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Capital Projects Committee Minutes 11-19-2014
  • Call Meeting to Order
Chairperson Janice Snyder called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m.

  • Roll Call
Members Present
Chris Chemerka, Director of Finance and Operations, Board of Education
Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works
Michael Gonzalez, Board of Education
Patrick Hankard, Director of Facility Services, Board of Education
Elizabeth Pendleton, Town Council (Vice-chairperson)
Matthew Riley, Board of Education
Scott Roberts, Director of Information Technology (Town Manager’s Designee)
Janice Snyder, Town Council (Chairperson)
Craig Zimmerman, Board of Education

Members Absent
Dr. Saud Anwar, Town Council
Dr. Kate Carter, Superintendent of Schools, Board of Education

Guests Present
Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer
Raymond Favreau, Director of Parks & Recreation
Walter Summers, Fire Marshal

3.      Approval of Minutes Previous Meetings

Mr. Michael Gantick made a motion to approve the October 15, 2014 Minutes; Mr. Patrick Hankard seconded that motion; and it was approved unanimously with one abstention from Ms. Chris Chemerka.

4.      Discussion Items

Finalize Projects for 2015/2016
Chairperson Janice Snyder stated that she reviewed the project explanation sheets submitted by the staff members.  She was concerned that there is no priority listing that includes all of the projects submitted.  They are currently only prioritized by department.  Chairperson Snyder asked Mr. Scott Roberts to clarify the Fiber Network project.  Mr. Roberts explained that the paperwork submitted to the Capital Projects Committee was for Phase I of the Fiber Network project.  Phases II and III were not included.  That was the only projects submitted by the Information Technology Department.  Phase I is currently underway.

Chairperson Snyder asked pertinent staff members to prioritize all of the projects as a whole so they can be reviewed at the next Committee meeting.  She asked that the prioritized list be fair and equitable to all departments and projects.

Mr. Matthew Riley said it would be helpful if those people who prioritized projects last year could give insight on the process.  Mr. Gantick said there used to be a form years ago that would rank projects by safety and other criteria.  Mr. Patrick Hankard said that it is not simple when there are so many groups that have projects submitted.  Mr. Gantick said the reality is that the money is being spread around the best it can be so every department gets a piece of the pie.  Mr. Michael Gonzalez asked if each department gets a certain percentage of the money.  Chairperson Snyder said there is no percentage assigned to each department.  Councilor Elizabeth Pendleton asked if projects with grants could get smaller percentages.  Mr. Jeffrey Doolittle said if no money is allocated towards that project, the grant goes away.  Mr. Gantick said they have over $1 million in projects that were partially funded in the current year.

Chairperson Snyder said that the Committee could possibly ask the Town Council for $2 million for 2015/2016.  Mr. Riley said it would be very helpful to have a notes section next to each project once it is prioritized in order to provide more information about its position in the prioritized list.  Chairperson Snyder explained the State Department of Transportation’s process for Capital Projects.  Councilor Pendleton said the Town Council needs to see how long some projects have been sitting on the Capital Projects list.  

Mr. Craig Zimmerman said the Town’s list is more varied than the Board of Education’s list, and he is not sure he wants to interject his opinion on the Town’s side.  He asked if money could be put aside for future projects.  Mr. Gantick said that many Public Works projects received partial funding in the 2014/2015 year.  Mr. Zimmerman asked about the turf field in relation to Capital Projects.  Mr. Gantick said that Mr. Zimmerman would have to ask Town Manager Matthew Galligan about the turf field.  Mr. Riley said he assumed the Committee could only use the Capital Budget for projects and asked about leasing and bonding.  Chairperson Snyder said that when the Committee finalizes the listing, normally Town Manager Galligan will review the projects to see if any of them can be leased.  Mr. Gantick explained how some Capital Projects are moved from the Capital Budget to either operating budgets or debt service.

Mr. Zimmerman asked if the Committee discusses what the repercussions on the overall budget are after a project amount has been chosen.  Chairperson Snyder said that the Town Council is the only entity that can provide an answer.  They decide whether budgets are reduced or taxes are raised to support Capital Projects.  Mr. Zimmerman said he feels uncertain about submitting a number to the Town Council without having a commitment.  Chairperson Snyder said that the Committee makes a recommendation to the Town Council, and the Town Council can either take the recommendation or modify the request of the amount.  In the past few years, the Town Council has been modifying the actual project list instead of the total amount, which is not supposed to happen.  The Committee should be the entity recommending the actual projects.  Mr. Zimmerman said that his concern is if the Council has to adjust the Town budget, the Board of Education budget, or taxes in order to accommodate the Capital Projects recommended amount.  Chairperson Snyder said that at the financial aspect will be discussed in later meetings, but at this point projects have to be selected that the Committee agrees on.  Mr. Gonzalez suggested providing a lot of evidence with each selected project in order to make it harder for the Town Council to reject individual projects.

Mr. Gantick said that there should be a longer range capital plan because looking at budgets year by year will only keep the Committee stuck.  Chairperson Snyder suggested picking projects for the next few years when the list is prioritized.
Mr. Riley asked if the Capital Projects Committee should be able to act like the Board of Education and use their funding as they see fit.  Mr. Hankard said by resolution, this Committee should be able to act like the Board of Education and Library.

Review of Outstanding Debt
Mr. Roberts explained the outstanding debt to the Committee.  The bottom line is $78 million for the Town.  Chairperson Snyder asked if the Finance Department could get information on surrounding towns.  Mr. Roberts said the Town is currently has a AA2 rating.  The $78 million does not include any future school work beyond Orchard Hill Phase I.

Mr. Roberts gave a general explanation of refinancing as told to him by the Director of Finance.  He also said it is almost impossible to look at the past ten years of general obligation bonds and what projects they covered.

Mr. Roberts said there will not be any current tax abatements coming off in the current budget, but there are some coming off in Fiscal Year 2015/2016.  That will be available in next year’s budget negotiations.

Mr. Roberts explained that Capital Projects is over-expended by $229,000 and some budget adjustments will need to be made by the Town Manager.  There will be no extra money coming in for the budgeting process.  Chairperson Snyder said that the debt reduction over the next few years is good news.

Councilor Pendleton said the Committee will need to be creative in funding these projects.  Chairperson Snyder said she is still in favor of creating an ordinance or some way to enforce funding for Capital Projects.

Successful Referendum
Chairperson Snyder asked if Mr. Jeff Doolittle had an idea of the projects that will be used in the successful referendum.  Mr. Doolittle said he needs more time to finalize the projects.

Presentation to Town Council
Chairperson Snyder said the presentation to the Town Council will need to include the entire prioritized list.  She is hoping to give the presentation in January 2015.

5.      New Business


6.      Old Business


7.      Adjournment

Vice-chairperson Elizabeth Pendleton made a motion to adjourn at 5:30 p.m.; Mr. Craig Zimmerman seconded the motion; and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Ashley Summers
Recording Secretary