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ADRC Minutes 06-02-2011
June 2, 2011, 5:45 p.m.

Members present: Rob Clapper, Sue Larsen
Staff present:  Michele R. Lipe, Town Planner

Chairman Rob Clapper called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m.

  • Appl. 11-03P, Medical Office Building - request for architectural change order
Nicholas Michnevitz, III, Principal with MBH Architecture, LLC and representing Hartford Hospital gave an overview of the changes to the project for the medical office building on the property at 1559 Sullivan Ave. Michnevitz explained that he was hired by the administration of Hartford Hospital in February to assist them in their effort to create a new brand for themselves in effort to create a common architectural look for all of new buildings.

Michenvitz presented the new elevations for the building. The proposed material would consist of “jumbo sized” dark brick with a stack pattern.  A sample of the brick was presented.  The other material to be used would be baked enamel, metal panel that would be grey in color.   A color rendering was presented showing all sides of the building as well as a computer animated presentation of the building and site.

The existing footprint of the building would not change. The new site plan incorporates a drop-off area in front of the building that will be covered by a canopy with the elimination of a few parking spaces along the front of the building.  They would still have adequate parking under the zoning requirement.  All proposed landscaping and site lighting would remain the same.

The grade of the property drops off away from Sullivan Ave.  The first floor of the facility will be approximately 3 feet below Sullivan Ave.   The new building would be approximately 12 feet lower that the approved building.  All rooftop mechanicals will be hidden behind the six foot parapet wall.

The monument signage design has not yet be completed, but would be proposed at the drive entrance on Sullivan Ave. and would likely incorporate the dark brick in the design. The building sign would consist of the Hartford Hospital logo as shown on the proposed elevation.

The ADRC discussed the new proposal.

Larsen expressed concern that the new elevation was a contemporary building located in a more traditional area and did not fit well with the surrounding buildings and the neighborhood. She asked if any changes could be made to the color of the bricks.  The architect responded no – this was the color the hospital wanted to proceed with.

Clapper understood the goal of Hartford Hospital to “brand” themselves, however agreed that the building did not fit well with the surrounding area.

Lipe indicated that she would forward those comments to the PZC.

  • 11-16P, Old Dominion Site Plan – request for site plan modification for a 13,225 sf  truck dock addition and other improvements on property located at 150 Strong Road, I zone
Tim Coon of JR Russo and Associates presented the application.  This proposal is for a 15,000 sf addition to the rear of the existing trucking terminal that had previously been operated by FEDEX.  Other improvements included an extension of the parking area around the back perimeter for truck parking as well as lighting.  A cut sheet of the lights and an isometric drawing were reviewed.

The new building will be a metal paneled building.  Materials and colors were submitted by the architect.  Site clean up and painting of the existing facility would also be done.

The ADRC reviewed the proposal.  They determined that the new addition would not be visible from the public way.  They had no concerns with this proposal.

Respectfully submitted:

Michele R. Lipe, AICP
Town Planner