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Regular Meeting 11-6-00


Minutes Page 1  November 6, 2000

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

Before calling the meeting to order, Mayor Lassman Fisher had rebroadcasted to the viewing public the film recently shown on local television regarding South Windsor’s TOPSoccer program created especially for children with special needs by Mr. Mark Glass, President of the South Windsor Soccer Association. Following the film, Mayor Lassman Fisher presented “Certificates of Appreciation” to the participants in this very worthwhile soccer program.

For the record, following are the names of the recipients, and their roles in the program:  Coordinators: Maureen Chevrier, Denise Toce; Players:  Kevin Ajodhi, Sean Burke, Matt Cutler, Danielle Dumond Alyssa Earwaker, Taylor Famiglietti, Emily Mailman, Adam Parnes, Anna paterson, Matthew Reid, Anthony Saltarella, Mallory Thompson, and Michael Woodcock;  Mentors:  Benjamin Kozik, Mark Cohen, Brandon Cohen, Samantha Cohen, Jeffrey Chapman, Kim Linde, Martin Cruz, Loretta Giansanti, michael Posocco, Elizabeth Lassman, Bryan Mailman, Amy Eearwaker, David Lather, Marissa Wolff, Julie Cutler, Bryce Richards, Erik Lanza, Samantha Schoen, Dominique Mercure, Erin Ladd, Drew Mercure, Zack Reilly, Nicole Wegrzyn, Laura Stryker, Rebecca Alleano, and Linda Holcombe.

Other presentations made by the Mayor this evening were to participants in the recently held Hartford Marathon--specifically, to the man and woman who were South Windsor’s top male and female runners in that Marathon.  She named the 12 South Windsor residents who completed the Race; and then presented Trophy Cups to  Robert King, who came in at 3 hrs. and 15 minutes; and to Audra Flint, who came in at 3 hours and 48 minutes.  Both recipients were present to accept their trophy from the Marathon Association, and the congratulations of the Town Council.  


1.      Call Meeting to Order

The Meeting was then called to order by Mayor 8:20 p.m.

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4.      Roll Call

Members Present:                Mayor Lassman Fisher
Deputy Mayor Havens
Councillor Aman
Councillor Burnham
Councillor Delnicki
Councillor Fine
Councillor Pelkey
Councillor Streeter
Councillor Williams

Also Present:                   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                Town Attorney Barry Guliano

5.      Public Input

Roy Normen, Homestead Drive, referred to a Public Hearing held by the Town Council in January regarding the Economic Development Commission Ordinance.  At that time, he said, he had tried to point out the issue that the General Statutes provide for the Economic Development Commission to be a promotion of development and economic resources--to be an advocate.  

Continuing, he said his comments at that time, and tonight aren’t intended to reflect on any personal individual’s performance or participation since he felt “everyone has been doing a good job.”  However, he felt it raises the whole issue about the public’s perception of “conflicts.”  He stated that there was “no conflict of interest;” that, according to Ordinance, “conflict of interest” has to do with monetary gain.  Mr. Normen felt that many people used that term rather broadly.

He said he continued to feel that there is a direct conflict in the “charge of duties”--that any agency has a regulatory responsibility; has to be objective; and has to be perceived as objective by the community.

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5.      Public Input   (Continued)

Mr. Norman was of the opinion that to have people serving on both “Economic Development Commission” as well as the “Planning & Zoning Commission,” or the “Zoning Board of Appeals,” or any number of agencies that have regulatory authority presents that “conflict of charge.”  He felt it would be best if Council were to reconsider that Ordinance and see that EDC Members do not serve in any capacity that includes Boards or Commissions that have “regulatory responsibilities; decide on appeals; have oversight of business activities; set fees and charges for businesses; and approve funding of grants.

6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message - None

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

Motion to accept the minutes of the following Town Council meetings:  Regular Meeting of September 18, 2000; Public Hearing of October 2, 2000 (Re.: Provision of Potable Water to Portions of Miller Road, Barber Hill Road, and Foster Road Ext.); Work Session of October 2, 2000; and Work Session of October 16, 2000.

Was made by:    Councillor Burnham
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

8.      Public Petitions  -  None

9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council

Marjorie Anthony, Chairperson of Economic Development Commission, said she was present this evening to present the Commission’s proposal for a tax partnership with Carla’s Pasta, Inc., 275A Progress Drive, Manchester, to relocate their facility and corporate headquarters to Lot #3 in property known as “Constitution Landing,” Nutmeg Road, South Windsor.  
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9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council   (Continued)

Mayor Lassman Fisher informed those marching in the “MetroHartford Veterans’ Day Parade” of the meeting time and place--i.e., at the South Windsor Community Center, Nevers Road, no later than 8:00 a.m.  The marchers will then be transferred, by bus, to Parade formation located in East Hartford.  

For the public’s information, the Mayor reported that the Parade will start at 9:30 a.m., and proceed down East River Drive to Pitkin Street; over the Founder’s Bridge to State Street, and then on to Bushnell Park in Hartford--a distance of approximately 2.7 miles.

Elizabeth Pendleton, Member of the Patriotic Commission, rose to state that the Commission was inviting all Veterans to participate in the Parade; and, if anyone feels they cannot march the 2.7 miles, they can ride in the two buses being provided, since the buses will also follow the Parade Route in our Town’s group.  

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Town Manager Matthew Galligan informed the Council on upcoming Mediation for the Public Works negotiations.  He said, although the Town and the Union were “not that far off” on the negotiations, there were a few important and sizeable ones that need to be resolved.

Speaking on the recently developed “web site” for the Town, Mr. Galligan stated that one problem is the ability to constantly update information.  With this in mind, and with about $80,000 approved by Council under the Capital Budget for web site development, there is a new procedure that the Town will be instituting next week called Virtual Town Hall.  

“Virtual Town Hall,” he continued, is a product recently developed by a company in Maine whose equipment and service can be accessed through our own computer system, and which allows the Town to provide updated information via a link to our existing web site.  Due to these capabilities, according to the Town Manager, each Department can update its information on a daily basis.  
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10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager   (Continued)

Continuing, Mr. Galligan said that the cost of this web site is currently $200/month  He felt that the benefits of this “site” far outweighed its cost.
He also reported that the Town staff has formed a committee to study this innovative program and have already gone out to bid.  The Town Manager expected that a few weeks from now a totally different web site would be in place.

Mr. Galligan added that, in spite of the fact that the South Windsor Chamber of Commerce had its own web site, he would be inviting them to share the Town’s in order to take advantage of these other innovative programs.  He felt it offered the Chamber the opportunity, under the economic development incentives to be a part of this, and to learn what type of businesses “are out there.”  The Town Manager said, along this line, the Chamber is working on a program to list all the businesses in South Windsor, and their products.

Another item the Town Manager wished to discuss was that Denise Whitford, Economic Development Coordinator, has been working very hard on a new kiosk system--new brochures, and a new package for “video.”  One of these videos, he said, the Town hoped to put on a CD-ROM, so that an executive could “throw it in his computer and see a film about South Windsor.”

In January, the Town Manager hoped to have a “Business After Hours” sponsorship of the Town Hall where the Town could work with businesses and show what the Town does on a daily basis--Public Works, Police, Fire, etc.--at which time this kiosk would be presented to the business community.  

What has been discovered, Mr. Galligan said, is that 55-60% of the communities throughout the United States do a “one-on-one” presentation with businesses today.  They “go to shows,” they go to “presentations,” they go to “conferences,” and they go after the development--he discovered that communities were “going back to the old way of doing things--putting
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10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager   (Continued)

your shoes on, and getting out of the office and going to sell the Town.”  Mr. Galligan felt that is what South Windsor should do, at this point.  This whole concept, according to the Town Manager has been discussed with the Chamber of Commerce and they, too, seem to be very interested.  He said that sometime in January a presentation would be put together for the Town Council.

Mr. Galligan mentioned the upcoming proposals for tax partnerships.  He then said that Town staff has been working with the South Windsor Housing Authority to look into what is being offered by a group called “Metro Realty.”  This company has done, according to Mr. Galligan, “an unbelievable senior housing project in Avon.”  The Town Manager felt it was one of the nicest projects he had seen; and could provide good housing for South Windsor seniors who are in desperate need of “good good housing.”

Mr. Galligan did not agree with the “headlines” in The Journal Inquirer which categorized this housing as “low income.”  He did not agree--what this is, he said, is “upscale housing” at an affordable price for seniors.  

Another program the Town Manager wished to make the Town Council aware of is one being carried out in the Town Hall, by staff, called “Cost of Waste Program.”  Explaining, Mr. Galligan said a survey was sent out to all General Government employees asking them to list all the things they considered “wasteful” in Town government.  New recommendations to alleviate this waste have come up each day, he said.

Referring to the 232 acres of property formerly owned by the Catholic Cemeteries Association, Mr. Galligan reported this land has been sold to “Northern Hills Associates.”  What is unusual about this, he said, is that it is an outright purchase (not “subject to……..”) in the amount of $14 million.  He felt it was obvious that the Developers are very serious about developing in the Town of South Windsor.  

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10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager   (Continued)

On another matter, Mr. Galligan asked that Council view a copy of a recent Channel 30 - Hartford broadcast that did a profile on the Town of South Windsor.  It was the Channel’s intent, he said, to do the same for all 169 Towns--but South Windsor was the first.  Mr. Galligan was very pleased with the way the program was conducted.  (He then played the video.)

This concluded the Town Manager’s Report.

Councillor Williams, stating that she felt the Council has been very patient, asked if they would be getting a report on the “Master Plan” from the Park and Recreation Commission.  

Mr. Galligan informed her that the Report is done; and the Park and Recreation Commission representative(s) would have been present this evening; but, since it is the eve of Election Day and most Councillors wished to keep the meeting to a reasonable length, the decision had been made to present the Master Plan to Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting on November 20.

Councillor Williams directed her next question to the Town Attorney.  Referring to the letter he had sent to the Presidents of South Windsor’s various condominium associations, she asked if he, or any other Town staff, had responded to the complaints that arose when she, the Town Attorney, and the Town Manager had visited certain “senior housing” developments in Town.   Atty. Guliano replied that he had not because the Town Manager was still looking for possible funding to address their immediate concerns.  

Both the Town Attorney, and the Town Manager, stated that there were some issues that could be taken care of; however, several remained that would require additional funding.  Mr. Galligan reminded Council of the recent Resolution they had passed with regard to looking into the provision of certain Town services to condominiums, etc.  

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10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager   (Continued)

In consideration of all this, Mr. Galligan said he was trying to come up with a fair cost estimate of what it would costs the Town to do “lighting,” trimming of trees,” etc., and, in conjunction with this, a “reimbursement system.”  Because of the “liability to the Town” involved, Mr. Galligan felt strongly that some type of “reimbursement system” was far better than the Town going into these complexes and, using Town forces, actually doing the work.

Councillor Williams agreed and implied that she was not dictating practice; however, she did want some type of response to these people to let them know just where the Town was, at present, with regard to addressing their requests.

Mr. Galligan said he would respond to the five (5) Senior Developments.

Deputy Mayor Havens recommended that a full hour at a Work Session, or even a full evening of a Special Work Session, be devoted to the report regarding the PARC’s Master Plan.  He did not want to see this matter “rushed through.”  Mr. Galligan agreed.

Councillor Burnham, referring to an issue he had brought up at Council’s last meeting, asked the Town Manager if anything had been done with regard to the removal of the “full” dumpsters remaining at the former “Shell” gas station at the corner of Rye Street and Sullivan Avenue.  These dumpsters, he reiterated, have been sitting there for months, and have never been emptied.  He asked if anything, to date, has been done with regard to seeing to their removal.

Mr. Galligan replied that he had received no response back from the owners of that piece of property.  He offered, again, to call Sanitary Services regarding their removal.

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11.     Reports from Standing Committees  -  None

12.     Reports from Temporary Committees  -  None

13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

Deputy Mayor Havens said he wanted to remind the citizens of South Windsor that there is an important “Referendum Question” on the ballot tomorrow having to do with the Veterans’ Memorial Park Pool.  He urged the residents to support this project; and reminded them of how easy it is to forget to vote for the questions on the ballot.

The Deputy Mayor also asked the Town Manager if he could report on the possibility of providing “some relief” for the two houses on Barber Hill Road left out of the bonding issue for potable water.  Mr. Havens said he and the Town Manager had discussed this previously.

Mr. Galligan replied that he had a discussion with the State’s Department of Environmental Protection about this.  After considering the cost of the filtering systems being suggested for these two houses, the provision and monitoring of these filters for at least 20 years at a cost of about $50,000 to $60,000 he said his contention was that an 8-inch line in the ground at a possible cost of $120,000 would be a “permanent solution.”  He said that the DEP was currently looking into the possibility of funding the extension of the proposed water line and thus get away from all that monitoring, etc.  

Mr. Galligan said that, to date, the DEP has not gotten back to him.  He has also spoken with The Connecticut Water Company; however, that Company said they would not be willing to participate in the cost of this extension for their own economic reasons.  He said the discussions would continue; but, again, said he preferred to see the water line extended--it would be a permanent solution.

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13.     Communications and Petitions from Council  (Continued)

Councillor Burnham reported that he had the opportunity last Thursday evening to attend a Forum at the Community Center sponsored by ERASE.  The Forum was a “community exchange program” on stress and youth substance abuse.  Three (3) facilitators were present, he said; and those in attendance broke down into three informal groups.  Mr. Burnham said another Forum would be conducted in the Spring of 2001.

14.     Public Participation  -  None

15.     Consent Agenda  -  None

16.     Unfinished Business

A.      Update on Economic Development  -  Done

17.     New Business

A.      Resolution Approving a Tax Refund to Eighteen (18) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a refund of property taxes to twelve (12) South Windsor taxpayers, as listed on attached Exhibit A.

Was made by:    Councillor Williams
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

B.      Discussion Item:  Proposed Tax Partnerships with (1) Windsor Steel Corporation; (2) G&R Marine LLC; and (3) Carla’s Pasta

Mayor Lassman Fisher pointed out that all three of these proposals have been presented to the Economic Development Commission for their opinion.  She then introduced Economic Development Coordinator Denise Whitford who would be providing more details.

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17.     B.  (Continued)

Mayor Lassman Fisher said that these proposals would be in Resolution Form on the next Regular Town Council Meeting Agenda on November 20, 2000.

Ms. Whitford then began her report by requesting that the order of Proposals be reversed so that she could address the went on to explain the Tax Partnership being sought for Carla’s Pasta, since principals for this company were present in this evening’s audience.

Regarding Carla’s Pasta Inc. and the Limited Liability Corporation who will own the real estate--namely, Suri Realty--Ms. Whitford reported that the corporation is currently located at 275A Progress Drive in Manchester.  This corporation, she continued, approached the Town’s representatives last month and asked if South Windsor would consider the current partnership (presently before the Council, and attached hereto as Exhibit B.)

Ms. Whitford said that Carla’s Pasta, Inc. is the first of a number of different projects that will be coming into the project commonly known as Constitution Landing.  

This Project, according to the Coordinator, will include an approximately 45,000 square-foot facility on 7.43 acres, known as Lot 3 located at Constitution Landing.  The facility will include 40,000 square feet of warehouse and production space and 5,000 square feet of office space, she said.

Continuing, Ms. Whitford reported that Carla’s Pasta, Inc. anticipates they will spend an estimated $9.95 million dollars on this project.  The cost to the Town of South Windsor, she report, was as stated at 100% tax partnership, for seven (7) years, on the real estate property to be granted upon the date of the “Certificate of Occupancy;” and 100% for seven (7) years on the Personal Property, and placed in operation effective 10-1-2001 and 10-1-2002, as defined by applicable Statutes.  
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17.     B.  (Continued)

The Economic Development Coordinator went on to explain, in more detail, the break-downs and figures shown on attached Exhibit B; and to explain that these figures were reached by Town Assessor Charles Danna, based upon the Plans submitted in a preliminary session from Carla’s Pasta Inc., and Suri Realty LLC.

Ms. Whitford reiterated the “Net Result” of this proposed partnership; and the conditions the implementation of this tax partnership would be dependent upon.  She pointed out that the Town benefits from land value change on assessment and 100% rebate from the State of Connecticut Manufacturing Assistance Program for the first five (5) years on the Personal Property.

The first five years were chosen, she said, because that would be the period during which the value of that equipment would be higher.  Following that, a depreciation schedule established by the Town of South Windsor would be utilized to reach the value of what that Personal Property would be the last two years--these last two years being the period the Town was being asked to consider a Personal Property Assessment Reduction--known as an abatement--and, again, the years where the Personal Property’s value would be at its lowest of the seven years requested.

This proposal, according to Ms. Whitford, is part of a three-party agreement that has been established with the current Developer and land owner, Hale Realty.   The taxes on the “raw land,” she said, will be passed through to the existing Developer/Land Owner to defray a portion of the cost associated with this project to improve the roads and extend the sewers.

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17.     B.  (Continued)

Carla’s Pasta Inc., Ms. Whitford stated, is the first of nine (9) parcels to be sold by Hale Realty; and, in order to get this project “up and running,” the roads and sewers in that area must be improved and extended.  She pointed out that the first one in on the development of an area such as this is usually the first one to get “socked” the
worst--thus the reason for this proposal and discussion this evening..

Ms. Whitford said that a number of conditions have been established in order to protect the Town.  They being:  1) The real estate improvements, and the cost associated with that; and the personal property purchases outlined in the Proposal, must be at least 75% of the company’s estimate as shown on the Proposal; 2) Carla’s Pasta Inc., and Suri Realty LLC, or its successors, shall remain in South Windsor for at least 15 years; and 3) Carla’s Pasta Inc. and Suri Realty LLC, or its successors, shall maintain their Connecticut-based employees at least 90% of its current number of employees.

Ms. Whitford said, that the Company currently employs 75 people--and this review would be conducted each October.

The 4th condition would be if Carla’s Pasta Inc. or its successors do not maintain these conditions, it will be obligated to reimburse the Town for the amount equal to the tax rebates as set previously, minus any tax rebates issued to the Company pursuant to the State of Connecticut Manufacturing Assistance Program.

Ms. Whitford additionally informed the Council that if and when Carla’s Pasta Inc. relocates to the Town of South Windsor, they would be bringing additional Personal Property with them.  This Personal Property, she said, is exempt from the State of Connecticut’s Manufacturing Assistance Program (commonly known as M65).  This figure is estimated to be around $40,000.

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17.     B.  (Continued)

Providing some background on the land site, Lot #3, Ms. Whitford said that in the process of working with the existing owners and developer, it was learned that this lot was currently bringing to the Town roughly $2,600 in taxes; and although the Town would be forgiving taxes for the Company in the proposed partnership/abatement, in the first year, alone, it was estimated that the Town would gain about $96,500; and there are eight (8) more Lots remaining.

Deputy Mayor Havens then asked Ms. Whitford to repeat the information pertaining to the rebate from the State of Connecticut.  The Deputy Mayor asked if, in recent years, a similar program existed in other communities--specifically the Town of Manchester.

Town Manager Matthew Galligan said this had occurred with the development of the Buckland Mall.  The partnership for the development of this Mall was, basically, for seven (7) years; however, now, the Town of Manchester was collecting because the seven years were over.  Mr. Galligan pointed out that this program is extended by State Statute--that this was South Windsor’s only Economic Development Program--there were no “Enterprise Zones,” or other areas that allow the Town to do even better.

Deputy Mayor Havens asked the Town Manager for some idea of the amount of revenue that could be generated from the date of the Company’s Certificate of Occupancy.  He also asked if this was the Town’s “first venture” into this type of rebate--to which Mr. Galligan replied that it was the Town’s first venture as far as allowing a 100% tax abatement; however, in the case of Output Technologies, another recently developed manufacturing concern in South Windsor, a “seven year tax abatement” was approved, but at 80%, rather than 100%.

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17.     B.  (Continued)

This company, too, according to the Town Manager, received a State of Connecticut Manufacturing Assistance Program rebate for Personal Property--which rebate went to the Town of South Windsor.

Again, the Deputy Mayor asked for an idea of how much revenue in taxes would be derived from this Company following its receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy.  Mr. Galligan

A lengthy discussion then ensued during which the Town Manager, and Town Assessor Charles Danna, explained 1) new conditions set by the Town because of the 100% abatement; i.e., the 15 years of continuous operation in the Town of South Windsor now required, rather than the usual five (5) years; 2) again, the “revenue” the Town would be receiving over specific periods of time in this abatement agreement, and what the Town would not receive if it opted to not grant this abatement;  3) the future of the remaining eight (8) lots in this area; and 4) the information provided by the Town Assessor, and attached hereto as Exhibit C.  However, questions followed from all the Councillors and it was determined by the end of this discussion that the “Preliminary Estimates” sheet, dated 11/06/2000, and attached hereto as Exhibit C. had to be revisited because of discrepancies in the figures provided.

Summing up what was being said, Mayor Lassman Fisher reiterated that “there is a large parcel of commercial land that’s been sitting there for many many years, undeveloped.  One of the main reasons it’s been undeveloped is because it has no sewer system and it has no roads; and the first guy in has to put all that stuff in place.”  The Town Manager said this was correct.

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17.     B.  (Continued)

Continuing, the Mayor said that what was being asked was that the Town, in this case, be a little more generous” because it was finally going to get the first “developer” (business) into this area; and, perhaps because of this first company’s installation of roads, sewers, and other utilities, other companies would be enticed into considering locating in this area.

To allay public fears that the Town may be setting a precedent with the granting of a 100% tax abatement in the case of Carla’s Pasta, Inc., Mayor Lassman Fisher pointed out that this was a “unique” situation--if this business did not have the “burden” of installing sewers, roads, other utilities, the Town would not be doing this.  

The Mayor also warned any other businesses that might move to this area that they should not expect the same type of abatement, since they would not be required to install sewers and an infrastructure as Carla’s Pasta, Inc. will have to do should the company decide to move to this site in South Windsor.

Finally, the Mayor asked what was meant by the language that states “Carla’s Pasta, Inc., or its successors.”  She asked what are “its successors;” where they any businesses whose principals are the same as these, in the future.

Atty. Guliano said that this would also allow for the sale of the existing business if they chose to do that; or set up a different entity.  If the business was sold, but continued to operate at this same site and met the same conditions, it would remain within the present agreement--the people it was sold to would continue to be bound by this agreement.

The Mayor said that this item would appear, in Resolution form, on the Town Council’s Agenda for November 20.  At that time, she said, there would be another opportunity to ask questions re. this.
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17.     B.  (Continued)

Ms. Whitford then went on to address the proposed tax abatement for Windsor Steel Corporation.  She said that this business has been in South Windsor since 1972; had contacted the Town regarding a tax partnership in 1997; but, unfortunately, was delayed from proceeding because of the demise of one of its Principals.  

This request, according to the Economic Development Coordinator, was revisited in May of 1999 when Windsor Steel Corporation purchased the land at Commerce Way.  In August of this year, Ms. Whitford reestablished contact with one of the Principals at the Company; and received from them a Bid--or estimated figure of what the cost of the construction of this new facility would be, as well as their written request to enter into the Town’s “partnership” program.

This Company, Ms. Whitford reported, is currently located at Edwin Road in South Windsor; however, it will be constructing a 21,450 square foot facility at 124 Commerce Way.  The facility, she said, would include 14,000 square feet of warehouse space, 3,700 square feet of light industrial, and 3,900 square feet of office space.

The Company’s current facility is “leased;” however, Ms. Whitford stated, they will be purchasing and owning in South Windsor.

Continuing, Ms. Whitford reported that the Company has grown from three (3) employees to nearly 18 employees; and from 1,500 square feet to moving into 21,000+ square feet.  The cost of this project, she said, will be $1,248,000; and the Town of South Windsor would be offering this Company a tax partnership of 50% for three (3) years, with the requirement that the Company remain in South Windsor for ten (10) years.

Ms. Whitford went on to explain the remaining figures and conditions shown on the Development Proposal for Windsor Steel Corporation, a copy of which Proposal is attached as Exhibit D.
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17.     B.  (Continued)

There were no Council questions regarding Windsor Steel Corporation.

Ms. Whitford then went on to address the third company being considered for a tax abatement/partnership--G&R Marine LLC, which was located at 1535 John Fitch Boulevard.  This facility, she said, was purchased earlier this year; and a partnership was being looked for only on the improvements or the additional square footage in other words, the Company is constructing a 2,600 square foot addition of warehouse space to the existing facility.

The estimated cost of this addition is $138,000; and, she reported, the Town of South Windsor is offering a tax partnership of 50% for three (3) years.  

Ms. Whitford then went on to explain the Development Proposal for G&R Marine LLC, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit E.

Councillor Burnham mentioned that, although the EDC’s Resolution indicated “to construct an addition;” and he had noticed that an addition was already constructed.  He asked if this was the same “addition.”  Ms. Whitford replied that it was; however, the Company has not, to date, received their official “Certificate of Occupancy;” and it was being requested that this tax abatement proposal be issued, if applicable, prior to the CO being issued.  

Ms. Whitford assured Councillor Burnham that the Company had come to the Town prior to this expansion--that the paperwork came into Town offices after the company had received their estimate of cost.  The delay from April to September, in large measure, according to Ms. Whitford, was because she is prohibited from proceeding prior to receipt of the estimated cost figures and the Company’s “written request.”  

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17.     B.  (Continued)

Deputy Mayor Havens, stating that he certainly supported the abatement programs, however felt that one of the conditions would be that, in every case, the company’s taxes be kept current.  Atty. Guliano replied that certain conditions, this being one of them and code violations being another, were always part of the agreement; however, the conditions being discussed this evening were “extra” conditions.  

Councillor Pelkey suggested that a good opportunity to explain this process to our business community would be at the Open House with the South Windsor Chamber of Commerce.  He felt that this additional education, as a group, would expedite the abatement/partnership process, and alleviate many misconceptions regarding a “tax partnership.”  Ms. Whitford said she would be more than happy to make a presentation explaining all this at the referenced “Open House.”  

This ended the discussion, this evening, on the proposed tax abatements/partnerships.

C.      Resolution Referring the Proposed Discontinuance of a Portion of Felt Road to the Planning and Zoning Commission for Their Report

WHEREAS, Felt Road is an unimproved “paper” road where it is located between Palmer Drive and Foster Street in South Windsor, Connecticut; and

WHEREAS, Linda V. Cloutier is the owner of 103 Palmer Drive, South Windsor, Connecticut, which property abuts the unimproved portion of Felt Road; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

Regular Meeting - Town Council
Page 20
November 6, 2000


17.     C.  (Continued)

WHEREAS, Mrs. Cloutier has filed a written request with the Town Council and the Board of Selectmen that the portion of Felt Road which runs from a point approximately three hundred seventy two feet (372’) northerly of the intersection of Palmer Drive with Felt Road, and extending northerly to the intersection of Felt Road with Foster Street, be discontinued by the Town, leaving as a public road that portion which runs from the intersection of Felt Road with Palmer Drive to a point approximately three hundred seventy two feet (372’) north of that intersection.  (Said portion of Felt Road to be abandoned is depicted on a map entitled “Felt Road Abandonment Map Compilation Plan Prepared for Town of South Windsor Felt Road, South Windsor, Connecticut Design Professionals, Inc.  Date:  8-24-00 Job No: 99-1245 Sheet 1 of 1”, which map is attached hereto as “Exhibit A” and was provided as an exhibit with the original request for the discontinuance.); and

WHEREAS, any plan to discontinue a portion of a public road must first be submitted to the South Windsor Planning & Zoning Commission for a report, pursuant to Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plan to discontinue that portion of Felt Road that leads from a point approximately three hundred seventy two feet (372’) northerly of the intersection of Palmer Drive with Felt Road, and extends northerly to the intersection of Felt Road with Foster Street, as depicted on a map prepared by Design Professionals, Inc. entitled “Felt Road Abandonment Map Compilation Plan Prepared for Town of South Windsor Felt Road, South Windsor, Connecticut Design Professionals, Inc.  Date:  8-24-00 Job No:  99-1245 Sheet 1 of 1,” be submitted to the South Windsor Planning and Zoning Commission for a report, pursuant to Section 8-24 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Was made by:    Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by:    Councillor Williams
Regular Meeting - Town Council
Page 21
November 6, 2000


17.     C.  (Continued)

Councillor Aman asked the Town Attorney about the question surrounding the “first couple of hundred feet” of road as to whether the Town had lost title to this footage.  He wanted to know if an Amendment  to this Resolution was needed requesting that Planning and Zoning address this issue.

Atty. Guliano stated that the Council was asking for a discontinuance of the road; and if, ultimately, this occurred “that will resolve all of the issues.”    The Town Attorney felt that the area Councillor Aman continued to be concerned about “goes right through the middle of the property.”

Councillor Aman requested that the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Town Attorney specifically address that problem.  Atty. Guliano said he would have that information available to the Town Council by the time Planning and Zoning returned with their report.

Mayor Lassman Fisher then called for a vote on the Resolution; and it was approved, unanimously.

18.     Passage of Ordinance  -  There was none.

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council  (Continued) - There were no further communications.

20.     Executive Session - To discuss pending claims and litigations

At approximately 10:15 p.m., Councillor Pelkey moved to go into Executive Session to discuss pending claims and litigations and the purchase of property.  The Motion was duly seconded and unanimously approved.  

21.     Motion to Adjourn

        The Meeting was adjourned following the Executive Session.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown, Clerk of the Council