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Public Hearing 6/24/02


JUNE 24, 2002

7:00 P.M.


The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:05 p.m.  There were approximately 90 to 100 residents present at this meeting.  The Clerk of the Council read the Call of the Meeting (copy attached).  

Council Members Present:

        Councillor Barbour
        Councillor Delnicki
        Deputy Mayor Streeter
        Mayor Aman
        Councillor Havens
        Councillor Pelkey

Council Members Absent

        Councillor Burnham
        Councillor Lassman Fisher
        Councillor Fine

Also Present:

        Town Manager Matthew Galligan
        Town Attorney Barry Guliano

Mayor Aman initiated discussions by stating there were a couple of specific items with regard to this discussion that he wished to clear up immediately that being where a driveway from this proposed park would be coming out (either Lawrence Road or Dart Hill Road).  That decision, he informed the audience, would be made by the Planning & Zoning Commission, and the South Windsor Police Department (acting as our Traffic Authority).  

The discussion this evening, the Mayor said, should be confined to the question.  Should we put athletic fields, a common area, picnic tables, etc., and walking trails in the Park, with the exact locations to be worked out by the Architect in the future.  He then asked Town Manager Matthew Galligan if he, too, wished to speak to this before receiving citizens comments.

Mr. Galligan said he did; and began by stating that many options have been examined with regard to Lawrence Road Park, as well as the Barton property, Nevers Road Park, and the Rye Street Park.  His comments, he added, would be subject to Park & Recreation Commission examination, as well as that of other Town agencies.

The Town Manager pointed out that one of the public's major concerns when speaking of new athletic fields, etc. was the possibility of the illumination of those fields.  With regard to this, Mr. Galligan used this opportunity to apprise the public of a new location to be considered for athletic fields that being the property given to the Town by the State at the I-291 corridor.  The stipulation was made by the State at the time of this presentation that this parcel of land had to be used as open space, or for recreational purposes.  

Mr. Galligan suggested that, perhaps, this might be an excellent location to relocate the proposed football field and full lacrosse field (with lighting) to; and, an excellent place to also add two (2) lighted baseball fields and a soccer field.  This move, he added, would bring the two athletic fields presently slated for the Barton Property, and the baseball field slated for Nevers Road, over to the I-291 Corridor property.  In the case of a tournament being scheduled in our area for these sports, Mr. Galligan felt this location could accommodate the crowds and parking.

Continuing, the Town Manager pointed out that these fields could be lighted because the property is located in an industrial area with no homes in the immediate proximity; however, P&Z would have to grant a special use permit to allow athletic fields in that type of zone.  He stressed that this was an option that the Town Council should explore in order to
Mr. Galligan continued on by saying that the Priest Property was being looked at for only walking trails.  These could amount to $530,000; and were being considered in the area where the Town bought the 160 acres because those walking trails would lead down to the millpond, etc.  As far as the remaining activities to be considered for the Barton Property, he added, were the Scout Camp, and the walking trails.  

Mr. Galligan closed his remarks by suggesting that Council conduct a Work Session, in the Madden Room, in order to roll up our sleeves and really take a look at these issues; get Park and Recreation input, etc. and determine if this is a viable plan.

Mayor Aman informed the audience that were the Town Council to agree to the proposal just made by the Town Manager, Lawrence Road Park would still be developed; there would still be fields there; however, he continued, it would remove some of the concerns many of the neighbors have regarding the possible future installation of lights or public address systems in proposed athletic fields.

Craig Zimmerman, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission, made a brief presentation of what was being proposed for this area.  After giving a brief history of the Park and Recreation Commission's Master Plan, Mr. Zimmerman stated that what was being stressed this evening were soccer fields, playgrounds, and trails since these are what are currently scheduled to go in on the Lawrence Road property.

Mr. Zimmerman spoke of the overlooked positive economic affect recreation has on property values, economic development, and community aesthetics; and the positive affect it has on children.  Using charts, Mr. Zimmerman then made comparisons of activities in the Town over the last 20 years
Population in South Windsor has increased by 44%

Growth in sports  particularly in soccer, which increased over 200%

Number of fields built in the last 20 years:  In reality, none.

216% more children participating in sports in the last 20 years.

Inability to rest fields in some cases, making them dangerous.

Continuing, Mr. Zimmerman then referred to and elaborated on the changes made to the map the residents had received in the mail versus the map that was being discussed this evening.  He then went through things you see on this map that we, clearly, have no intention of doing in the Referendum in November.  Among the most important of these items being (1) location of fields are as yet to be determined; (2) there are no lights; (3) there is no permanent sound system; etc.

Concluding, Mr. Zimmerman pointed out that Mark Slubosky, Vice Chair of the Park and Recreation Commission, was present this evening to mark down those areas of concern most voiced by the public.  Mr. Zimmerman hoped he would be allowed time at the end of this meeting to address some of those concerns.

Using the sign-up sheets provided at the rear of the Chambers, Mayor Aman then called upon those wishing to speak, publicly, on this issue.  They were:

        Kevin Reilly, 215 Lawrence Road
        Paul Bruno, 20 Leah lane
        Joseph Addona, 18 Spinners Run
        Alan Witkin, 64 Lawrence Road
        Paul Rizza, 8 Spinners Run
        Dave Krupa, 70 Perrin Lane
        Anita Cappalla, 25 Cheshire Drive
        Lisa Feinstein, 15 Heatherwood Drive
        Lawrence Torff, 521 Quarry Brook Drive
        Elisa Vieira, 51 Paper Chase
        Frank Jurgens, 575 Felt Road
        George Charlton, 200 Nevers Road
        Robert Murphy, 64 Perrin Lane
        George Thomson, 8 Perrin Lane
        Dayton Stimson, 279 Lawrence
        John Stonoha, 268 Lawrence
        Alex Weil, 50 Vincent Circle
        Kathy Calling, 35 Vincent Circle
        John Wentworth, 36 Vincent Circle
        Connie Vendetta, 7 Vincent Drive
        Lisa Pressamarita, 152 Lawrence Road
        Kathy Sladyk, 89 Pierce Road
        Lori Speziale, 27 Heatherwood Drive
        Maggie Lichtman, 15 Vincent circle
        Jim Puida, 7 Spinners Run
        Brad Sylvester, 220 Lawrence Road
        Donald Gates, 249 Lawrence Road
        Cliff Slicer, 391 Niederwerfer Road
        Steve Waldeisen, 30 Leah lane
        Wayne Dalesic, 45 Perrin Lane
        Patrick Joyce, 93 Spinners Run
        Ed Cullen, 36 Heatherwood Drive
        W.S. McCaffrey, So. Windsor Swim Club
        Barton Pettit, 232 Lawrence Road
        Bruce Robbin, 88 Cliffwood Drive
        Gary Walker, 191 McGrath Road
        Jim Neiswanger, 123 Pine Knob Drive
        Jeffrey Post, 43 Heatherwood Drive
        Denise Bero, 92 Spinners Row
        Gene Jay, 18 Carey Lane
        Joe Candeias, 258 Nevers Road
        Jim Moriarity, 90 Skyline Drive
        Nick Odams, 27 Chatham Lane

Following remarks by the public, Mayor Aman called for a straw vote on the

Referring to the proposal to develop soccer fields, walking trails, and other recreational facilities on the Town's open space land on Lawrence Road:

                All those in favor:                     25 +/-

                All those opposed:                      45 +/-

Thanking the public for coming out this evening in such large numbers, Mayor Aman assured them that the remarks, opinions, and recommendations they presented this evening would certainly be given serious consideration by both the Park and Recreation Commission and the Town Council.  He then called the Public Hearing closed at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council
