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Town Council - Work Session - 10-4-2004

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Edward Havens
                                Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
                                Councillor William Aman
                                Councillor Thomas Delnicki
                                Councillor Deborah Fine
                                Councillor Judith Paquin
                                Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
                                Councillor Matthew Streeter
                                Councillor Roseann Williams

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan

Absent:                  Town Attorney Barry Guliano

3.      Public Participation  -  None

4.      Communications  -  None

5.      Town Manager's Report

Mr. Galligan said that he would be presenting his entire report at this time rather than saving the bulk of it for the Regular Town Council Meeting.

The Town Manager reported on the following:

1. The Town's receipt of an additional $500,000 in Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) Grant monies for the I-291 Gateway.  He thanked the Governor's Office for providing such a program to small municipalities.

2. Next Mr. Galligan touched on the Evergreen Walk Grand Opening ceremonies for "VIP's" being scheduled for the evening of Thursday, October 28, 2004-followed by the "Grand Opening" for the public being scheduled for October 29.

5.     (Continued)

3. Mr. Galligan then referred to the "Shared Services Steering Committee's Interim Report included, this week, in Council's packet. He said that the Steering Committee was made up of three Members each from the Town and the Board of Education; and stressed that the Committee's report was a "starting point" for a review of what areas could be consolidated by the Town and the Board of Education either for the sake of productivity or increases in cost-savings.

4. The Town Manager then went on to explain a Resolution included on this evening's Regular Meeting Agenda regarding the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding between CRCOG and the Town designating the Capital Region Council of Governments "administrator" for all 2004 Homeland Security Grant. This executed Agreement, he stated was being required of all regional planning organizations and recipient municipalities by the State of Connecticut's Division of Homeland Security.

5. On the previous Wednesday, Mr. Galligan said he went to the Town of Wethersfield to give a talk on Economic Development.  Also present, he added, was the gentleman who had actually done South Windsor's Redevelopment Plan.  South Windsor representation was invited because the officials in South Windsor were doing a good job with economic development; and Wethersfield is looking to redevelop a portion of Silas Deane Highway.  

Mayor Havens then asked the Town Manager the total amount allocated to our region through the Homeland Security Grant.  Mr. Galligan said that the total for all the Towns in the region was somewhere around $1.9 million.  When asked by the Mayor how it is to be spent, the Town Manager replied that some of the programs were under the auspices of CRCOG (purchasing equipment; communications; emergency response for firefighters).  Those programs that are already existing, he added, will now be funded through CRCOG's Homeland Security subcommittees that will be coming back to the full Board with suggestions on how this money should be spent.

Councillor Aman asked if any information had been received back from CL&P regarding the long power outage on Ident Road recently.  Mr. Galligan replied that, apparently, the telephone number for CL&P being used by the residents at that time was "not going to work for them."  Mr. Galligan said that the Public Safety Dispatcher had never been notified until the Councillor called them.  

5.     (Continued)

Mr. Galligan also stated that Town personnel (Police and Public Works) have different numbers to call in an emergency.  He suggested that residents, following such an occurrence, should call the Public Safety Dispatcher rather than placing their own calls into CL&P.  He added that, apparently the power company had another emergency in another part of the State that same time-where, in fact, 2,500 customers were out of electricity.  After that, South Windsor became a Priority #2.  Police Chief Tyler is trying to work with CL&P to assure that the Police Department, too, is notified of these outages as soon as they occur.

6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Update on "Shared Services" between the Town Government and the Board of Education  -  (Town Manager Matthew Galligan to report)

Mr. Galligan reported that the report on shared services, before the Council this evening, is an "interim report."  He named those appointed to this Committee who, he said, had been informed at the start that both he and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Joseph Wood were not looking for "just a (one time) report" but, rather, a "continuing process."  The Town Manager also pointed out that the success of such an alliance to share services (as is being contemplated by the Town Government and the Board of Education) is based on "trust;" in other words, admitting that "we're doing things because it makes sense" and because it is in the best interest of the Town." (A copy of this report is attached hereto and made a part hereof.)

After being given their "charge," the Committee formulated the process they would employ to attack the problem; and Mr. Galligan felt that this process, at the present time, "is just beginning."  He then explained, in detail, the program the committee has in mind.   He added that a "Final Report" would be provided to Council in November.

Mr. Galligan suggested that while the Town would probably be saving money by the sharing of services, it needs to "reinvest" also.  He hoped that, at some point, the Board of Education and the Town Council would keep in mind that maybe those "savings" could be used to further the Town's goals, productivity, or a program without having to raise taxes.


6.      A.  (Continued)

The Town Manager felt that the "whole key here is bench-marking"-are we saving money; is there more productivity; and, if not, maybe the program had to be cut.

In conclusion, the Town Manager stated that he and Dr. Wood were trying to remain "overseers"-that they wished the creativity to come from their staff.  Mr. Galligan then asked if the Councillor had any questions.

Mayor Havens pointed out that many previous Town Councils spoke of beginning this process; however, this is the first time it has actually begun.  He commended the Town Manager for drawing up this program.  

Councillor Delnicki asked the Town Manager if it was safe to say that Council would have the opportunity to review the preliminary report on December 6.  Mr. Galligan said that the committee had suggested a "Work Session" devoted entirely to their interim report.  Councillor Delnicki then suggested the "off Monday" between December 6 and December 20 for this Work Session.  Mayor Havens said Council would take this under advisement.  

Also regarding the report, Councillor Delnicki expressed his hope that the Committee was still continuing "department consolidations."  Mr. Galligan assured the Councillor that this was the case-that what was before them this evening was merely "the tip of the iceberg."  He added that once the subcommitees are established more areas would be explored.  For now, however, the committee was concentrating on the major areas, such as "finance," facilities," "data processing," etc.

Councillor Williams felt that this was a "great beginning;" however, it is a document that has to be improved every year-pointing out that benchmarks change every year.  She felt that helped departments "if you give them a target" to aim for.  The Councillor gave the example of--say you want to reduce some of these budgets by 10%; tell them that.  She said she would like to see the next report in a "chart" format so that it is easier to read, and noting not only the item but, also, how much we are going to be reducing the dollar amount.


6.      A.  (Continued)

Councillor Pendleton thanked the staff for working hard on this "Shared Services" program and interim report.  Shared services, she added, is something that both she and Councillor Delnicki have been concerned about for some time, and have expressed this concern a number of times.  The Councillor asked that the committee also look at a combined sharing of "space" as well as services-i.e., like services actually being located together.  Another request from the Councillor was that, following December's report, either 6-month updates, or annual updates, be provided to Council.

Mr. Galligan responded that, under the TQM process, there is an "I Team" from which subcommittees are formed.  By way of an explanation, the Town Manager said that one of these subcommittees may take on "purchasing;" another "accounts payable," etc.  He assured the Councillors that he and Dr. Wood do not want this "just to be a nice thing, and then go away."  He added that they want it to be a continuing process, with a "standing" committee.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey felt that the report pointed up "an excellent start."  He pointed out that many things in industry follow a similar program; however, regarding the Departments, he felt it was "key" that you have people from other departments looking and asking questions of the department that is doing the work.  Another observation made by the Deputy Mayor and one that he felt was critical,  was that, very often, "we become very efficient at doing something that we shouldn't be doing."  

The Deputy Mayor suggested a "reach-out" process be established to involve South Windsor citizens-many of whom, he felt, were well-established professionals who have been in different businesses across the Country, and locally-who may wish to provide input to this program.  Deputy Mayor Pelkey asked the Town Manager to investigate the possibility of obtaining a Grant by sharing the information South Windsor has garnered regarding itself and surrounding Towns with other areas of the country.  Mr. Galligan said he would look into this.


7.      Executive Session  -  To discuss a personnel matter  (Cancelled)

8.      Motion to Adjourn

A Motion to Adjourn was made by Councillor Delnicki; seconded by Deputy Mayor Pelkey; and approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmt.:  (Shared Services Steering Committee
- Interim Report)