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Town Council Special Meeting 8/30/2004
MINUTES Page 1  August 30, 2004 


TOWN COUNCIL – Special Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

Members Present:        Mayor Edward Havens
Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
Councillor William Aman
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Judith Paquin
Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
Councillor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Muriel Yacavone
Also Present:

Absent: Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
Chairman Robert O’Connor, Board of Education
Dr. Joseph Wood, Superintendent of Schools

Town Attorney Barry Guliano

Mayor Havens reconvened the Special Meeting at 8:25 p.m.  

3.      Public Participation  -  None

4.      Communications  -  None

5.      Special Business

A.      Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Muriel Yacavone (D) from the South Windsor Town Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council acknowledges and accepts, with regret, the resignation of Muriel Yacavone from the South Windsor Town Council, said resignation to be effective September 1, 2004; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council wishes to express its appreciation to Councillor Yacavone for the time and effort she devoted to fulfilling the duties of her Office and extend to her its best wishes for the future.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

5.      A.      (Continued)

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
Seconded by:    Councillor Fine

Councillor Yacavone thanked the Council for their good wishes; and complimented the Members on their dedication to their duties as Councillors.  Mayor Havens, and other Council Members, once again wished Councillor Yacavone well in her future pursuits.

The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

B.      Appointment of James Katz (D) to the South Windsor Board of Education, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints James Katz to the South Windsor Board of Education for a term ending November 14, 2005 to fill the unexpired term of Donna L. McDonald, and hereby tables the same until the next Regular Town Council meeting.

Was made by:    Councillor Pendleton
Seconded by:    Councillor Fine
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

C.      Resolution Appropriating $92,100,000 for the Planning, Acquisition and Construction of Renovations and Improvements at Eli Terry Elementary School, Orchard Hill Elementary School, Philip R. Smith Elementary School, and Pleasant Valley Elementary School and Authorizing the Issuance of $58,675,000 Bonds of the Town to Meet the Town’s Share of Said Appropriation and Pending the Issuance Thereof the Making of Temporary Borrowings for Such Purpose

BE IT RESOLVED that the sum of $92,100,000 is appropriated for the planning, acquisition and construction of renovations and improvements to Eli Terry Elementary School, Orchard Hill Elementary School, Philip R. Smith Elementary School and Pleasant Valley Elementary School, including but not limited to, expansion of the existing schools to provide additional classroom space, renovations to meet curriculum and technology needs and to provide greater recreational opportunities, and to meet current fire and handicapped accessibility codes, and for related furnishings, equipment and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

5.      C.      (Continued)

appurtenances, all as more generally described in a preliminary report dated
June 4, 2004, prepared by Schoenhardt Architects, Inc. and to be completed in substantial accordance with final plans and specifications therefore and any revisions thereto approved from time to time by the School Building Committee, and for administrative, printing, legal and financing costs related thereto (the “Project”), said appropriation to be inclusive of any and all State and Federal grants-in-aid thereof; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to meet the Town’s share of said appropriation $58,675,000 bonds of the Town or so much thereof as shall be necessary for such purpose, shall be issued, maturing not later than the twentieth year after their date; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Treasurer is authorized to make temporary borrowings in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of said bonds and in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of State-grants-in-aid of the Project in an amount not to exceed the amount of the State’s grant commitment, all as is more fully set forth in the Resolution attached hereto as Exhibit A.

This Resolution shall become effective upon its approval by the Town electors at a Referendum called by the Town Council for such purpose.

Was made by:    Councillor Fine
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey

The Motion was approved 6 Ayes to 3 Nays on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

        Councillor Fine                 No
        Councillor Aman                 Yes
        Councillor Paquin                       Yes
        Councillor Delnicki                     No
        Councillor Pendleton            No
        Councillor Streeter                     Yes
        Councillor Yacavone             Yes
        Deputy Mayor Pelkey             Yes
        Mayor Havens                    Yes


5.              D.      Resolution Providing for Referendum of Town Electors for Approval or Disapproval of Funding for the Planning, Acquisition and Construction of Renovations and Improvements to Four (4) South Windsor Elementary School Facilities

BE IT RESOLVED that the Resolution entitled “Resolution Appropriating $92,100,000 For The Planning, Acquisition And Construction Of Renovations And Improvements At Eli Terry Elementary School, Orchard Hill Elementary School, Philip R. Smith Elementary School and Pleasant Valley Elementary School And Authorizing The Issuance Of $58,675,000 Bonds Of The Town To Meet The Town’s Share Of Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose,” heretofore at this meeting adopted, be submitted to the Town electors for approval or disapproval at a Referendum to be held in conjunction with the general election to be held on November 2, 2004, and that the Warning of said Referendum state the question to be voted upon as follows:

1.        “Shall the Resolution entitled ‘Resolution Appropriating $92,100,000 For The Planning, Acquisition And Construction Of Renovations And Improvements At Eli Terry Elementary School, Orchard Hill Elementary School, Philip R. Smith Elementary School and Pleasant Valley Elementary School And Authorizing The Issuance Of $58,675,000 Bonds Of The Town To Meet The Town’s Share Of Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose,' adopted by the Town Council on August 30, 2004, be approved?”


(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


5.      D.  (Continued)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ballot label for said question will read as follows:

“Shall The Resolution Appropriating $92,100,000 For The Planning, Acquisition And Construction Of Renovations And Improvements To Eli Terry Elementary School, Orchard Hill Elementary School, Philip R. Smith Elementary School And Pleasant Valley Elementary School And Authorizing Bonds In The Amount Of $58,675,000 To Meet The Town’s Share Of Said Appropriation Be Approved?  YES    NO.”

Was made by::   Councillor Aman
Seconded by:    Councillor Streeter

The Motion was approved 6 Ayes to 3 Nays, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

        Councillor Fine                 No
        Councillor Aman                 Yes
        Councillor Paquin                       Yes
        Councillor Delnicki                     No
        Councillor Pendleton            No
        Councillor Streeter                     Yes
        Councillor Yacavone             Yes
        Deputy Mayor Pelkey             Yes
        Mayor Havens                    Yes

6.      Executive Session  - To discuss a draft agreement which would result in
  disclosure of public records or information which is exempt from disclosure at
 this time pursuant to C.G.S. §1-210(b)(1) and §1-210(b)(4).

Executive Session was cancelled because of the Town Attorney’s absence.


7.      Motion to Adjourn

A Motion to adjourn was made at 9:15 p.m.; duly seconded, and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmt.  (Exhibit A.)

Exhibit A