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Capital Projects Committee Special Meeting Minutes 10-24-2012
  • Call Meeting to Order
Chairperson Janice Snyder called the meeting to order at 4:42 p.m.

  • Roll Call
Members Present
Dr. Kate Carter, Superintendent of Schools, Board of Education
Chris Chemerka, Director of Finance and Operations, Board of Education
Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer (sitting for Michael Gantick)
Carol Driscoll, Board of Education (Vice-chairperson)
Matthew Galligan, Town Manager
Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works
Patrick Hankard, Director of Facility Services, Board of Education
Janice Snyder, Town Council (Chairperson)
Richard Stahr, Board of Education

Members Absent
Dr. Saud Anwar, Town Council
Cary Prague, Town Council

Guests Present
Raymond Favreau, Director of Parks and Recreation

3.      Approval of Minutes Previous Meetings

Ms. Carol Driscoll made a motion to approve the September 19, 2012 Minutes; Mr. Patrick Hankard seconded that motion; and it was approved unanimously with three abstentions made by Superintendent Kate Carter, Mr. Michael Gantick, and Town Manager Matthew Galligan.

4.      Discussion Items

Review of Project Explanation Form

Chairperson Janice Snyder began a discussion about the Revised Capital Improvement Program Individual Project Proposal Form, Exhibit A.  Ms. Carol Driscoll said that it was an excellent idea to have the form be one page, but she had a question regarding the comparison of Department Priority to Capital Projects Committee Priority and if there is a scale for the comparison.  Town Manager Matthew Galligan said that a certain department could have their projects listed by priority, and once the Capital Projects Committee reviews that list, the priorities of the projects will be listed according to the Committee’s view.

Mr. Michael Gantick asked if the form would be the project explanation.  Chairperson Snyder explained that the department head would fill out the form and submit it to the Committee.  The Committee would then review the priority.  Town Manager Galligan said if the Chairperson of the Committee goes to the Town Council, presents the Committee’s priorities, and explains the difference in priorities between the Committee and the departments, it sends a message that the projects have already been discussed.  There should be some priority mechanism to show the Town Council that the projects have been looked at, prioritized, and made into a blended list that includes projects from all departments.

Superintendent Kate Carter asked if the form will be submitted to the Committee on an annual basis for budget requests.  Chairperson Snyder said that was the intent.  Town Manager Galligan said the forms should be handed in at a specified date.  

Mr. Raymond Favreau said that having numbers is very helpful to form a prioritized list.  Ms. Driscoll asked how far the numbers on the priority scale should be carried.  Mr. Richard Stahr clarified that the form is submitted with the department’s priority listed, and then the Committee takes all of those projects and makes one prioritized list.

A motion to approve the Revised Capital Improvement Program Individual Project Proposal as amended was made by Town Manager Matthew Galligan; the motion was seconded by Ms. Carol Driscoll; and all were in favor.

Explanatory Text Mailing Date

Town Manager Matthew Galligan said that 12,500 explanatory texts were folded and sealed with the help of Staff.  2,500 copies were printed at the Town Hall, and the remaining 10,000 were printed by the Board of Education’s Copy Center.  The mailing was brought to the Hartford Post Office on the morning of October 24.  The project cost $1,746.22.  Residents should start seeing the explanatory texts within a few days.

Chairperson Snyder asked for suggestions on getting the explanatory text to the public in other ways.  Mr. Stahr said that he has already put the information out there in various ways, but that Facebook is another way of distributing information, possibly with a fancy graphic.  Chairperson Snyder asked the people who are not Town employees to collaborate with her and Mr. Stahr to help distribute information.  Town Manager Galligan asked if they would like the cost per household information to distribute.  Mr. Stahr suggested that he could have the Facebook group post the information on their webpage.  Chairperson Snyder said the target date is this upcoming Sunday.  The Committee discussed possible names for a web address that would distribute the information.

Strategy for Questions That Do Not Pass

Chairperson Snyder asked if it would be better to discuss this item at the next meeting taking place after the referendum.  The Committee agreed.

Five-Year Plan Moving Forward

Chairperson Snyder stated that she wants to start looking at the projects that would be looked at next year.  Money needs to start being banked towards Capital Projects.  If any projects are finished with a surplus, that money should go back towards the fund, if possible.  Town Manager Galligan said that if the Town follows Tolland’s way of preparing the budget, a certain percentage of the budget should go towards Capital Projects.  Changing South Windsor’s budget will be difficult, and the auditors will be looking at the goals and objectives and how the money actually is distributed.

Chairperson Snyder asked the Committee if it is premature to ask department heads to look at projects down the line and drafting a Five-Year Plan.  The Committee suggested waiting two weeks when the referendum has been voted on.

Capital Budget Funding Moving Forward

Town Manager Galligan will have the Director of Finance run some numbers for the budget.  The referendum will be the deciding factor on which projects need to be funded in the future.  The budget should grow at a certain percent of the overall budget.  There needs to be a policy, and the Town should stick to the policy.

5.      New Business

Town Manager Galligan updated the Committee on the $500,000 STEAP Grant for the Town Hall Annex (Old Post Office) that the Town applied for in the summer.

6.      Old Business

Chairperson Snyder discussed Letter A in the Capital Improvement Program.  This item says that the Town Manager and Superintendent of Schools will each prepare and submit a Five-Year Plan six months before the budget for the next fiscal year is submitted.  The passing of the referendums will affect the Five-Year Plans.

7.      Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Patrick Hankard at 5:15 p.m.; the motion was seconded by Town Manager Matthew Galligan; and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Ashley Summers
Recording Secretary

Exhibit A       Revised Capital Improvement Program Individual Project Proposal Form (Committee Approved 10/24/12)