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Special Meeting 4/29/02
ACTION MINUTES  Page 1  April 29, 2002  

TOWN COUNCIL - Special Meeting
Council Chambers - South Windsor Town Hall

Members Present:        Mayor William Aman
                        Deputy Mayor Matthew Streeter
                        Councillor Barbara Barbour
                        Councillor Paul Burnham
                        Councillor Thomas Delnicki
                        Councillor Deborah Fine
                        Councillor Lassman Fisher
                        Councillor Edward Havens
                        Councillor John Pelkey  
Also Present:   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                Town Attorney Barry Guliano     


At 8:00 p.m., Mayor Aman called the Regular Meeting to order and immediately recess it to continue the ongoing Work Session.  Following the adjournment of the Work Session at 8:10 p.m., Mayor Aman reconvened the Regular Meeting.

3.      Public Participation

Tony Fornuto, 17 Gulley Drive, spoke on the need for the SWEPT program in South Windsor.  Mr. Fornuto said he also wished to express his outrage at what he perceived to be the poor treatment of the public, by the Members of the Board of Education, at its April 10 Public Hearing on the Proposed Board of Education Budget.

Bruce Burnham, although favoring some type of program in our school system for gifted students, nevertheless felt that the current program was flawed, discriminatory, expensive, and disruptive for those students who had to be taken out of their respective classes and bussed to another school for SWEPT classes.   In particular, Mr. Burnham felt that taking the brightest students out of the classroom lowers the academic level of the remaining class which he felt resulted in a negative affect on the overall school system.  He offered as a solution reduce the cost by eliminating the bussing to other schools; don't remove the bright students from the regular classroom where they are needed; give these students extra teaching and extra assignments at their own school without bussing; do this in a Study Hall or after school hours; have interested parents help fund this program (if they are financially able); get the Town, the State, or corporations to contribute financially to qualified students who cannot afford the program; seek funds through our Legislators (Kerensky, LeBeau, and Larson), and keep the program; don't throw it away; current its fault; and improve it.  

Nancy DeMay, 69 Charing Road, who, as a representative of the SWEPT parents, said she wished to thank everyone for listening to our group for such a long time.  She credited Town officials with providing steady communication the entire time.  She felt, and others have expressed the same feelings to her, that to retain, or not to retain the SWEPT program, should not be a political issue. Ms. DeMay said it should be about how to provide the best education for the students in South Windsor.  

Another aspect of these negotiations that she wished to speak on was that it was unusual for a group to directly approach the Town Council on an item directly related to the Board of Education's proposed budget.  The reason for this approach, she said, was that it was generally felt that the Board of Education had tried hard to come in with a Budget that would be accepted rather than one that the Town Council would feel a need to cut.  

She concluded by asking the Town Council to restore to the Board of Education those funds needed to reinstate the SWEPT program.  

Dan Abrahamson, 83 Morgan Farms Drive, said he was one of those present to try to keep the support effort for the SWEPT program alive.  If the program needs to be modified, it should be done but should not be eliminated. Dr. Abrahamson felt that the program should be funded for one more year, during which time its flaws, or problems can be studied and remedied before the next Town Budget is formulated.

Dick Kelley, 49 Rosemary Lane, addressed the Council about his concerns about how tax dollars are spent.  He felt that the SWEPT program has a lot of wrinkles; but it's worth having if we work it out!  He said that he was not here, however, to discuss SWEPT that he would bring those concerns directly to the Board of Education.

Mr. Kelley reminded those present that this Town has a Charter, and this problem belongs with the Board of Education.  He felt it was unfair to make this a political issue; and asked that the Town of South Windsor live up to its motto of One Town One Future.  

Next to speak was Kathleen Daugherty, Chairperson of the Board of Education, speaking on behalf of the Board.  Ms. Daugherty reiterated that the Budget passed and before the Town Council since March is a retrenchment budget, which required numerous reductions to the status quo.  The decisions, she added, were difficult
Continuing, Ms. Daugherty said that the Board of Education would be receptive to additional monies beyond the $44 million requested.  However, she added, the Board believed that this Resolution specifically targets the reinstatement of the SWEPT program.

Ms. Daugherty said that they have many issues and many reductions that would compete for any additional funds.  She also stated that the Board felt the creation of a priority listing was inappropriate; and the decision to reinstate any program reductions should occur only if additional monies were to be provided.  

Continuing, Ms. Daugherty felt that by authoring this type of Resolution the Town Council undermines the Board's budget deliberation process, its decision-making ability, and sets a precedent.  She also felt that the suggestion by the Town Council that the Board of Education reinstate a program with additional funds showed the Council's lack of respect for the Board of Education and its authority.  

Gerald Boisvert, 18 Alexander Place, addressing the Chairperson of the Board of Education, reminded her that there had been a Public Hearing at which many people spoke in favor of the SWEPT program.  He said it was his assumption that, since if was a joint meeting of the Board of Education and the Town Council, the purpose of that meeting was to hear the public.  In light of this, Mr. Boisvert asked that process and protocol not be the only criteria being considered but that the eloquent speeches by the public over the last month and a half in support of the SWEPT program receive equal consideration.

4.     Communications

        Councillor Delnicki announced that there would be a fund raiser pancake breakfast which was to be held on Sunday May 5, 2002, 8:00 a.m. until noon, at the Community Center on Nevers Road proceeds to benefit the Police Honor Guard.

5.      Town Manager's Report  -  None

6.      Special Business

A.      Directions to Town Manager to Prepare Potential Revisions to 2002/2003 Town Budget to be Considered by Town Council, as Requested by Members of the Town Council

Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Reducing the Public Works Refuse Disposal Budget by $137,511 and Increasing Capital Improvements, Recreation Administration and Human Services Budgets by Same Amount

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget for Town Council consideration, by reducing the Public Works Refuse Disposal Budget (Account Number 1338-3240-320) by $137,511;
increasing Capital Improvement Budget by $117,120; increasing Human Services Youth and Family Part-time Wages Account Number 1421-4215-113 by $11,232; and increasing Recreation Administration Part-time Wages Account Number 1511-5112-113 by $9,159.

Was made by:    Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by:            Councillor Fine
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Special Revenue Pollution Control and Wastewater Treatment Fund Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Making Adjustments to the Capital Improvement Budget

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Special Revenue Pollution Control and Wastewater Treatment Fund Budget for Town Council consideration, by making the adjustments to the Capital Improvement Budget as shown on attached Exhibit A.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Streeter
Seconded by:            Councillor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Increasing the Capital Improvement Budget to $1,791,773

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget for Town Council consideration, by increasing the Capital Improvement Budget to $1,791,773
Was made by:    Councillor Barbour
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey

There followed a brief discussion regarding what was included in this Budget.  Following this discussion, Councillor Delnicki moved to amend the Resolution to exclude from the Capital Projects Budget the $38,000 appropriated for the Pleasant Valley/Clark Street project.  The Motion to Amend was defeated 6 Nay to 3 Aye, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

        Councillor Barbour              -       Yes
        Councillor Fine                         No
        Councillor Burnham                      Yes
        Councillor Havens                       No
        Councillor Delnicki                     Yes
        Councillor Lassman Fisher               No
        Deputy Mayor Streeter           No
        Councillor Pelkey                       No
        Mayor Aman                              No

Following this vote, Mayor Aman called for a vote on the Resolution.  The Resolution was approved, 8 Ayes to 1 Nay, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

        Councillor Barbour              -       Yes
        Councillor Fine                         Yes
        Councillor Burnham                      No
        Councillor Havens                       Yes
        Councillor Delnicki                     Yes
        Councillor Lassman Fisher               Yes
        Deputy Mayor Streeter           Yes
        Councillor Pelkey                       Yes
        Mayor Aman                              Yes


Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Increasing the Board of Education Budget by $175,000

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council has realized that there are certain programs that have been cut from the Board of Education budget due to these difficult fiscal times and that the Board of Education, under the Strategic Planning process, has presented a reasonable budget, taking into consideration the global picture of rising costs and taxes; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council appreciates the Board of Education's hard work in providing a budget that was well thought out while maintaining the level of services to the community

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget for Town Council consideration, by increasing the Board of Education budget by $175,000.

Was made by:    Councillor Havens
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey

A lengthy discussion ensued regarding this Resolution.  Following the discussion, Mayor Aman called for a vote on the Resolution.

The Resolution was defeated 5 Nays to 4 Ayes, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

        Councillor Barbour              -       No
        Councillor Fine                         Yes
        Councillor Burnham                      No
        Councillor Havens                       Yes
        Councillor Delnicki                     No
        Councillor Lassman Fisher               Yes
        Deputy Mayor Streeter           No
        Councillor Pelkey                       Yes
        Mayor Aman                              No

Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Special Revenue Recreation Fund Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Increasing the Capital Improvement Budget by $10,000
(Councillor Barbour)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Special Revenue Recreation Fund Budget for Town Council consideration, by increasing the Capital Improvement Budget by $10,000 and increasing the Appropriation from Fund Balance by $10,000.

Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Restoring Police Department
(Councillor Delnicki)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget for Town Council consideration, by restoring $131,112 in funds for the creation of a Police Department

Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Special Revenue Recreation Fund Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Increasing the Capital Improvement Budget by $10,000

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Special Revenue Recreation Fund Budget for Town Council consideration, by increasing the Capital Improvement Budget by $10,000 and increasing the Appropriation from Fund Balance by $10,000.

Was made by:    Councillor Barbour
Seconded by:            Councillor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Restoring Police Department Staffing Stabilization Program Funds of $131,112

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget for Town Council consideration, by restoring $131,112 in funds for the creation of a Police Department Staffing Stabilization Program.

Was made by:    Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by:            Councillor Barbour

The Motion was approved 7 Ayes to 2 Nays, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

Councillor Barbour              -       Yes
        Councillor Fine                         Yes
        Councillor Burnham                      Yes
        Councillor Havens                       No
        Councillor Delnicki                     Yes
        Councillor Lassman Fisher               No
        Deputy Mayor Streeter           Yes
        Councillor Pelkey                       Yes
        Mayor Aman                              Yes

Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Restoring the
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget for Town Council consideration, by restoring $44,891 to fund a new Human Services Specialist I position for Adult/Senior Services.

Was made by     Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by:            Councillor Barbour

Following a brief discussion, Councillor Delnicki Moved to Table this Resolution.  The Motion to Table was seconded by Deputy Mayor Streeter, and approved, unanimously.

Resolution Directing the Town Manager to Revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget to be Considered by the Town Council, by Restoring the Part-time Secretarial Position to the Fire Marshal's Budget at a Cost of $12,500

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to revise the 2002/2003 Town Budget for Town Council consideration, by restoring $12,500 to fund a part-time secretarial position for the Fire Marshal's Office.

(The above Resolution was originally requested by Councillor Delnicki;
and before any action was taken, was withdrawn by
Councillor Delnicki)

B.  Resolution Requesting a Presentation by Representatives from the Board of Education on the Architectural Elementary Study Requested in the Capital Projects Budget for Fiscal Year 2002/2003

WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Education to hire an architect to conduct a study in order to evaluate the needs of all South Windsor elementary schools, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has been working on this project for some time, assessing the various demographics of the community for the past two years; and

WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Town Council to help fund this study in order to produce a document which will provide a clear focus for the future of our children; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council is not involved in such a program on a monthly basis, as it is the responsibility of the Board of Education, the Council would like to obtain additional information from the Board of Education and the Public Building Commission so that it might clearly understand the purpose of the study, the effect on the community, and the procedures and policies that will be followed in order to successfully complete this project; and

WHEREAS, it is not the intention of the Town Council to delay or hinder this project but rather to understand the intricacies of the study so that it may support such a project on behalf of the Board of Education; and

WHEREAS, it is requested that, before any funds are expended, a presentation be made to the Town Council at the earliest possible time so that the following areas of concern can be addressed:

What involvement will the Public Building Commission have on this project?

What procedures will be in place for the selection of the architect for this study?

What involvement will the Board of Education have in this project with the Public Building Commission?

What will the timeframe be for completion of this project?

Will the Town Council be updated at monthly meetings by the Public Building Commission as the project progresses?

Will a complete overview be provided as to the project's purpose and the potential ramifications to the community?

What other groups may be involved in this process?

How would the information be disseminated to the public so that they are totally informed as to the effects on the school system?

What financial and payment procedures will be in place for the payment of such services?

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council requests the presentation as soon as possible and requests that no funds be expended from this capital account until such time as the presentation and discussion have occurred.

Was made by:    Councillor Lassman Fisher
Seconded by:            Councillor Delnicki

A lengthy discussion ensued.  Speakers during this time were Superintendent of Schools Dr. Joseph Wood; Board of Education Members David Joy and Jan Snyder; and Councillor Lassman Fisher.

Following this discussion a Motion to Table was made by Councillor Lassman Fisher; was seconded by Councillor Delnicki; and was approved, unanimously.

C.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $35,000 from Contingency Account to Town Attorney's Professional Account to Cover a Portion of the Cost of Legal Services by Outside Counsel Associated with the Installation of a Fuel Cell at South Windsor High School

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $35,000 from Contingency Account Number 1910-9001-390 to the Town Attorney's Professional Account Number 1155-1550-320 to cover a portion of the cost of legal services by Updike, Kelly, & Spellacy, P.C. associated with the installation of a fuel cell at South Windsor High School.

Was made by:    Councillor Lassman Fisher
Seconded by:            Councillor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

7.     Executive Session  -  None

8.     Motion to Adjourn

At 11:00 p.m., Mayor Aman called for a vote to continue the Regular Meeting past 11:00 p.m.  Councillors Fine and Haven voted against this Motion.  The Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmts.  (Exhibit A, and Schedule A)