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Work Session 4/1/02


1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Aman called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor William Aman
Deputy Mayor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Paul Burnham
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor John Pelkey (Arrived 7:50 p.m.)

Members Absent: Councillor Barbara Barbour
                                Councillor Deborah Fine
                                Councillor Lassman Fisher

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                                Town Attorney Barry D. Guliano

3.      Public Participation

4.      Communications

5.      Town Manager's Report

Items for Discussion

Proposed General Government Budget for 2002/2003
The following budgets were addressed by the Town Manager:

Town Council

There are three basic objectives for the Council with regard to the 2002/2003 fiscal year:  

1.      Continue the strategic planning initiative with the Boards and Commissions.  Under that initiative, the Town Council has established a routine where twice a year the Boards and Commissions come together to discuss issues.  These meetings have been extremely successful.

Continue to encourage local economic development

Build additional recreational fields.  The Soccer club is looking to work with the Council in making application for grants for various fields which were earmarked for soccer.  There is about $400,000 in LoCIP funds which has not been used, and there is a possibility that this may be used for recreational fields.

The increase in the budget is mainly attributable to increases relating to dues for various organizations, as well as the audit fee.  

When asked about the Growth Council, Mr. Galligan explained that it was not included in the budget; and, if the Council wished to fund that once again, it would be approximately $6,000.

Human Relations Commission

This budget has remained the same for a number of years and is used primarily for office supplies.  This Commission is re-focusing to become involved in other areas since issues which were previously addressed by this Commission are now handled at the State level.  

Historic District Commission

One of the differences in this budget over last year relates to the proposal for an intern to prepare an inventory of historic homes.  Mayor Aman reminded Council that $2,000 had previously been allotted for signs indicating historical importance.  He suggested that an intern look into this as well.

Public Building Commission

This budget has not been increased.  It is used primarily for the part-time salary for a recording secretary.  When asked about the difficulty in obtaining secretarial services for various boards, Mr. Galligan explained that the difficulty is due to the hourly rate and, therefore, staff secretaries (under union contract) are serving several commissions.  It was suggested that the hourly rate be examined.

Housing Authority

The funds in the Rental and Leases Account pay the rent of Mrs. Watson, whose family donated a substantial amount of property to the Town.  

Mayor Aman, referencing the expansion of senior housing and the funds previously used for a study, asked if there would be requests coming forward in the coming year.  Mr. Galligan felt that once the study was completed, requests would then be made to the State for funding.  

Councillor Havens had various questions about the auditing of this Commission, and Mr. Galligan said that the Town's auditors did not audit the Housing Authority.  He said he would look into this and report to the Council in the future.  Mayor Aman suggested that, as a standard policy, their audit report should be forwarded to the Town's auditors for a review.

Redevelopment Agency

The Town no longer has an Economic Development Coordinator.  The $10,000 for the Professional Account is for land appraisals, etc.  The Redevelopment Plan is being reviewed by boards and commissions.  There will be a public hearing; and once it is adopted by the Redevelopment Agency and is provided to Council, the Town will begin soliciting for State and Federal funds.  

Inland/Wetlands Agency and Conservation Commission

This budget has not increased over last year.  When asked about the Landscaping Account, Mr. Galligan said this related to maintenance of the walking trails and the wildlife sanctuary.

Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Commission (SWALPAC)

The time and work of this Commission were noted.

Park & Recreation Commission - The accounts were briefly reviewed.

Planning & Zoning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals

There are no increases to this budget.

Mr. Galligan stated that some commissions are very leery of raising their fees.  He said that this is something the Council may wish to discuss with board chairpersons.  He said that there are often times that the Engineering Department staff expends a great deal of time, and it might be beneficial for the Department to charge fees to recoup some of the costs.  This will be discussed later as part of Public Works.  Mayor Aman suggested a comparison of the advertising fees.

Mayor Aman noted that, over the past year the P&Z and the ZBA have been in court several times.  He said that this has come out of the Town Attorney
Economic Development Commission

The Commission will be meeting with the Board of Education tomorrow evening to discuss how the EDC can help the Board by supporting certain projects which will bring in new revenues to help defray taxes and maintain the quality of services in Town.

The Professional account has increased.  Mr. Galligan said that once the fiscal impact analysis work is done on the Evergreen Walk project, the demographics should be updated.  

Probate Court

East Windsor, the other town represented by the Probate Court contributes about $6,000.  A formula is used, taking into consideration the populations, to determine the contributions of the two towns.  Funds are also generated by fees.

Jury Committee

The three members of this Committee have the responsibility of compiling a yearly list of jurors.  They are paid a rate of $5.00 per day per State Statute for the time required to prepare a jury list.  The $175 computer service fee is for the random selection of jurors.

Registrars of Voters

The second payment for new voting machines has been left in capital.  There still remains a controversy as to the type of machines to be used.  

The adding of a seventh district has not increased this budget at this point.  

Town Manager

A database has been created with regard to economic development.  There may be some home businesses which have not registered with the Chamber.  

The budget was prepared in relation to the strategic plan, and additional conferencing was done with staff members.  The budget structure is more goal oriented.  

Improvements need to be communicated to the public.  The type of services provided and the comparison to other communities should be shared.  

The plan for the 291-Corridor needs to be finished.  

The executive secretary position is not a new position; it was taken out of Central Services where it was funded and was moved to the Town Manager
The Work Session was recessed at 8:05 p.m. in order to call to order a Public Hearing.  It reconvened following the Public Hearing.

Town Attorney

Accomplishments for the past year were noted, and Mr. Galligan spoke of the benefits of having a full-time Town Attorney.

The difficulty in estimating an amount for the Professional Account was noted.  If one major lawsuit comes along, it can wipe out that budget and necessitate a transfer from the Contingency Account.

6.              B.      General Budget Discussion

Mr. Galligan explained that for every $100,000, there would be a .21% tax increase.

Executive Session - None


A motion to adjourn was made at 8:15 p.m.  It was duly seconded and was unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Merlyn P. Guild
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council
