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Capital Projects Committee Minutes 01-16-2013
  • Call Meeting to Order
Chairperson Janice Snyder called the meeting to order at approximately 5:00 p.m.

  • Roll Call
Members Present
Dr. Kate Carter, Superintendent of Schools, Board of Education
Chris Chemerka, Director of Finance and Operations, Board of Education
Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer (sitting for Michael Gantick)
Carol Driscoll, Board of Education (Vice-chairperson)
Patrick Hankard, Director of Facility Services, Board of Education
Janice Snyder, Town Council (Chairperson)
Richard Stahr, Board of Education

Members Absent
Dr. Saud Anwar, Town Council
Matthew Galligan, Town Manager
Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works
Cary Prague, Town Council

Guests Present
Raymond Favreau, Director of Parks and Recreation
Clay Major, Facilities Manager
Brian Peck, Fire Department
Scott Roberts, Director of Information Technology
Walter Summers, Fire Marshal

3.      Approval of Minutes Previous Meetings

Mr. Patrick Hankard made a motion to approve the November 28, 2012 Minutes; Ms. Carol Driscoll seconded that motion; and it was approved unanimously with two abstentions from Ms. Chris Chemerka and Mr. Richard Stahr.

4.      Discussion Items

New Two-Year Schedules for Referenda Items

Chairperson Janice Snyder began a discussion about the submissions from Public Works and Information Technology (Exhibits A and B).  The submissions will have to be put together with a proposed budget that will be submitted to the Town Council.  Since the Committee received these packets at the meeting, Chairperson Snyder scheduled a Special Meeting for January 30, 2013 to go more in depth with the submissions and formulating a budget proposal.  The proposal will include Fiscal Years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 based on the items that did not pass on the referendum that took place in November 2012.  At the January 30 meeting, the Department Heads will have to put the submissions in order by Fiscal Year.  Mr. Patrick Hankard asked if it was possible to combine the department priorities into a single submission from the Town’s projects and a single submission from the Board of Education’s projects.  Chairperson Snyder agreed that the projects needed to be blended together.  

Ms. Carol Driscoll asked for clarification regarding the Info Tech/Public Works submissions.  Mr. Scott Roberts explained that the GIS submissions are a combined project between Information Technology and Public Works, and that GIS could be considered its own department with regard to project proposals.  Chairperson Snyder said that Town Manager Matthew Galligan will need to meet with the Town Department Heads to put their projects in a blended priority order.  The Board of Education will also have to put their submissions, if any, into one list.  Once the Town’s master list is complete, the Committee will break the projects up between Fiscal Year 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.  Mr. Roberts asked if there is a dollar amount for these projects.  Chairperson Snyder said that she is currently not looking at a dollar amount.

Mr. Raymond Favreau distributed a memorandum and accompanying submission charts to the Committee (Exhibit C).  Chairperson Snyder asked Mr. Favreau to email his submissions to the Recording Secretary and to fill out the Capital Improvement Program form for each project.  Chairperson Snyder also asked if the submissions from the Fire Department could also be forwarded to the Recording Secretary.

Chairperson Snyder said that a few members of the Committee should make a presentation to the Town Council once everything is finished.  Mr. Walter Summers asked if the presentation will be in March or April.  Chairperson Snyder said it will not be for a while, but it will give the Committee time to put together a complete package.  She would like to have the complete package to present to the Council by the end of February.

Ms. Driscoll commented that having the offset funding section in the Capital Improvement Form is very useful because it shows that a lot of research is being done for these projects.  She asked for clarification about the grant and reimbursement process.  Mr. Jeff Doolittle explained that it depends on the grant.  Sometimes grant proposals can be submitted before securing extra funding; sometimes the extra funding needs to be secured before applying.  Mr. Roberts said that the last grant he applied for needed to be funded up front 100%, and then 30% would be reimbursed afterwards.  Ms. Driscoll said having this information on the sheet anticipates some of the questions from the Town Council, and it shows that the departments have actively sought out grants for projects.  Chairperson Snyder said that the addition of the estimated annual savings also looks good when included with the offset funding.

Mr. Roberts asked the Committee if they could provide feedback on the submissions already presented so they can revise them if needed.  Chairperson Snyder asked Mr. Doolittle to clarify the difference between the estimated cost and grant funding for the Buckland Road Sidewalks proposal.  The grant amount is $845,000 while the estimated cost is $400,000.  Mr. Doolittle explained that the Town is responsible for $400,000 in order to secure $845,000.  The Committee asked if the estimated cost could be revised to $1.2 million.  Chairperson Snyder asked if all the submissions could be clarified to reflect total cost before offset funding.  Mr. Patrick Hankard suggested adding a net cost with the total cost minus the offset funding.  Ms. Driscoll said that having no annual savings without an explanation such as possible litigation or fines raises a flag.  Risk avoidance would be a great addition to estimated savings.  Mr. Roberts explained cost avoidance with regard to old software attempting to convert documents from newer software.

Two-Year Capital Project Summary for Town Council

Chairperson Snyder said that this item would be the purpose for the next meeting on January 30.

5.      New Business

Superintendent Kate Carter said that the Board of Education’s budget will be presented on Tuesday, January 22, 2013.  She anticipates that there will be questions regarding funding for school security.  She informally polled neighboring districts regarding their funding for Capital Projects and Superintendent Operational Budgets.  She will not be adding to the current budget, but there is a possibility that a capital request for school security will be coming forward.

6.      Old Business


7.      Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Richard Stahr at approximately 5:50 p.m.; the motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Driscoll; and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Ashley Summers
Recording Secretary
(Approved 1/30/2013)

Exhibit A       Public Works Capital Improvement Proposal Forms
Exhibit B       Information Technology Capital Improvement Forms
Exhibit C       Parks and Recreation Memorandum and Charts