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Special Meeting 4/22/02
MINUTES Page 1  April 22, 2002  

TOWN COUNCIL - Special Meeting
Council Chambers - South Windsor Town Hall

Members Present:        Mayor William Aman
                        Deputy Mayor Matthew Streeter
                        Councillor Barbara Barbour
                        Councillor Paul Burnham
                        Councillor Deborah Fine
                        Councillor Lassman Fisher
                        Councillor Edward Havens
                        Councillor John Pelkey  
Members Absent: Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Also Present:   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                Town Attorney Barry Guliano     


3.      Public Participation

Speaking from the audience was Craig Zimmerman, 5-A Amato Drive, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission, who said he had been watching the proceedings this evening at home and had to come out to ask a couple of questions.  Mr. Zimmerman then asked of the Town Manager, or the Mayor if the decision is made to use LoCIP funds toward the Park & Recreation Master Plan, when does the Town have to specifically designate (for instance) …..what fields?……what facilities?……what parks?……..what sports?

Mayor Aman replied that at the time the Town applied for LoCIP funds it would have to have a fairly detailed plan at that time of how the funds are going to be allocated.  Continuing, the Mayor said that after the project is finished, a second application with actual costs and reimbursement is received at that time.  Mr. Galligan concurred with the Mayor's remarks.  Mr. Zimmerman then asked if he was talking….May, June, July, August…….?  Mayor Aman said the Town could do that call for a Public Hearing, allocate the funds that evening; the Town Manager could make application the next day.  Since the project was in the recreation field, the process was usually very quick, he said.  

Mr. Zimmerman then asked when the Council would be making a decision with regard to the Lawrence Road Open Space.  Mayor Aman then said that he would like to do that during the month of June so that some work could be started this building season.

Mr. Zimmerman said that the Park and Recreation Commission has, to date, had preliminary discussions, only, on the possibility of using LoCIP funds for recreational projects.  However, Mr. Zimmerman expressed his feelings, and those of the other Commission Members that taking care of only one facility that being soccer and Lawrence Road would be absolutely the wrong route to take.  He was unsure if this was the #1 priority of the Master Plan or the Park and Recreation Commission.

The need for more soccer fields, baseball fields, lacrosse facilities, and a football field, he said, was a given.  And, at the end of May of this year, the P&R Commission would be presenting its vision of what the revised Master Plan should look like.  Mr. Zimmerman said that the Commission would appreciate any input from the Council; and also requested that Council delay any specific recommendation on how it will be using the money until the more fundamental decision on what else is going to be done with recreation is decided.

Councillor Lassman Fisher told Mr. Zimmerman that she had the same concerns if a recreation plan is submitted to LoCIP for funding, she did not understand how any plan other than the one approved by Council a year ago could be submitted particularly in view of the given timeline.  Continuing, the Councillor informed Mr. Zimmerman that if the Park and Recreation Commission is working on a revision, it seemed to her that the Town Council needs to take action on the revision before pledging the money.

Mayor Aman said he was happy that the P&R Commission was looking at the Master Plan.  He said he, personally, would have to be convinced that a Referendum Question was called for this Fall because he was reluctant to approve similar Referendum Questions back-to-back a year apart particularly when last year's Question failed at the polls.  

The Town Manager said he wished the Council to understand that there is $22 million in the 10-year LoCIP Fund plan.  South Windsor, he added, has $500,000.  What the Committee suggested was that Council (1) make sure that the project is in the Plan; and (2) that the $500,000 will make a difference in one particular area one that is meaningful.  Everyone on the Capital Projects Committee was committed to the fact that something has to be done in recreation some projects had to be moved along to make a major difference in the community.

Deputy Mayor Streeter felt that were the Town to obtain these LoCIP funds it could at least begin some forward motion on the Master Plan.  He added that he would hate to see another failed Referendum.  He asked Mr. Zimmerman where the Town would be were it to experience another failed Referendum.  

Councillor Pelkey, too, felt that the Master Plan was approved and based on citizen input not just on the input of the Town Council and/or the Park and Recreation Commission.  The reasons for its failure at the polls, he felt, was a matter of conjecture it could have been the amount of dollars sought; the type of recreational activities being considered for financing; etc.  

Councillor Lassman Fisher stated, once again, that it was not fair (particularly to abutters) to change the Master Plan without going through the process that was used to adopt that Plan.  Mayor Aman disagreed; and reminded her that all the Plans must come to the Town Council for final decision--even last year's Referendum Question, he stated, which did not follow the Plan but only too items from the Plan it intended to fund at that time.

Again, Councillor Lassman Fisher disagreed with his remarks and pointed out that the Referendum is different from the Plan; and if Council chooses to change the Plan, it must give the citizens of South Windsor an opportunity to speak to these changes as was done with the original Park and Recreation Master Plan.


4.      Communications  - None

5.      Town Manager's Report  - None

6.      Special Business

A.      Resolution Appropriating $7,500 for Fireworks Display in Observance of Armed Forces Day

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the transfer of $7,500 from Contingency Account #1910-9001-390 to the South Windsor Patriotic Commission Account #1910-9002-380 to fund a fireworks display scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2002 in observance of Armed Forces Day.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Streeter
Seconded by:            Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

B.      Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of $1,000 for Cheney Tech Project Graduation 2002

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes and directs Town Manager Mathew B. Galligan to contribute $1,000 from Contingency Account #1910-9001-390 to the Cheney Tech Project Graduation fund to help defray expenses associated with this annual event.

Was made by:    Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by:            Councillor Burnham
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously


7.      Executive Session

Councillor Pelkey moved to go into Executive Session to discuss pending claims and litigation; it was seconded by Councillor Barbour, and approved unanimously.

8.      Adjournment

        The meeting was adjourned immediately following the Executive Session.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council