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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 12-12-2012
Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of the Meeting
December 12th, 2012
Meeting called to order: 7:35 pm.  

Commissioners in Attendance:   Rob O’Connor, Andy Paterna, George Caye, Katie Graham, Dan Rezende, Dan VanHorn, Al Larson, Dave Romejko, John Caldwell  and Ray Favreau
Also in Attendance:   Gary Bazzano and Cindy Beaulieu
Approval of Minutes:  Nov. Minutes Approved.   

Public Input: None
SW Food Alliance: Winter Market has taken off.  They are getting calls from vendors to participate and have people waiting for the market to open every week.    They have 16 vendors set up now.  Only two more weeks left to the season.  Next year’s market will allow the use of the SNAP card for purchases.  Andy is meeting with the SWHS teachers about the Green Roof Project and getting High School Students to helping to prep the Nelson Property for next year’s town garden.  The Market Grille is looking to use as much local produce as possible next season and list what farms are providing the produce.  SWFA is going to work with the SW Community Foundation to allow companies and individuals to donate to the group.  They are going before SW Town Council this Monday night and Ray will be showing a 3 minute video from CRCOG about changing communities with more bike/walk friendly streets and community farmer’s markets.  The Banner for the winter market is up at the town center.  
Report from Council Liaison:  Rec. Center; Town Council is waiting for hard numbers before making any decisions.  Dan asked if there is any way for TC members to not be so judgmental on projects in the public eye before any real facts are presented.
        Athletic Fields:  The committee is moving to have the Town Attorney form a 63-20 for the 11 Acres at north end of Nevers Park.  They are not set on turf or synthetic for the fields.  Once the 63-20 is set the group will meet to determine the scope of the project.
        CT Studio:  Town Council granted them a four month extension because it is easier to get through this process then to sue to recover the property.  The Town Council will wait until April to see if further action is needed.
        Dan VanHorn is now a full member and a new alternate will be named next month.

OSTF:  Most of the meeting was spent discussing the new DQ on Sullivan Ave. and the need for an easement for them to build additional parking on town owned land to the west of the DQ.  There was a not an agreement from the group as to a solution.  Some wanted to sell the land to DQ.  Others were ok with the easement as long as the curb cut on Sullivan to the town land was not permanently closed and DQ maintains the new parking area.   The new lot would be shared by DQ and Donnelley Preserve visitors.    

Report of the Parks & Rec. Director: Some of the six projects started last year are complete and others are in progress.  The skate park, fencing at My Friend’s Place and the Tennis Courts at Rye St. Park will continue and deemed exempted from spending freeze by Town Manager.    We are waiting to see about additional funds.  The $200,000 in new projects voted on last month by PARC is however on hold due to the Town Council budget freeze.
LL Complex:  Major B dugout damage from Storm Sandy will be repaired in house.
Lawrence Road Park:  Parks Division will continue to work on the area if the weather permits.  Right now they are cleaning up tree damage from the storm at the Ropes Course.   Parks & Rec. has town’s tree contractor coming in to remove high hangers around the course that in-house crews can not get to.

VMP:  The destroyed pool cover will likely be replaced instead of repaired due to cost.

Wapping Park:  CT studios is preparing an area the for the illusive Grasshopper Sparrow.  
BOE:  The SW school system may be having an Early Release Program for Wednesdays in the 2013/14 year.  This will be about 17 Wednesdays in the fall and spring.  The goal is to set up a program slightly different than the existing 4th R before and after school program.  It will likewise be a fee based program.  

Skate with Santa:  4th Annual was a big success.  Over 300 attendees with 154 getting free skate rental with a toy donation.  Thanks to our co-sponsor Karen O’Connor of Prudential Realty for her support of the event.

On-line registration is at about 55% with an 87% day on 12/10 for the first day of Winter Preschool Registration.  The Parks & Rec. Dept. is upgrading its credit card system to enhance security.

Safe Routes to School:  There is a ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for Tuesday December 18th at 1:15pm to celebrate the completion of projects related to Safe Routes to School Grant at Orchard Hill Elementary School.
Capital Projects:  The committee met and would like PARC to come up with a two year plan to bring back to them for review.  This was discussed later in the meeting.  After talking about various ideas it was decided that the 3 projects that we talked about starting last month, $50,000 for Irrigation of Fields, $50,000 for various SWW&WW projects and $100,000 for the construction of a new SWLL Food/Storage Building in the SWLL Complex be taken off the referendum list and the remaining projects brought back to the Capitol Projects Committee as the Two Year Plan for PARC.  The cost would be $800,000.  Ray will present this to them at their next meeting.

Recreation Center:  Ray doesn’t know where the town is on presenting the project to the Town Council.  He has given details to Matt Galligan but doesn’t know what is going on at this point.  Al handed out a sheet of different options to build the Rec/Hockey center.  He also presented a case to build the new Rec Center by the Community Center and not at Evergreen Walk.

PARC 2013/14 Operating Budget:  Ray asked the group to make changes as needed.  It was suggested that he change some like printing and membership fees to include our subcommittees SWW&WW and SW Food Alliance.  This will give both groups easier ways to access the funds for new brochures or membership dues without having to wait for PARC to meet.  We will have the same $4500 as last year.

SWW&WW:  A group from Middletown was at the last meeting for information on how to get the town more bike/walk friendly.  We are happy to help other towns going on trails or bike paths.  Rob and Ginny went to Glastonbury to talk with their bike group.
        4th Grade Bicycle Education:  This program is officially part of the 4th grade curriculum.  Bike/Walk CT will be doing the first two sessions.  SWW&WW would like to purchase a fleet of bikes and a trailer from the $50,000 given to them last month when the spending freeze is lifted.  This will make it easier for the PE teachers to conduct the class.  Members of the group are getting trained along with the Elementary School PE Teachers to conduct the classes.
        SWW&WW will have a Full Moon Walk on Saturday January 26th 2013 at the Rotary Pavilion in Nevers Park.  Details to follow.
Al made a suggestion to see if we should ask the Hockey group to come to a meeting to talk about their project.  Rob would like to see what the Town council receives from the Town Manager before we go forward with a meeting.  PARC will wait until the project moves forward from Town Council before we set up a meeting.  Gary Bazzano suggested a letter be sent from PARC to the Town Manager saying we support the project if we can get any information about the project when it becomes available.  Ray will work with Al on preparing a letter for the Town Manager.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm
Next Meeting:  7:30pm Jan. 9th, 2013
Respectfully Submitted
George S. Caye