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Town Council Public Hearing 7/19/2004

JULY 19, 2004
7:30 P.M.



The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Mayor Havens.  The Clerk of the Council read the Call of the Meeting (a copy of which is attached).  The following Town Council members were present:  Mayor Havens, Deputy Mayor Pelkey, and Councillors Aman, Delnicki, Fine, Pendleton, Streeter and Yacavone.  Councillor Paquin was absent.  Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan and Town Attorney Barry D. Guliano were also present.

Howard Fitts, Chairman of the Public Building Commission, explained that he was in attendance this evening to request an additional appropriation of $45,000 to assist in the completion of the work on the schematic designs for the Elementary Schools Modernization Project.  He then presented the following information:

About two years ago approximately $200,000 was appropriated for the schematic designs and analyses of the existing schools with the goal of having them ready by June of this year.  The architect and construction manager finished their work and were scheduled to meet with the Council in June, but the number that came from the review of the schematic designs–$88 million–caused considerable discussion.  The Board of Education felt that this amount was beyond what the residents would vote for, so they asked the Public Building Commission to instruct the architect to redo some of the work with changes.  The specifications have been modified, and now additional monies are needed to go back to the architect to redesign, adjust, change, or modify the designs which were done previously.  The Construction Manager will then take those schematics and re-price the job.  

The Board’s changes in specifications have reduced the size of the buildings and the architect has been instructed, as he re-designs, to minimize the destruction of interior walls in all four buildings.  This will make a sizeable difference in the cost of the project.  

It is clear from the review of the specifications and the State requirements, that we have buildings that are not in conformance with current standards for health and safety, fire safety and ADA requirements.  There are interior stairs within the buildings which do not meet today’s requirements with ADA.  The gymnasiums have playing surfaces right out to the walls, and there have been some injuries caused by users of the buildings hitting the walls during play.  The

Public Hearing – Architectural Fees in the “Elementary Schools Project”
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July 19, 1004

gymnasiums in several buildings are part of the “step-system,” so the proposal is to move the gymnasiums to bring them up on a level with the rest of the buildings.  There is asbestos tile in some of the buildings, which will need to be removed.  The heating systems are forty years old and need to be changed, and sprinkler systems should be installed in the buildings.  They are hoping to avoid massive interior demolition.  

In summary, Mr. Fitts stated that in order for the Commission to come back to the Council in another month with reasonable numbers, they are asking for $45,000 for the architect to do the new designs.  Mr. Fitts pointed out that the architect had originally done the work requested of him in the time frame requested, for the amount of money which was quoted for the job.  It is only because the specifications have changed since he did his work that a new effort is being requested.  The goal is to have the work done by the middle of August in order to have new numbers for the Council by the end of August.  

According to Mr. Fitts, if the $45,000 is not appropriated, then the project will have to remain at $88 million.  

Councillor Delnicki stated that he had received a letter from Constance Moulton, which was read into the record.  It was Ms. Moulton’s opinion that the Board of Education should be responsible for this cost.  It was also her belief that the project should be “placed on hold” to re-evaluate the necessity of the project and that a more sensible solution would be to renovate one school at a time.

In response to Mrs. Moulton’s comments within her letter, Mr. Fitts stated that the money would be utilized by the Public Building Commission for two organizations to do work on this project.  The Board is not touching any of this money.

A straw vote was taken, the results of which were as follows:

Those in favor of the $45,000 appropriation – 0
Those opposed to the $45,000 appropriation – 0

The Public Hearing closed at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Merlyn Guild
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council
