Petitions  -  None

9.     Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council
        -  None

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Mr. Galligan thanked the Mayor for the check “Imperial Oil and Plumbing” had sent to the Town to provide an “Easter Egg Hunt” again this year.  He then went on to address items on this evening’s Agenda.

He explained that there, originally, had been planned a Public Hearing for two Capital Projects—namely, Boilers at the High School; and the installation of new windows at Wapping School.   That Public Hearing, he said, was cancelled because the Town would only be able to move forward of one (1) of those projects—the High School boiler.  The windows at Wapping School, he added, would “go into next year’s budget.”

The Town Manager updated the Town Council on what he had learned from CCM regarding the restructuring of the Probate Court system.  He said that Judge Lawlor had decided to restructure so that it would not have an effect on towns and cities throughout Connecticut.

Mr. Galligan then explained the need for a Public Hearing in order to address a request from “Teabury Estates” for a drainage easement through Town open space land.

Lastly, the Town Manager warned the Council that all the monies for “snowplowing, etc.” were now gone; and he would be coming before Council soon for funds from the Contingency Account to meet the costs of this program.

14.     Public Participation  -  None

15.     Consent Agenda  -  None


17.     New Business

A.      Resolution Accepting Deeds for Streets in Cutler Ridge II, Stone Crossing Phases 1 and 2, Summerwood, and Evergreen Estates

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby accepts the deeds for streets in the following subdivisions:

Cutler Ridge II

Cornerstone Drive               3,437 feet
Open Space “A”                  6.88 Acres
Open Space “B”                  14.5 Acres

Stone Crossing – Phases 1 and 2

Stone Crossing                     640 Feet
Sweet Meadow Drive
        (Partial)                       1,379 Feet
Open Space “1”                  6.57 Acres
Open Space “2”                  15.49 Acres


Day Drive                         310 Feet

Evergreen Estates

Green Lane                      1,305 Feet

Was made by:    Councillor Williams
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey

Councillor Williams moved to Amend the Resolution by adding:

“Open Space “D”…..4 Acres

to the Culter Ridge II listing.  The Motion was seconded by Deputy Mayor Pelkey and was unanimously approved.  Another Amendment was made by Councillor Streeter to correct a “typo” under the heading Stone Crossing – Phases 1 and 2.  His Motion was seconded by Councillor Delnicki, and was approved unanimously.


17.     A.  (Continued)

Mayor Havens then called for a vote on the Amended Resolution.  It was approved, unanimously.

B.      Resolution Approving the Refund of Property Taxes to Twenty-Eight (28) South Windsor Taxpayers
(Councillor Delnicki)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a refund of property taxes to twenty-eight (28) South Windsor taxpayers, the total of said refunds being $24,738.87, and as shown on attached Exhibit A.

C.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of Various South Windsor Board of Education Capital Projects to the High School Boiler Capital Project
(Councillor Pendleton)

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Board of Education expects to begin the High School Boiler project immediately after the school year is over; and

WHEREAS, the cost of the project is $300,000; and the amount currently appropriated for the projects is $150,000; and

WHEREAS, the additional $150,000 will be funded by various completed Board of Education Capital Projects ($72,189.60), and funds originally appropriated for the Wapping School Windows Project ($77,810.40).

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the transfer of $150,000 from various South Windsor Board of Education Capital Projects, as defined in attached Exhibit B., to the High School Boiler Capital Project

Was made by:    Councillor Pendleton
Seconded by:    Councillor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously


17.     New Business  (Continued)

D.      Resolution Approving the Transfer and Close-Out of Completed Capital Projects in the Pollution Control and Wastewater Treatment Special Revenue Fund

WHEREAS, the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA), at its Regular Meeting of February 1, 2005, approved the transfer of funds from completed Capital Projects to the Capital Reserve Account, and the close-out of these projects as so indicated

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes the transfer of $740,186 from the projects listed on attached Exhibit C. to Capital Reserve Account Number 44699300-0032; and the close-out of said projects as indicated on said Exhibit.
Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
Seconded by:    Councillor Fine
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

E.      Resolution Setting a Time and Place for a Public Hearing to Receive Citizen Input on a Request for a Drainage Easement into Existing Town Open Space Adjacent to “Mill Pond”

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby sets Monday, April 4, 2005 at 7:45 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the South Windsor Town Hall, 1540 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, Connecticut as the time and place for a Public Hearing to receive citizen input on a request for a drainage easement into existing Town Open Space adjacent to “Mill Pond.”

Was made by:    Councillor Streeter
Seconded by:    Councillor Delnicki

Before a vote could be taken, Town Attorney Barry Guliano suggested that the Council take a look at its Budge Calendar to make certain the date was satisfactory.  He pointed out that this was likely to be a “somewhat controversial issue;” and, therefore, might be several members of the public who wished to be heard on this.  


17.     E.  (Continued)

Atty. Guliano also mentioned that an “appraisal” might be necessary before determination can be made as to what is required—a Public Hearing, or a Referendum vote—depending upon the Easement’s worth.  The Town Attorney said that the “appraiser” has already been retained; arrangements have been made so that the “developer” will pay for the appraisal, even though the appraiser is working for the Town.  And, he added, the appraiser has already indicated to Atty. Guliano that he will have that appraisal ready by March 22, 2005.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey asked if there was any urgency to having this Public Hearing prior to the Town’s budget process.  Atty. Guliano responded that other than the developer’s wish to move ahead on this, there was not.  Mr. Galligan added that Planning and Zoning cannot move forward with its decision on this development until the Town Council approves a Resolution granting this Easement.

Because of a conflict of interest, Mayor Havens disqualified himself from any further discussion, or votes, on this subject and turned the discussion over to Deputy Mayor Pelkey.

Councillor Streeter, addressing the Deputy Mayor, said he felt there was nothing wrong with the date of April 4; and was of the opinion that the “business of the Town,” as well as the smooth flow of business of other Town agencies (such as Planning and Zoning) should be of prime consideration, as well as the ongoing budget process.  He did not agree with the suggestion by Councillor Pendleton that this Public Hearing be postponed until, possibly, May 16.

After further discussion, Deputy Mayor Pelkey suggested that the Public Hearing be scheduled for April 4; however, changing the time to 6:30 p.m. seemed to be a good compromise.  He then called for a formal Amendment.

Councillor Streeter then moved to amend the Resolution to read that the Town Council “hereby sets Monday, April 4, 2005, at 6:30 p.m.” as the time for the subject Public Hearing on a possible Easement for  “Mill Pond.”  The motion was seconded by Councillor Delnicki and approved, unanimously.  

Deputy Mayor Pelkey then called for a vote on the Amended Resolution.  It was approved, unanimously.  (Mayor Havens did not participate in the discussions or the votes taken on this Resolution.)


18.     Passage of Ordinance  -  None

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)  -  None

20.     Executive Session  -  To discuss pending claims and litigation

Motion made, at 9:30 p.m., by Deputy Mayor Pelkey to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending claims and litigation.  Motion was seconded by Councillor Fine; and was approved, unanimously.  

21.     Motion to Adjourn

A Motion to Adjourn was made at 9:45 p.m, following the Executive Session

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmts.:  (Exhibits A., B., and C.)