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Work Session 6-2-2003


1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Aman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor William Aman
                                Deputy Mayor Matthew Streeter
                                Councillor Barbara Barbour
                                Councillor Paul Burnham
                                Councillor Thomas Delnicki
                                Councillor Deborah Fine
                                Councillor Judith Paquin
                                Councillor Edward F. Havens
                                Councillor John Pelkey

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                                Town Attorney Barry Guliano

3.      Public Participation  -  None

4.      Communications  -  None

5.      Town Manager’s Report   -  None

6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Entering into an Agreement with the South Windsor Soccer Club and/or Other Sports Organizations for the Lease of a Portion of Lawrence Road Park for Playing Fields

The first to speak to this issue was Mayor Aman.  He explained what the Town Council would be looking at; and stated that the Town Council should not be “locked” into a limited time period on this

Town Manager Matthew Galligan, speaking next, reported that the Park and Recreation Commission was also looking at this with an eye to having “all sports” taking a look at this.  He, too, felt that the Town should be looking at this, in total, with all groups.  He then introduced Craig Zimmerman, Chairman, of Parks and Grounds Commission.


 6.    A.    (Continued)

Before Mr. Zimmerman spoke, Mayor Aman made the point that “the baseball community has been doing exactly what we have been speaking about for the last 20 to 30 years.”

Craig Zimmerman then introduced himself and said that the Commission thought (1) It would be “late Fall” before we spoke of this—i.e., which land for which particular sport; (2) he asked--what about Town review process; (3) are we going to get some funds?  (4) what particular sport needs a field the most --football/lacrosse because they have no field?  

Mr. Zimmerman asked to be let know when this issue came back to Council; and suggested last Fall.

Mayor Aman responded that, as far as the “timing,” this would be something the Town Council would be discussing all the time. he asked Mr. Zimmerman to come back with a plan by the Fall.  Funding, he added, may “dry up;” and this is why he did not want to see this issue “sitting on the desk.”

Mr. Zimmerman agreed; and, in a related matter, added that he wanted to get back to the Town Council with the results of the Survey conducted by the Park and Recreation Commission. The Mayor mentioned this as a “possible Agenda item” sometime in the near future.  

Next to speak was Peter Keilich, 239 Kent Lane, who enumerated the playing fields lost to soccer within the year—they being (1) the field at Saint Francis of Assisi Church; (2) another field lost at Capitol Sweeping; and (3) the field in back of Union School on Main Street.  

Mr. Keilich said that he, personally, did not think the soccer club could wait until Fall; that their situation “demands that we do something now!”  He mentioned that because of early season practice by the lacrosse teams, the fields at Nevers Road are “trashed;” and, he continued, in some areas there is standing water.


 6.    A.    (Continued)

Mike Pease, 197 LeFoll Boulevard, said that he was a football manager and, in that program, there were 330 children between the ages of 7 and 15.  And although he new there was “no quick fix” to this problem, they all appreciated
any assistance the Town Council could give them.

Councillor Barbour pointed out that a list of Town-owned land had been provided this evening, and asked if this issue could be addressed this evening; and were the representatives from the various sports familiar with the areas listed here.

Councillor Havens said that the Town Council has “sat here for many an evening”……and, although he had no definite plan he felt the Town Council “had to come up with something.  Continuing, the then Councillor asked if there would be “trouble with the neighbors” were the Town Council to approve the use of Lawrence Road Park area for active recreation.

Town Manager Galligan pointed out (as has been pointed out for many years) that the 38 acres at Lawrence Road Park “has always been geared to recreation;” and what he has heard is the big question is the “cost” rather than the location.

Councillor Havens said that “5 to 7 years is too long.  We have an immediate need for fields in this Town NOW; and, it should be the (Town’s) #1 priority.  He then asked who would be developing the plan.

Mr. Galligan responded that it would be prepared by Park and Recreation.

Again, Councillor Havens stressed that it was his opinion that the Town’s top priorities were the “Town Hall space needs” and “recreation.”  He then asked if a “couple of fields can be carved out” at Lawrence Road Park to meet some of these recreational needs.  Mr. Galligan said that the first thing that had to be done in that area was to clean it up by removing all the brush, etc.

Councillor Delnicki asked once more about the possibility of having a plan back to Council in six (6) weeks; and suggested that the details of the plan be discussed, at length, at the second meeting of the Town Council in July (7/21/03).


 6.    A.    (Continued)

Craig Zimmerman said he would prefer to have that meeting in July downstairs and off-camera.  Councillor Delnicki agreed.

Councillor Paquin stated that, to her knowledge, Council has never been told “there is no game because there is no field.” Peter Keilich said that it was getting to that point with Union School field “gone;” St. Francis field “going;” and Veterans’ Memorial Park field being a “sand pit.”

When asked by Councillor Paquin why soccer doesn’t have a “season” like most other sports, Mr. Gene Jay, 18 Carey Lane, responded that soccer is an international sport that lends itself to two (2) seasons.

Craig Zimmerman then said that Director of Recreation, Ray Favreau, has asked the “Sports Council” to “take three (3) steps backwards,” and take a look at this in the year 2003—i.e., can another sport, for instance, use a baseball field in the Fall if baseball doesn’t return until the Spring.

The Town Manager asked those present representing the soccer club if the club had already set aside funds for this purpose.  Mr. Gene Jay replied that the club had set aside funds, on its own, for several years; and that it had contractors lined up who are interested in helping the Club.  The Soccer Club fees, he added, “are the lowest in the State.”

Deputy Mayor Streeter asked the Town Attorney if the Town were to lease this out, could it get some indemnity funds if someone is injured.  Mr. Galligan replied that, presently, the soccer club does indemnify the Town.

Councillor Pelkey said it was his feeling that people in Town do not want to spend the money at this time.  He suggested, however, that the Town can take “small steps,” and conveyed the fact that this evening, at Nevers Road Park, the High School “Lacrosse Team” was practicing on the Nevers Road “soccer field.”


6.      A.

The Councillor then asked what it would take to bring the VMP field up to some type of shape to accommodate a sport; and what would it cost?

Councillor Pelkey felt that another concern was the Ellsworth School field which, he added, was like a “dust bowl” in the Fall.

Saying she agreed for the need for a “time line,” Councillor Fine said she would, however, like to do this “as quickly as possible.”  In terms of the “length of the lease,” the Council felt that eventually “things go out of favor.”

Marc Glass, 406 Quarry Brook Drive, told the Council that there are over 400 kids drying out for traveling soccer this year.  He added that the Club “may not need a lease; that it had enough resources to build one (1) or one and one/half (1-1/2) fields right now.  All the Club is looking for, he said, is “land;” and it would like to “have the same deal as baseball has.”

(At this time, 8:00 p.m., Mayor Aman called the Regular Meeting to order, immediately recessed it in order to continue the Work Session.)

B.      Bulky Waste Pick-Up

Councillor Havens said he wanted a full report in September on what is “good,” and what is “bad” about the program.  He also wanted it monitored “closely.”

Councillor Fine said that when Council agreed to do this, she had asked for a 6-month report clause—particularly with regard to “fees.”

Mayor Aman said he was concerned about three items in the program.

Councillor Barbour asked about condominium “drop-off” area; and the process for disposal of stoves, microwaves, etc.


6.      B.  

Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works, responded that it would be up to co associations to determine where these items should be placed; and that there will be some “amendments” to the proposal—i.e., tires (4 of them will be considered one item.)

Councillor Pelkey stated that, during budget season, he was very much against this proposal, and still is.  He felt there would be many problems associated with this plan—in particular with regard to the condominiums.

When asked if an Ordinance had to be amended in order to changes these fees, etc., Atty. Guliano replied that the answer was “no.”  An additional footnote from the Town Attorney is that the Town currently had a contract with Waste Management to pick up the Town’s bulky waste.

C.      Mosquito Control in South Windsor – Update on Issue of West Nile Virus, Encephalitis, and other “Mosquito-borne Diseases” for the Upcoming Summer Season

Town Manager Matthew Galligan said the aim was to “treat all of our catch basins, and look at our parks; and, check our State Statutes to see if we should be voluntarily educating our people.

D.      The Installation of Sidewalks Along Ayers and Nevers Roads Including a Timeframe

Mr. Galligan said that there is some additional cost the Town Council should be aware of, and asked Town Engineer Jeff Doolittle to explain.

Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer, then described the location where these sidewalks are being planned; and explained that no “taking of land” to accomplish their installation was necessary.  There would be a little over 1,000 feet of sidewalk installed; and the cost would be broken down as follows:  $51,000 (applied for from LoCIP); $5,000 cost of design; $95,000 construction cost; and the need for $50,000 more than originally requested.


6.      D.    (Continued)

Mr. Doolittle went on to report that the sidewalks could be constructed in two months—i.e., they could be constructed by this Fall.

Mayor Aman asked him when drainage would be addressed; and commented that Council had originally discussed some type of fencing between the sidewalks and the street.

Mr. Doolittle warned against “puddling” of the sidewalks—his recollection being that the main purpose of the installation of these sidewalks was not to solve the problem of Ayers Road drainage, but was for “safety reasons.”

Councillor Pelkey said he was concerned about the two months construction time; and asked what type of impact would the construction have on the safety of the folks using the fields; or walking to and from the fields.  The Councillor then reminded the Town Manager that, some time ago, he had requested the #s regarding the parking lot at the upper field.

Mr. Galligan told the Town Council that if they wished to “go with something less,” it was possible to do so.

Quoting from information he had retained from the meeting of July 9, 2002, Councillor Burnham said he was “surprised” at the jump in cost for this project.  He said he would like to see staff stay with the $51,000 original price, and concentrate on the “safety of the children.”

7.      Executive Session  -  None

8.      Motion to Adjourn

A Motion to adjourn was made at 8:40 p.m., duly seconded, and was approved, unanimously.

Respectively submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council