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Town Council Public Hearing - 4/6/04


APRIL 6, 2004

6:30 P.M.


The Public Hearing was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Havens.  The Clerk of the Council read the Call of the Meeting (a copy of which is attached).  There were approximately 20 people present.

Council Members Present:

Mayor Edward Havens
Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
Councillor William Aman
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Judith Paquin  (Arrived at 6:50 p.m.)
Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
Councillor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Muriel Yacavone

Also Present:

Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan

The first to speak from the audience was Tom Berstene, 95 Brimfield Drive, said he was not present to comment on the “size” of the Town Budget; but, rather, on “how to identify, measure, and implement a more cost-effective Town Government.”  Referring to the previous recent Joint Meeting with the Board of Education, Mr. Berstene said that the concept of “merging many shared services” was brought up several times.  He felt that this was the correct approach to creating an efficient and effective government.

Public Hearing on the Proposed General Government Budget for
        Fiscal Year 2004/2005
Page 2
April 6, 2004

Saying that he wished to present two more thoughts on this subject this evening, Mr. Berstene suggested that the Town Council must commission a “study” comprised of citizens and representatives from the Board of Education and the Town Council to identify which components of the Town Government and the Board of Education should be merged.

A part of the study group’s charge, he added, should be the stipulation of a “timeline” for implementing these mergers.  Mr. Berstene felt that, without the pressure of a timeline, these mergers were just never going to happen.  He pointed out that merging services has been talked about for years, but enough has not been done in that area.

Mr. Berstene then referred to a process known as “lean management” which, he added, is employed to review departmental and organization-wide processes; identify key steps, lag time or loss time between steps that do not add value; and calls on the best practices for downsizing without encountering any of the problems that downsizing can create.  He reported that the results of “lean management,” have proven successful to many types of companies, health care providers, and government agencies—including local Town Governments.

Next to address the Council was Nancy Rosenbaum, 45 Cadbury Lane, said she was present this evening to speak about the Board of Education’s Budget.  She felt the Board had done an excellent job of reviewing the information they were given.  Ms. Rosenbaum stated that it was her opinion that the Board of Education “cut where they could, and added back what really should be in the Budget.”  She stressed what she felt was the importance of maintaining a strong educational program.

Mr. Peter Santoro, 66 Farm Brook Lane, said he wished to provide “some simple mathematics!”  He went on to pose the example of a resident of South Windsor who, last year, paid a tax bill of $6,500.  Stating that he had read that Dr. Wood, South Windsor’s Supt. of Schools, wanted an 8.7% or 8.5% increase in his budget “just to maintain the status quo,” asked what it would mean to the person who had paid $6,500 last year—he estimated that, in six years, at that rate a person would pay almost $11,000 in taxes; in 10 years, almost $15,000; and in 13 years; almost $20,000.  He stated that “We can’t afford that!”..

Public Hearing on the Proposed General Government Budget for
        Fiscal Year 2004/2005
Page 3
April 6, 2004

It was Mr. Santoro’s opinion that Dr. Wood’s “cuts” always “directly impact the kids;” and never the “bureaucracy.”  He stated that the “teachers’ union” has “gotten out of hand; they control the lion’s share of the budget; they want their guaranteed increases every year” while others in Connecticut are still losing their jobs.”  

Saying that, perhaps the school system in South Windsor, as alluded to by the previous speaker, is the Town’s main attraction; however, Mr. Santoro asked “who, in their right mind, is going to move to South Windsor and pay the tax bills that I mentioned?”

Mayor Havens then called for a straw vote on the proposed General Government Budget.  He asked—

        “All those in favor of the proposed General Government
                Budget as presented”                                                   1

        “All those Opposed?”                                                               1

The Public Hearing was closed at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council