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Regular Meeting - 4/16/01


Minutes Page 1  April 16, 2001

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

Members Present:        Mayor Lassman Fisher
Deputy Mayor Havens
Councillor Aman
Councillor Burnham
Councillor Delnicki
Councillor Fine
Councillor Pelkey
Councillor Streeter
Councillor Williams

Also Present:   Town Attorney Barry Guliano
        Director of Finance Melanie Crucitti

The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Lassman Fisher at 8:00 p.m.

Public Input

______________________, Cody Circle, noted his disappointment in the Town Council’s position on a 5 percent tax increase.  He felt that the number was too high and requested that it be reduced.

Environmental Health & Safety Message – None

Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings – None

Public Petitions – None

Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council

Marjorie Anthony, Chairman of the Economic Development Commission, stated that a tax partnership abatement had been approved by the Economic Development Commission for Nutmeg Road South, LLC d/b/a Total Fitness.  She noted that John Valles is a resident.  He was the wrestling coach at South Windsor High School; he started the wrestling club there; and he purchased and donated the wrestling mats.  He is currently co-coaching at Timothy Edwards Middle School and is coaching for Parks & Recreation.
Town Council Meeting
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April 16, 2001

9.      (Continued)

Mr. Valles is currently renting his corporate headquarters on Nutmeg Road South and would like to build across the street on Lot #6, currently known as Constitution Landing.  He has six stores, five in Connecticut and one in Massachusetts.  He sells and installs physical fitness equipment to corporate businesses and to the retail public.  The wrestling facility would be made available to the youth of South Windsor.  

The tax partnership is 50 percent for three years and the implementation is dependent upon Total Fitness, Inc. meeting the estimated assessment figures, the continued operation in Town for ten years; and the maintenance of local facilities at a minimum of current levels during the ten-year period.  If these conditions are not met, Total Fitness, Inc. will be required to refund all assessment reductions

Communications and Reports from Town Manager – Town Manager Galligan was absent; however, Judy Hall, Assistant to the Town Manager, reviewed the memorandum included in the Council’s packets (attached).

Reports from Standing Committees - None

Reports of Temporary Committees – None

Communications and Petitions from Council

Deputy Mayor Havens noted his disappointment in the poor attendance of the public at the Public Hearing for the General Government Budget as well as other meetings.  He suggested that the public call with reasons for the lack of participation.  Mayor Lassman Fisher explained that all types of correspondence are welcome—letters, calls, e-mail, etc.  She then noted events which had taken place during the last week.

At this time Councillor Streeter made a motion to move Item 17.C. forward.  The motion was seconded and approved.

Town Council Meeting
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April 16, 2001

17.     C.      Resolution Appropriating Funds from the Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditure Account to the “South Windsor Rotary Field Project”