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Work Session 1-27-03



1.      Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order by Board of Education Chairperson Kathleen Soucy Daugherty at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Council Present:        Mayor William Aman
Deputy Mayor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Barbara Barbour
Councillor Paul Burnham
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Judith Paquin
Councillor John Pelkey

Council Absent: Councillor Havens

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
                Melanie Crucitti, Director of Finance

Board Members
Present:                Kathleen Soucy Daugherty, Chairperson
                                David S. Joy
                                Victoria McCulloch
                                Keith Yagaloff
                                Thomas Reale
                                David Wilson

Board Members
Absent:         Patrick Hennessey
                                Antoinette Rodrigues
                                Janice Snyder

Also Present:           Dr. Joseph Wood, Supt. of Schools

Public Participation – None

Communications – None

5.      Town Manager’s Report

6.      Items for Discussion

Prior to the individual items being discussed, Ms. Daugherty stated that she felt that the roles and responsibilities of the Board and the Council should be addressed.  She said that questions have been asked by both Council members and Board members concerning the Board’s presentation of their budget to the Council—how much information is enough, how much is too much.  According to Ms. Daugherty, “if the Board’s budget is not approved in its entirety, it is fair to say that there will be cuts.”  

It was Ms. Daugherty’s opinion that, while citizens have a right to come to the Council and discuss budget reductions, it is important that the Council’s response is that the Board has worked hard on the budget and that the Council is not in charge of the individual reductions to the budget; that lies within the purview of the Board.  Mayor Aman said that it would be helpful if he had a list of the Board’s meeting dates, times, etc., during which the public would be allowed to speak, so that he could refer citizens to those meetings.  As clarification, Dr. Wood stated that the Board’s work sessions are not interactive sessions, but the Board does have a meeting which is specifically set for the public to react to the decisions made by the Board.  

Discussion ensued with regard to the limited time period during which the public is allowed to speak at Board of Education meetings.  It was agreed that there is a lack of understanding on the part of the citizens regarding the process of budget development.  Dr. Wood stated that they need to be aware that the Town Council is required, by Charter, to hold a public hearing on the Board of Education’s budget, and they are allowed to speak at that time.  

It was emphasized by Board members that February 10 is the night which has been designated for soliciting the public’s response.  At the meeting following that one, the Board will approve a budget figure which they have arrived at between February 10 and February 25.  The budget is due to the Town on March 15, in accordance with the Town Charter.  

6.              Items for Discussion (Continued)

Dr. Wood pointed out that it is difficult to stay current with the process in such a way that allows people to get information in a timely manner.  Mr. Wilson suggested that an information sheet be made available for the public, listing the dates of meetings and the roles of both the Board of Education and the Town Council.  

Regarding the actual presentation of the budget, Ms. Daugherty questioned whether there might be a different way that the budget should be presented to the Council.  It was agreed that a summary of how the bottom line is reached is important.

Dr. Wood stated that the public discussion of the Board of Education budget quickly devolves into a percent increase, and it doesn’t do justice to informing the public about what goes into that increase.  He would prefer more discussion about the value side before the costs are addressed.  

It was emphasized that changes are always made to the budget after it has been submitted to the Council.  Ms. Daugherty noted that there are Board of Education meetings held during the month of March, and public participation is accepted at each of those meetings.  Even though the budget has been submitted to the Council at that time, it doesn’t make a difference because it comes back to the Board even if the Council has “not changed a nickel.”  

The topic of press coverage was discussed and the fact that it has been lacking.  

10-Year Budget Projections and
Revenue Projections

See attached Exhibit A, distributed by the Town Manager.  

In projecting costs, Dr. Wood suggested the use of predictive assessments, rather than previous budgets.  Also suggested was that the population growth be projected on the same form.  Mayor Aman indicated that tax rates will need to be examined and included.

6.              A. & B.  (Continued)

Mr. Yagaloff questioned the $70 million bond issue, and Mr. Galligan responded that it was an estimate used with regard to a variety of scenarios.  

The current economic situation was discussed, as to the role it would play regarding projections.

The document presented this evening was a conceptual tool.  The mechanics of a template regarding such projections were addressed.  The first data would identify the projected goals of the Board and Council, and based upon those goals, costs would then be calculated.  

Anticipated Mill Rate for 2003/2004 Fiscal Year

See attached Exhibit B, distributed by the Town Manager.  The “Assumptions” listed on the lower half of the page were reviewed by Mr. Galligan.  It was noted that an item not included on the sheet was the revaluation, and that those numbers would be to the State as of March 31.  Stating that the revaluation will be done every four years, Mr. Galligan said that the Town Staff will do 25 percent of the Town each year, so that when the last year is reached, an outside company will not have to be hired.  

Regarding the General Fund Surplus listed on Exhibit B, Mr. Galligan said that the Council had previously used a figure of $800,000, but that amount was increased for the last couple of years.  Unanticipated revenues frequently become available; however, the Council is very conservative when it comes to income.  

Mr. Galligan said that Town road aid is not accounted for in revenue, because there is always the fear that it will be cut; and it was recently cut by nearly $200,000.  Town road aid is handled as a supplement to the road improvement budget.  

6.              D.      Other Areas of Common Fiscal Interest and Concern

Councillor Burnham stated that, as a member of the Elementary School Study Committee, he was quite frustrated with the time constraints and problems which have arisen with the work of this Committee.  Ms. Daugherty said that the role of the Citizens Advisory Committee is very defined and that the Board has met with them to clarify their role.  She added that the architect is selected by the Public Building Commission, and they are currently conducting interviews.  The Board will discuss a variety of items with the architect, and it is the Board which approves the design concept.

Ms. Daugherty said the report from the Citizens Advisory Committee is due in mid-February.  The Board will then have a work session, after which a joint meeting will be scheduled with the Council.  

Councillor Delnicki questioned the impact that the settlement of Sheff vs. O’Neil might have on the Board’s budget both short term and long term.  Ms. Daugherty responded that the Superintendent has not yet had a meeting with the Commissioner of Education, but the Board is keeping a close eye on this.  

7.      Executive Session – None

8.      Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was made at 9.25 p.m.  It was duly seconded and was unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Merlyn P. Guild
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council
