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Special Town Meeting June 9, 2008

Essex, ss.
To the Constable of the Town of Saugus

In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Saugus, qualified to vote in Town affairs for the Special Town Meeting at the Saugus Town Hall located at 298 Central Street on Monday, June 9, 2008 at 7:30 PM to hear and act on the following articles: viz;

Article 1.   To hear and act on reports of Committees.

Article 2.  To see if the Town will vote to accept the provision of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 60A Section 1.  This is an act that allows that excise tax shall not apply to a motor vehicles owned and registered by the surviving spouse of a deceased former prisoner of war, until such time as the surviving spouse remarries or fails to renew such registration.  This act became law as December 13, 1990.

This is an expansion of Chapter 597 of the Acts of 1982 which allowed former prisoners of war to register without a fee distinctive registration plates for one pleasure vehicle owned and operated by a former prisoner of war, and that no excise tax shall apply to such motor vehicle in a city or town which accepts this provision by a vote of Town Meeting.  The Saugus Town Meeting accepted this act, but has not accepted the follow up provision applying to spouses.  (Peter Rossetti, Jr., Esq., on behalf of Ruth Elwell)

Article 3.  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money ($18,500.00) from the Landfill enterprise account for post closure monitoring and maintenance of the town’s landfill for Fiscal Year 2009.  (Town Manager)

Article 4.  To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the purchase of text books for the School Department; to determine whether this appropriation shall be raised by borrowing or otherwise; or to take any other action relative thereto.  (Town Manager, Board of Selectmen, and School Committee)

Article 5.  To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds (FY09 Chapter 90 Highway) a sum of money (ninety two thousand dollars, $92,000.00) for handicapped ramps and sidewalks.  Said sum will be reimbursed by the Commonwealth under the provisions of MGL Chapter 90, section 34.  (Town Manager)

Article 6.  To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds (FY09 Chapter 90 Highway) a sum of money (two hundred and eighty three thousand, nine hundred and forty nine dollars, $283,949.00) for street resurfacing.  Said sum will be reimbursed by the Commonwealth under the provisions of MGL Chapter 90, section 34.  (Town Manager)

Article 7.  To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds a sum of money (eighty five thousand dollars, $85,000.00) for the purpose of purchasing capital equipment for the Highway Department.  Said sum will be reimbursed by the Commonwealth under provisions of MGL Chapter 90, section 34.  (Town Manager)