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Capital Projects Committee Minutes 05-16-2012
  • Call Meeting to Order
Councilor Janice Snyder called the meeting to order at approximately 4:40 p.m.

  • Roll Call
Members Present
Dr. M. Saud Anwar, Town Council
Dr. Kate Carter, Superintendent of Schools, Board of Education
Carol Driscoll, Board of Education (Vice-chairperson)
Matthew Galligan, Town Manager
Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works
Patrick Hankard, Director of Facility Services, Board of Education
Janice Snyder, Town Council (Chairperson)
Richard Stahr, Board of Education

Members Absent
Gary Miller, Interim Business Manager, Board of Education
Cary Prague, Town Council

Guests Present
Jeffrey Doolittle, Town Engineer
Raymond Favreau, Director of Recreation
Al Mothersele, Board of Education
Brian Peck, Fire Department
Scott Roberts, Director of Information Technology
Walter Summers, Fire Marshal

3.      Approval of Minutes Previous Meetings

Mr. Patrick Hankard made a motion to approve the April 18, 2012 Minutes; Ms. Carol Driscoll seconded that motion; and it was approved unanimously.

4.      Discussion Items

Review of the Capital Projects Plan
Councilor Snyder opened the discussion by distributing a packet, attached as Exhibit A, that she had put together for the Committee.  The packet is a summarization of last meeting’s discussion, and Councilor Snyder had a discussion with the Town Council regarding the revitalization of the Capital Projects plan.  There are three steps in the Revised Capital Projects Plan Draft.  The first step is to identify the 2012/2013 Capital Projects Budget and projects.  The second step is to bond a group of community projects spanning the variety of user groups.  The third step is to establish a mechanism and seek Town Council approval to fund Capital Projects on a fairly consistent basis.  Councilor Snyder went through the remainder of the packet with the Committee.

Town Manager Matthew Galligan presented some ideas for future funding.  He is looking to create solar farms on some open space parcels to generate revenues to be set aside in a fund.  This fund would help to purchase more open space, maintain parks, etc.  With all the projects coming on board, another idea would be to formulate a new policy.  If the grand list increases by $1 million in taxes, $200,000 could go into the Capital Budget to be shared between the Board of Education and the Town.  Town Manager Galligan is currently researching some of those priorities and working with the Financial Advisor and Bond Counsel to make sure that the Town can come up with the appropriate reserves and make sure they are legal.

Councilor Snyder asked how far away the Town is from tangible revenues.  Town Manager Galligan replied that for the solar farms, there could be revenues as early as the end of this year.  Since the grand list is reviewed every October, it would not be until October 2013 for the Town to see revenues from the grand list increase option.  However, policies need to be in place before any revenues could come in from these options.  Councilor Snyder said that she had to review the process with Town Manager Galligan.

Councilor Snyder is concerned about putting more effort into projecting twenty years of projects instead of a more reasonable timeframe.  Town Manager Galligan suggested that going back to the five-year projection instead of the current ten-year projection that the Town is using.  South Windsor has one of the lowest debts in the State, according to S&P and Moody’s.  Debt is only 10% of the rating assigned by S&P and Moody’s.  Taxes, infrastructure, and maintenance are also included in those ratings.  Town Manager Galligan is worried that without Capital Projects to maintain the infrastructure, the Town’s rating could be affected even though the amount of debt is relatively small.

Councilor Snyder said that residents in Town sound like they would not be afraid of paying for projects if they are going to see a return, such as maintaining parks and ball fields.  The specific “community bond” would affect all areas of the Community.  Seniors, recreation, etc. would all benefit from this bond.  Superintendent Kate Carter asked if the Town Council wants to do a significant bond.  Councilor Snyder and Town Manager Galligan both agreed that the Town Council does seem to want to move forward.

Town Manager Galligan said that he will be analyzing leasing space versus bonding.  There are some opportunities in the future which will enable the Town to lease space.  The Town has to evaluate what the cost to build a facility versus leasing for a few years and figuring out which option is more beneficial.  S&P and Moody’s do not consider leasing debt.  School buildings cannot be leased, and Town Manager Galligan stressed that he did not want to be competing with the Board of Education for money to renovate buildings.  The Committee should come up with an overall plan looking at leases, capital, roads, and other projects and present it to the Town Council.

Superintendent Carter asked what the current budget is for Capital Projects.  Town Manager Galligan said there is $70,000 for revaluation, $50,000 for Microsoft updates, and $167,000 for computers for the Town.  Committee members were concerned that there are no Board of Education items in the budget.  Superintendent Carter asked Mr. Al Mothersele to come to the meeting to understand what the Town was considering to be appropriate criteria for the bond so the Board of Education could reflect that.  Superintendent Carter is also worried about the state of the elementary school buildings.
Councilor Anwar suggested that the entire Town Council should sit down with the Committee to really get an idea of what the needs are and how the Town can fix them.  Further reductions will only make residents aware of the services that will be cut.  Superintendent Carter asked if the budget would be presented at the Town Council meeting later this same night.  Town Manager Galligan said that he would be presenting it, and he will not recommend any further cuts to the Town Council.

Mr. Michael Gantick presented a memorandum, attached as Exhibit B, regarding the South Windsor High School Fuel Cell.  If the Town wants to pull the plug on the fuel cell, the Town has to find an alternative source of emergency power for the High School, where an emergency shelter and MDA #31 will be located during times of need.  The fuel cell contract will be up on February 28, 2013 during the next fiscal year.

The Committee agrees on bringing forth a bond to the Town Council.  Town Manager Galligan said he would like to present information to the Town Council during their first June 2012 meeting.  Ms. Carol Driscoll mentioned that she is concerned about the people in the Community.  If there is some way to get the Community on board with the bonds beforehand, the Committee should consider it.  Mr. Patrick Hankard asked if a Political Action Committee could be formed for the purpose of marketing.  Town Manager Galligan said he wants to present in June because if the Town Council agrees on the bond concept right away, the Town can market the bond all the way until September 2012 without a PAC until the residents vote.  A fact flyer can be put together and distributed at Town functions during the summer.  Town Manager Galligan also suggested using Facebook, Twitter, and the Town’s website to broadcast information.

Mr. Gantick pointed out that there are some items that will cost less than $50,000 that are too small for the Capital Projects budget but too large for the Operational budget.  Town Manager Galligan said that the Town needs to reestablish a budget for those unique items.  Councilor Snyder restated that the Committee is looking at projects with a life of five years or longer, greater than $50,000, and a five year plan.  Town Manager Galligan said that he would put together a funding plan with two different scenarios.  Mr. Hankard suggested that the funding plan should be prioritized.  Superintendent Carter said that the Board of Education Chair is concerned that the list will be formulated without having the entire Board’s approval.

Councilor Snyder asked how the Board of Education will fund their computers since they currently do not have any funds for Fiscal Year 2012/2013.  Town Manager Galligan said that a lease may be possible.  Mr. Mothersele said that not all the items requested would fall under a lease.  Some of the expenditures would have to be a purchase.  The Committee discussed the possible criteria for considering computer upgrades as a capital project and when leasing would be feasible for projects.  Town Manager Galligan will take the amount of $167,000 and work with Mr. Scott Roberts and Mr. Mothersele to work out lease payments.

Mr. Brian Peck asked if one of their parking lot projects that has been on the project list for years could be considered.  Councilor Snyder said that Mr. Peck should talk to Mr. Gantick as that project should be looked at if it has been waiting this long.

Councilor Snyder requested that everyone in the Committee revise their submissions, if needed, and send them back to her.
New Business

Old Business

Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Town Manager Galligan at 5:58 p.m.; the motion was seconded by Superintendent Carter; and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Ashley Summers
Recording Secretary
Approved 7/25/12

Exhibit A       Draft of a Revised Capital Projects Plan
Exhibit B       South Windsor High School Fuel Cell Memorandum