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Town Council - Work Session - 2-7-2005

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Havens was out ill and Deputy Mayor John P. Pelkey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Deputy Mayor John P. Pelkey
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
Councillor Cary Prague
Councillor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Roseann Williams

Members Absent: Mayor Edward Havens
Councillor Judith Paquin        
                                Councillor Deborah Fine

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                Town Attorney Barry D. Guliano

3. Police Chief Gary Tyler introduced four of the newest officers of the force.   The are:  Officers PeggySue Clouser, Nicole Little, Brian Eckblom, and Charlie Bowes, which bring the force up to full strength.

Chief Tyler spoke about Glenn Buonanducci and gave background about his expertise.  Chief Tyler proceeded to speak about K-9 Boris who was with him and the other K-9 that is on active service, in addition to the K-9 that started the program.

Chief Tyler explained that the program is run and kept up by the donations from the business community.  He stated that the program does not affect the taxpayers moneys and that the training for the dogs is free from the State Police.  

3.      (Continued)

Councillor Pendleton verified with Chief Tyler that Officer Jamie Taylor, Officer Caleb Lopez, Officer Larry Morello, and Officer William Norton are the four other new officers that could not be there.  She then proceeded to thank the Police Department for all their help during her medical emergency the other day.

Councillor Delnicki asked the Chief how long it had been since the force was up to full strength.  Chief Tyler said that in the past year, they have hired eight or nine new officers and that it had been several years since they have been up to full strength because of retirements, transfers, and moving on.

Councillor Delnicki also asked if there is any retirements or turnovers expected in the near future.  Chief Tyler stated that there are several officers that are eligible to retire, but that there has not been any that have indicated that they are going to do that.  

Chief Tyler mentioned that Thursday they are doing the Oral Boards for the final Dispatch position, which will make them up to full strength for dispatch once that is finished.  They are also planning on getting some part-time people for fill in during vacations and illnesses.   

Deputy Mayor Pelkey thanked the Chief and the Police Department and stated that he understands that the interview process is very rigorous, which speaks volumes about the new hires.

4. Public Participation - None

5. Communications - None

6. Town Manager's Report - Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan stated that he would save the Report for the Regular Meeting.

7. Items for Discussion

A.      Presentation by South Windsor Historical Society Regarding Their Organization (requested by Mayor Havens)

Deputy Mayor Pelkey asked the Historical Society Representatives to step forward.  Brian Rivard explained that this is part one of a two part presentation.  Brian Rivard thanked the Council Members and the staff, in

7.      A.   (Continued)

particular Michael Gantick for their help. Brian Rivard introduced the members of his Committee Doris Burgdorf, Anna Fiori, Ernie Hintz, Lorraine Jones, Elsie Wollam.  He stated that the Committee has met 35 times in the past year so that they could develop this plan to acquire Union District School.  He showed the Council pictures of the school interior and their goal of what it will look like when it is done.  He compared their goal with what the Cheney Culture Center looks like.

Mr. Rivard stated that he has the start of the plan and will present it at the February 22nd meeting.

As a brief recent history of the building, he said that Union District School, 771 Main Street, South Windsor, Connecticut, was built circa 1900; however, they are not positive of the date because there was another wooden structure built directly in front of it.  The school was used as such until about 1976.  It was then taken over by the Board of Education and used as its headquarters until about 1981.  The school was empty from 1981 to 1987 when the Town put in a day care center on the first floor; that was closed in 2003 and the school has been empty since that date.  

There has been serious deterioration.  Mr. Rivard showed the Council various pictures of the building.  In the back of the school, there is a new addition.  He explained that the architect suggested that the new addition is where the new handicap access bathrooms and stairway should be located,  thereby preserving as much of the structure as possible.  

Additional pictures were provided which showed more deterioration and various uses for the different rooms.  There were drop ceilings on the first and second floors that would have to be removed.

The Historical Society paid for a structural engineer and contractor to go in and do a structural analysis of the building.  They reported that the building is structurally sound, however, it does need a bit of shoring-up from the basement of the second floor corridor to meet code.  

Mr. Rivard showed pictures of the large air vents that are still open, which are allowing birds, snow, and rain to get in. Mr. Rivard stated that they would like to keep the radiators and pipes that are on the wall there, but it is highly doubtful they will be functional.  

7.      A.   (Continued)

Mr. Rivard then stated their project goals.  They would like to create a "museum of local history".  South Windsor is part of the first town created in the State of Connecticut.  He explained that the Great Great Grandfather of Ulysses S. Grant lived on Main Street; the creator of the steamboat, John Fitch, lived in South Windsor; as did Timothy Edwards, grandson of Mr. Burr who was the third Vice-President of the United States.  He wants all of that information documented for the Town's residents.  They want to provide a place where the "arts" can be taught, and meeting rooms for civic groups, including one room for multi-media presentations.  

Mr. Rivard states that they see this reclamation occurring in three phases - the first being that they need to get the building ready for occupancy so that they can create a small office and meeting room.  In doing that, he stated, the Fire Marshal insures him that it must be sprinkled, and must include hazardous waste abatement.  They hope to restore the building to its original appearance as close as is practical.  Then, they can create their three museum galleries and meeting rooms.

Mr. Rivard then provided pictures showing what the Towns of Manchester and Wethersfield have done to preserve and utilize a historic site in each of their municipalities.

Mr. Rivard stated that at the February 22nd meeting he will market their plans and goals.  He stated that the Historical Society cannot do it alone and that that the Town of South Windsor has to want this and be involved.  He said that they will begin a fundraising effort once they know that they do have the building.

Mr. Rivard informed the Council that the first phase of obtaining a hazard waste inventory has been done.  This was donated to them by environmental services through the generosity of Mr. Billy Mitchell.  They are waiting to receive the results of the hazardous waste inventory to determine what type of waste they have to deal with.  He said that it is encouraging that all the pipes that are exposed have already had the asbestos removed and have other insulation on them.  They also have to install sprinklers, upgrade the heating system . . .

8. Public Hearing

At 7:30 p.m., Deputy Mayor Pelkey recessed the Work Session to call the Public Hearing to Order.

The Clerk of the Council read the call of the Public Hearing.

The Work Session was reconvened at 7:35 p.m.

9. Continuation of 7.A.

Mr. Rivard continued speaking about the modernizations that were being planned.  He feels that it can be done once the waste removal is taken care of.  He stated that bathrooms have to be put in - one on the first floor and one on the second floor.  Also, a second set of stairs must be installed that will access all 3 floors of the building ($25,000); and an elevator ($75,000).  

Some other figures he provided were sprinklers at $75,000, which does not include getting the water from the street - which is another $7,000; upgrade the heating, which possibly can be done for about $30,000; repair windows, which include interior storms, and restore the windows themselves.  A great deal of this work, he understands, will be donated; and repair of the floors, is a very low figure because it will be done by the committee.  

Their total, based on the budget, now is at $1.3M to $1.5M, that is if they pay for everything and they do not think they will have to because of donations and community help.  The committee assets are 206 members, architect (pro bono), attorney (mostly pro bono), accountant (very inexpensive), help with hazardous waste. Imperial Oil will help with heating.  Project Management includes a Union District School Building Committee and two additional committees will be established to report back to it, which include an events committee and a fundraising committee.  In addition to the committee members, there are many former Union District School students who have volunteered to help with this project.  

Deputy Mayor Pelkey thanked Mr. Rivard and the other members of the Historical Society for their presentation; and asked if there were any questions from the Council.

10. Executive Session - At 7:45 p.m., Councillor Streeter made a Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss Pending Claims and Litigation, possible Tax Assessment Agreement Discussions which would result in disclosure of public records or information contained therein which are exempt from disclosure at this time pursuant to C.G.S. §1-210B1 and §1-210B5B.  Councillor Delnicki seconded the Motion, and it was approved unanimously.

11. Adjournment

Following the Executive Session, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Vanessa Perry
Asst. to the Clerk of the Council