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Capital Projects Committee Minutes 01-21-2015
  • Call Meeting to Order
Chairperson Janice Snyder called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.

  • Roll Call
Members Present
Dr. Saud Anwar, Town Council
Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works
Michael Gonzalez, Board of Education
Patrick Hankard, Director of Facility Services, Board of Education
Elizabeth Pendleton, Town Council (Vice-chairperson)
Scott Roberts, Director of Information Technology (Town Manager’s Designee)
Janice Snyder, Town Council (Chairperson)
Craig Zimmerman, Board of Education

Members Absent
Dr. Kate Carter, Superintendent of Schools, Board of Education
Chris Chemerka, Director of Finance and Operations, Board of Education
Matthew Riley, Board of Education

Guests Present
Raymond Favreau, Director of Parks & Recreation
Clay Major, Facilities Manager
Brian Peck, Fire Department
Walter Summers, Fire Marshal
Stephen Wagner, Town Council

3.      Approval of Minutes Previous Meetings

Mr. Craig Zimmerman made a motion to approve the December 17, 2014 Minutes; Mr. Patrick Hankard seconded that motion; and it was approved unanimously.

4.      Discussion Items

Legal Opinion Status
Mr. Scott Roberts said that there is an old legal opinion written in 1971 (Exhibit A).  Town Manager Matthew Galligan told Mr. Roberts that the legal opinion is still valid.  The legal opinion states that referendum money can only be used on the items that were put out to referendum.  Chairperson Snyder said that because of this legal opinion, the Capital Projects Committee cannot cover any projects that were not authorized by the referendum with the referendum money.

Project Prioritization and Funding Request
Chairperson Snyder asked if the Committee wanted to prioritize the list or discuss a funding amount first.  Mayor Saud Anwar said that realistically speaking, the Committee wants to increase the budget.  The Committee should figure out an amount that is reasonable and submit it to the Town Council, and then the priorities can be chosen.  Mayor Anwar also said that there is an absence of information with regard to the proposed Town and Board of Education budgets.

Mr. Patrick Hankard said that the Committee should put forward any projects that it feels are central to operating the Committee.  The Town Council has the obligation to balance the budget, which is not the Committee’s job.  He would like to prioritize the projects within reason before choosing an amount.

Mr. Michael Gonzalez said he would like to prioritize the projects before deciding an amount.

Councilor Elizabeth Pendleton said that the Committee is charged with prioritizing projects and fiscal capacity.  She would like to prioritize the projects first and focus on critical projects before funding.  Any projects with grant funding should be looked at first.

Mr. Craig Zimmerman said that the Committee should come up with the highest number that the Committee can realistically budget and prioritize the list around that number.  He asked if the Town Council lowers the amount, who decides the project listing?  Councilor Pendleton said that the Committee will reconvene to review the suggestions of the Town Council and resubmit a proposal to reflect the input.  Chairperson Snyder said that does not reflect past practice, but the Committee should attempt to get back to the original rules.  It is inappropriate for the Town Council to pick and choose projects instead of the budget amount.  Mr. Zimmerman asked what the proposed total currently is.  Chairperson Snyder said it is approximately $2.1 million.  Mr. Zimmerman said that amount should be submitted and the Committee should prioritize the projects under that amount.

Mayor Anwar said that last year’s submitted priority and budget from the Capital Projects Committee was approved as it was submitted.  The end result was cutting the Board of Education’s budget, which they were not happy with.  Chairperson Snyder said that anybody could have their budget cut and not be happy with it, but everyone will be alive and functioning.  Mayor Anwar said he agreed with Mr. Hankard and that the Committee should set the priority.

Councilor Pendleton said it is frustrating because these projects need to get done, no matter the dollar amount.  It is clear that other budgets need to be cut in order to get these projects done, and it does not matter if it is the Board of Education or Town budgets.

Mr. Zimmerman said that the Board of Education budget will not include fluff.  He also pointed out that the $2.1 million does not include the turf field project.

Mr. Hankard said that the turf field project will cost $366,000.  The Board of Education only has two projects in the proposed list.  The softball field will hopefully be funded in the operating budget.  If not, it will replace the Timothy Edwards Middle School sidewalk project.

Mr. Raymond Favreau said he would have more information about in-house options for the Wapping School project after he meets with Town Manager Galligan next week.

Chairperson Snyder suggested taking the Wapping School project and putting it under the line.  Mr. Zimmerman said that would not be a good idea, as many seniors would be waiting for Human Services to expand into the rest of the Community Center.  Mr. Favreau said that there might be some code issues that may need professional work.  Mayor Anwar said that the Committee could be stuck if the money is needed for professional work.

Chairperson Snyder said that any State funded projects are logical to keep in the list.

Mr. Hankard said that projects with public safety involved would be the next priority.

Mayor Anwar asked if there is any information regarding the status of the softball field project.  Mr. Hankard said there is no firm answer at this point.  Mayor Anwar suggested if no projects can be taken off the list, $2.3 million would be a good number to submit in order to include the turf field.

Chairperson Snyder said that when it comes between Title IX and ADA upgrades, ADA upgrades would be more important.  She asked the Committee if they wanted to add $200,000 to the suggested $2.1 million in order to include the turf field.

Mr. Zimmerman said he would like to include the turf field.  The Board of Education has no interest in having $100,000 coming from the Board’s budget in order to cover the rest of the turf field costs.  How would a lease be funded if budgets are cut in the next few years?

Mr. Hankard said that after the first year, the lease goes into Town debt.  The Board would only have to cover one year.

Chairperson Snyder said that the first year of the turf field will cost $366,000.  If $200,000 is taken from Capital Projects, and the Town and Board of Education both cover $80,000 each, that would cover the first year’s lease payment.  From years two to five, the lease payments would go into Debt Service.  If Town Manager Galligan and Superintendent Carter agree to these amounts, then the turf field could feasibly be funded.

Chairperson Snyder asked the Committee if the turf field should be moved into the list of prioritized projects.

Mayor Saud Anwar made a motion to add the Turf Field Project in the amount of $200,000 to the Capital Projects Committee priority list; Mr. Craig Zimmerman seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved.

Mr. Hankard suggested that the Town Council members who are not part of the Committee might look at the list and assume it is in priority order already.  Mayor Anwar said there might be an opportunity to reconvene and discuss priorities once there is more information about the proposed budgets.

The Committee started tentatively ordering the projects.  The order of the projects is listed below:

  • Avery Street Reconstruction Phase 2
  • Main Street Bridge over Podunk River
  • Abbe Road Improvements – Robert Drive to East Windsor Town Line
  • Realign & Improve Softball Field on Ayers Road OR Wapping School Redesign
  • Fiber Communications Network (continuation of a project)
  • ADA Upgrades at Town Hall – Fire Code Related (continuation of a project)
  • Phone System Replacements – Police Department & Community Center
The Committee did not order the rest of the projects at this time.  Mr. Zimmerman asked if prioritizing the list would help the Town Council set a dollar amount, and if not, what is the point of prioritizing the projects.  If the projects are put in order, it makes it easier for the Town Council to pick off projects.

Mr. Gonzalez said if the Committee gives the Town Council a list without justifications, they will select project importance on their own.

Councilor Pendleton said that the Committee is supposed to prioritize projects by community importance.

Chairperson Snyder asked if Mr. Hankard could send her information regarding the girls’ softball field.  Mr. Hankard said that Mr. Favreau has all of the information because it is technically a Parks and Recreation field, but the Board of Education is exposed which is why it is a Board of Education project.

Chairperson Snyder said that she would like the summaries for each project before the Town Council receives the list.  She will get a draft list with priorities sent out to the Committee soon.  Funding will happen when the list is prioritized.

Mr. Zimmerman said that last year, the budget was $1.2 million.  He does not want to send the wrong message and wants to make sure where the Committee stands on the budget.  He could not vote for such a large increase.  Chairperson Snyder said that the Committee does not currently know where it stands.

Presentation to Town Council

Mayor Anwar said there is a scheduled day for Capital Projects to present sometime in March.  Chairperson Snyder asked the Committee if they would allow her to put together a PowerPoint Presentation for the Committee to review.  Mayor Anwar asked if the Vice-Chair could present as well.  Chairperson Snyder suggested having somebody from the Board of Education to present as well.  Mayor Anwar said the presentation day may change as the schedule is not yet final.  

Councilor Stephen Wagner said that the current date is April 1.  Chairperson Snyder said she does not want to wait that long, and she would have to think about it.  She would like to present in February if possible.  She suggested the second meeting in February and also to keep the April 1 date in case more information is needed for the Town Council.

5.      New Business

6.      Old Business


7.      Adjournment

Vice-chairperson Elizabeth Pendleton made a motion to adjourn at 5:25 p.m.; Mayor Saud Anwar seconded the motion; and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Ashley Summers
Recording Secretary