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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 1/9/08
Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of the Meeting
January 9th, 2008
Meeting called to order: 7:40pm

Commissioners in Attendance:   Andy Paterna, George Caye, Al Larson, Rob O'Connor, Dan Rezende, Steve Harz, Ray Favreau
Also in Attendance:  Srinivasa Chalikonda, Reddy Gogu, Prem Koshaw

Minutes of the December meeting were approved and seconded.

Open Space Task Force:  Ray Favreau spoke about the Dzen Tree Farm.  The contamination is not as bad as originally thought.  They builders hope to get clearance to get started soon.

Report of the Recreation Director:    
"       The electronic scoreboard at Ellsworth Gym is finally running and will be used for this weekend's games.
"       Rye St. Park:  Phase II plans are going out to bid.
"       Lawrence Road Park:  Stantec has completed 30% of the plans for trails.
"       Friday Rec. ski trips:  Huge success.  This year they will be going to Berkshire East.
"       4th R program: enrollment at 123 participants and holding.  Goal was 125.
"       Celtics trip for January 18 is booked.

There is a mandatory Ethics Review and FOI meeting for all PARC members on Tuesday Jan. 29th 2008 at 7:00pm in the Town Hall Council Chambers.  There is also a Leadership Roundtable on Monday Jan. 28 7:00pm at the Library Friends Room.

Jacob Osit:  The shade sheltered area to be constructed in his memory at the Boundless Playground (to be called "Jacob's View") already has full funding by donations.  The group has raised $30,000 and the total cost will be around $20,000.  Ray Favreau is working with Jacob's dad to get this project completed this spring.  On another note about the Boundless Playground,   Ray will look into creating some kind of fencing or berm around the area to discourage autistic kids from bolting from the area.  The PARC would want an esthetically pleasing look to the area and not chain link fencing.  PARC would provide 50% of the cost and ask Town Council to provide the remaining 50%.

The SWW&WW met on 1/2/08 and would like to get a town wide LOGO contest started.  They want to get prizes for the different schools and for an overall grand prize of a new bike.  They asked if PARC would be willing to buy some of the prizes or the bike for the grand prize winner.  George Caye will get a list of the prizes from SWW&WW at their next meeting and present this to commissioners at the February meeting.  The SWW&WW is very enthusiastic and have a lot of ideas for the town, including providing maps of all trails in town for hiking and biking to be placed throughout South Windsor.  They are also in the process of looking at ways to connect neighborhoods with trails through town owned land.  Michele Lipe, assistant planning director for South Windsor, is marking all town owned land for SWW&WW to help connect our town and neighborhoods.
The Park and Recreation Master Plan:  The plan was reviewed and finalized by members in attendance.  Ray will get this in his Rec. budget for presenting to the Town Council and get a copy to all PARC members.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm

Next Meeting:  7:30pm February 13th, 2008

Respectfully Submitted
George S. Caye