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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 05-14-2014
Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of the Meeting
May 14th, 2014
Meeting called to order: 7:35 pm.  

Commissioners in Attendance:   Rob O’Connor, George Caye, Al Larson, Gary Bazzano, Ray Favreau, Dan VanHorn, Dan Rezende, Bill Nowak, Andy Paterna, Dick Gregorian, John Caldwell
Also in Attendance:  Craig Zimmerman, Ajwah Junood, Kaylee Jones, Kevin Truong, Imnam Ullah, Greg Gillis (Five Students from SWHS from Civics Class)
Approval of Minutes:  April Minutes Approved after some changes.  Ray will change one line that there were “two referendums from 2001 ($4,920,000) and 2002 ($4,600,000) that would have built 13 new fields and other park system improvements at a total cost of 9.52 million dollars”.     
Al Larson wanted to thank all members who helped out with the surveys at the SWLL Opening Day Ceremonies.  He also asked that PARC get back on a positive tone for future meetings.  
Public Input:  None
Special Reports:  Andy Paterna has been working on a draft showing what PARC has accomplished in the last 10 years and handed a copy out to the group.  After some discussion it was suggested that we include non-sport projects (Bark Park, Rotary Pavilion, Bobcat Purchase for trails).  It was also suggested that we have another column on the projects showing the in-kind services and donations for town property projects.  This number would show the public and Town Council that for every South Windsor Tax dollar spent on a project, they often receive two or three non-tax dollars either through donations or in kind services.  Ray and Andy will revise the list for the next meeting.

Report of Council Liaison:  Steve Wagner was not at the meeting but Ray had some items to relay on his behalf.  PARC will not receive any capital funding allocations to work with in the 2014/15 budget year.  Craig asked later in the meeting if we should draft a letter to send to the Town Council with the final draft from Andy’s list stating PARC have received $0.00 for Recreation Capitol Projects for the last three years and for Town Council to think about funding us next year to get some of the delayed projects started.   Council should be aware that the projects being completed now are from old PARC money and nothing to do with the last three years of Town Council budgets.  It looks like things are getting accomplished but they should have been done years ago with new projects going forward.
        He also discussed the Ordinance that the Town Council passed concerning Recreation Projects.  There was a typo in the wording stating that there were 9 PARC members to look at projects when in reality there have been 10 members for a couple of years.  The Town Attorney has looked at the wording and the Ordinance will need to go before a public hearing with the 10 members in the wording and voted on again by Town Council.

OSTF:  The group will have a table at the 6/8/2014 CT Trails Day at Lawrence Road Park.  
        OSTF along with SW Food Alliance and other town employees were looking into what can be done for the Priest Property.  Some suggestions were to use the house as a Learning Center and build a barn for a farm museum.
        Heritage Day is October 4th, 2014 from 9-3 on Main Street.
        John spoke about the Parks division working with  You can go on the Parks website and click on Town Trials.  So far they have mapped Major Donnelly, Wapping Park and Nevers Park.  They hope to have all the town parks done this summer.  Lawrence Road Park will be completed before 6/8 CT Trails Day.

Report of Parks and Rec. Director:  Ray had a list of completed projects and projects that are in progress or will be started soon.  This was accomplished with money PARC had in our budget and donations and in kind services.  When all the current projects are finished we anticipate that PARC will be left with $6,939 for 2014/15.  That is why we will have a lot of time to work on the Master Plan. The one project he may ask us to change is $40,000 to repair Rye Street Park Tennis Courts.  Ray is going to meet with Parks Department and the SW B of E about realigning Ayers Road Softball Field.  If they can come up with a plan he will recommend re-prioritizing the $40,000 toward this project.  
Craig noted that most of the projects on the list Andy handed out were to renovate or redo fields and there is nothing on there for new fields.
        SWLL Shack should be completed by the end of May.
        Rotary Scoreboard is up and running.  The old scoreboard is still up and may be used for advertising.
        Rotary Pavilion:  Rotary Club has spent about $40,000 for renovations.  They are putting in a new Oven Range this week.  The new gas fire pit should be completed this month.
        Wapping School/Future Community Center:  Park and Recreation department is working on plans to be ready to move in to new Community Center at Wapping School in 2017.  Craig wanted to make sure Town Council and the public know that this will be a Community building for other town groups too and NOT A RECREATION CENTER!!  PARC may have to send out a letter endorsed by everyone stating this to the Town Council
        Cricket Pitch:  The pitch should be completed this week at the Clear Edge Facility on Governor’s Highway.  All the work was done in house by the Parks Department.
        Master Plan Survey:  To date 302 surveys were handed in.
        PARC Operating Budget Fund Balance:  there is $3,047 left.  Rob made a motion that was seconded for Ray to spend up to $500 for new Shirts for members.  This will be used for upcoming events for the new Master Plan.  Motion was voted on and passed unanimously.
        Field Spraying:  Nothing was passed this year in the State Legislature to eliminate chemical use on High School Fields and Parks.  Ray said it is likely they will have to deal with this issue again next year.  Gary asked that Parks spray more at Rye Street Park for mosquitos.
        Special Recreation Revenue Fund:  One provision in this fund is to charge an extra $5 for all youth athletes.  The money collected will go into a reserve account for Capital Improvements to Athletic Complexes.  The Town Council by rule will not be able to use this money for any other budget issues.
VMP:  Pool area is getting cleaned up and will be ready for Memorial Day Weekend.

Master Plan Subcommittee:  Last met April 22 to shorten the Short Survey to ten questions.  They will be trying to get the long survey online soon.  The group is starting to look at planning Focus Groups and Workshops.  Ray has already met with the SWHS Coaches for their input and had a very productive meeting.
Some possible workshops: Recreation likes and dislikes; Recreation programs and services; Facilities.
Focus Groups:  Seniors; Youth Sports; Scouts boys and girls; Non Profit groups; Chamber of Commerce (Town Businesses); SW B of E (Teachers, AD, Coaches)
Ray suggested that we plan the workshops in lieu of our monthly meeting since we have no money to use anyway for projects. The first workshop may be our July 9th meeting.  We would have a short business meeting at 7 at a site to be determined followed by the workshop.
Ray will send out a list of upcoming events for us to sign up to work handing out surveys.

SWWWW:  On May 5th the Town Council had a proclamation of May being Bike Month.
        6/2:  Official Ribbon Cutting for the New Bike Trailer and Bike Fleet.  This will be held at Wapping School at 8:50 AM, prior to the 4th grade Bike Education Program.  The 4th grade program is now part of the PE curriculum for South Windsor.  It is the first program in the state for teaching kids how to bike and the rules of the road.
        6/8 is CT Trails Day at Lawrence Road Park.  They will have a tent set up for the event.  LL Bean will be at the pond doing a fly fishing demonstration.

SW Food Alliance:  The Farmers Market opens on June 21 in the field next to the Community Center on Nevers Road.  The group has partnered up with the Varney Farm which produces vegetables on their farm for Food Share.  They are looking for volunteers to help at the farm this summer on Wednesdays from 9-12 and 1-4 and Saturdays from 9-12.  They are also looking to see if any youth sports group would like to volunteer.
        The group hosted the State of CT Food Alliance meeting.
        Timothy Edwards School:  The group along with the schools LEO club has built 4 4 X8 planting beds for vegetables which will be harvested by the students to be served in the schools lunches.  Wapping School is asking to do it for their school next year.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:50 pm
Next Meeting:  7:30pm June 11th, 2014
Respectfully Submitted
George S. Caye