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ADRC Minutes 06-12-14
June 12, 2014    5:45 p.m.

Members present: Sue Larsen, Dave Schwabe, Charles Regulbuto
Staff present:  Michele R. Lipe, Town Planner

The meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m.

  • Appl. 13-50P, South Windsor Woods -~ Discussion regarding final colors and additional architectural styles for the Condominium Complex on the northerly side of Pleasant Valley Road, westerly of Hilton Drive, MF-A zone
Mr. Bill Prokop, construction manager for T&M Building Co. Inc., presented proposed changes for the condominium complex, South Windsor Woods. They would like to add one more unit style. It would have more stone with a gable garage to give more options to potential buyers. The changes will not affect the square footage. Efforts will be made to keep different style houses adjacent to each other. The board favorably received the additional unit style.

Applicant, Mr. Steve Temkin, T&M Building Co. Inc., presented proposed elevations for both the single family and multi family units. He presented color pallets of desert earth tone greys and sandstones to beige tonalities. The preference of the Committee is to have all siding on a single building remain consistent as well as the architectural features.

There was discussion based on the garage doors and what colors would compliment the project. The feeling from the Committee was that the color should be not be stark white because the number of garage doors that will be visible from the street.

Roof color was presented to be a dark color, mostly black or a weathered wood roof look. Roof color will be the same throughout the project.

Samples of the stone were presented. The applicant is open to different choices, but intends to keep the color palette consistent. They want to use the same stone on each multi family building.  Styles will change but the same style of door per building will be kept. The single family homes can have white doors.

The Committee discussed the options proposed and the applicant agreed to explore different colors for the garage doors. It was determined duplex garage doors should be same color and not white. There should be a similar approach with colors on the duplexes. It was also determined decks should be consistent on multi family units and on single family units.

The end of the discussion was devoted to lighting. There is still no design in the plan so it was felt that the applicant would need one more meeting to review the lighting fixtures. Planner Michele Lipe will determine if the Committee needs to see the proposed fixtures.   

  • Appl. 14-32P, Clark Estates  – request by Mannarino Builders, Inc. for a Special Exception to 3.3 and Site Plan of Development for an 18 unit development to be known as ‘Clark Estates’, on property located on the easterly side of Clark Street, approx. 380 feet south of Pleasant Valley Road, Designed Residence zone
Mr. Robert Mannarino presented Clark Street Estates, an 18 unit single family development in a DRZ on six acres of land. There will be four units under the affordable category. Mr. Mannarino has already received approval from IWA/CC for the project and PZC approval for the zone change.

The new road will be a town road with town specifications.  A gazebo will be built in a common area on the site.  The development abuts Westage Condominiums.  There will be a berm in the front along Pleasant Valley Road, with evergreens to the west and woods to the east.  CLP owns the land to the east and there are power lines nearby.  Sidewalks will be on one side and probably built of concrete.  The Association for the development will maintain the sidewalks.  Since it is a town road, CLP will put up the street lights based on the specifications given to them by the South Windsor Police.  A town street sign will be placed on the road.  There will be no need for dumpsters since houses will have their own bins and trash will be picked up. The Association will be responsible for lawn maintenance and the town will plow the road.

The houses will be 1400 sq ft with two or three bedrooms.  The styles of the houses were presented in the packet Mr. Mannarino distributed to each member.  The price will be in the low $300,000.  The first floor will have one bedroom.  The plantings would be similar to other developments the Mannarino’s have done such as Eagle Run and Avery Meadow.  All houses will have an attached garage.  The roofs will be black and will probably be done by the same company used at the Dzen farm development.  There may be some brick or stone used but it will be similar to their other developments.   All houses will be about 20 feet apart. The Association may be responsible for the upkeep of the buildings but that may make the fees too high so it is still undecided.  Based on the other developments, it has proven worthwhile to have the grounds maintained by an association.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Michele R. Lipe, AICP    
Town Planner