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Park & Recreation Commission Minutes - 3/14/2007
Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of the Meeting
March14, 2007

Meeting called to order: 7:35 PM

Commissioners in Attendance:   Andy Paterna, George Caye, Rich Mabey, Jason Race, Al Larson, Jim Snow, Ray Favreau
Also in Attendance:  None

Minutes of the January and February meetings were approved and seconded.

Public Input:  None

Open Space Task Force:  Jim Snow:  Task force is looking into the Dzen property and the possibility of the town obtaining the pond and some surrounding land for a future park.  The PARC members have asked Ray Favreau to speak with the town manager about designating any land obtained from the Dzen property as a future park and having a sign put on the property stating it as a future park.  There was also a question brought to the PARC members from a town citizen asking for the builder (Mannarino) to landscape the area around the pond.

 Report of the Recreation Director:

Recreation Dept. has had 22% done by on-line this winter.

VMP:  Meeting are going on with other departments for the 2007 opening date of June 2nd.

Community Center:  $20,000 will be spent over the next few months to replace old furniture at the center.  The money will be coming out of the Recreation fund balance.
The Senior Citizens have been asking for the Rec. Dept. to move out of the building and let them have the center alone.  This would be nice if the Rec. Dept. could get a new facility and possibly a pool.

Three page hand-out given to PARC members with the rec. departments use of the Elementary schools in town.  PARC requests that Ray Favreau draft a letter to be signed by all PARC members to address changes in the ELEM. Schools with regard to the Recreation Departments and other groups use of the town's schools.  There needs to be consideration for improvements to the gymnasiums concerning expansion and for safety issues (drinking fountains).  Ray will try and get a paragraph in the "R" magazine thanking the Board of Education for letting the Rec. Dept. use the schools and school grounds for their programs.

Youth Sports Culture Initiative:  PARC is sponsoring Brooke de Lench to present a 1.5 hour session on the "Role of Mom in Youth Sports" on Tuesday May 1st, 2007.  The event will be held at Timothy Edwards Middle School and begin at 6:30 pm.

Summer Concert Series:  There will be 8 events this year.  They will be split between Evergreen Walk and the Pavilion.  Evergreen walk will also host an outdoor summer movie series on Friday nights (eight shows).

PARC members received a packet for the Rec. Dept and the PARC budget for 2007-2008.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM
Next Meeting:  7:30 PM April 11, 2007

Respectfully Submitted
George S. Caye