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Minutes 07/18/2007

City of Salem Zoning Board of Appeals
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

       A meeting of the Salem Zoning Board of Appeals (“Salem ZBA”) was held on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 in the third floor conference room at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts at 6:30 p.m.

        Those present were:  Elizabeth Debski (acting chairperson), Rebecca Curran Richard Dionne and Annie Harris.  Also present were Building Commissioner Thomas St. Pierre and Amy Lash of the Planning Department.    

        Members absent:  Robin Stein (Chair), Bonnie Belair (Alternate), Steve Pinto (Alternate)

Public Hearing

        Elizabeth Debski made a motion to continue petition of Joseph Gagnon regarding a variance for property located at 13 Columbus Avenue.  Petition was continued to a possible date of Wednesday, August 22, 2007.  *Note: this item was continued due to the lack of a quorum.

        Letters from abutters of 13 Columbus Avenue were submitted into the record by Colleen Young, 19 Columbus Avenue.  *Note: this item was continued due to the lack of a quorum.

        Elizabeth Debski made a motion to continue petition of Mary Jinks regarding a variance for property located at 64 Tremont Street, seconded by Richard Dionne.  *Note: this item was continued due to the lack of a quorum.

        Petition of Benjamin Richard concerning a variance for property located at 30 Hathorne Street was continued. *Note: this item was continued due to the lack of a quorum.

        Elizabeth Debski made a motion to continue petition of Riverview Place LLC regarding a variance for property located at 72 Flint Street and 67-69 and 71 Mason Street.  Such motion was seconded by Richard Dionne.  *Note:  this item was continued due to a written request from the applicant.

       Elizabeth Debski reminded the petitioners at the meeting that they have the option to continue their petitions to August, 2007 given that only four (4) members of the Salem ZBA were present.  

Petition of Michael McNiff seeking variances from lot size, lot width, front and rear yard setbacks to construct a single family home for the property located at 74 Endicott Street (R-2).

        Petitioner was represented by Robert H. Griffin, a professional engineer.  

        The lot in question was previously contained a home that was burned and the petitioner intends to construct a single family home on the lot in question.  The home will be of colonial character, similar to the previous home.    

        Petitioner is seeking a variance from front yard setback to 3 feet.  Further, petitioner seeks a variance from rear yard setback to 4.4 feet because of the proposed deck at the rear of the property.   

        Annie Harris inquired into the proposed detached garage which as proposed would be 12’ x 22’.  

        The petitioner, Michael McNiff has an agreement with the current owner Bernard J. Mulligan to purchase the property in question subject to receiving approval from the Salem ZBA.    

        Elizabeth Debski offered comment from the public.  

·       Dorothy Morneau (72 Endicott Street) – objected to the proposed parking, concerned that vehicles would be close her property line.  

·       Alex Foustoukos (76 Endicott Street) – raised concern that the structure was not conforming.  Mr. Griffin in opposition stated that the proposed structure is more in conformance than the previous structure.  

·       Maggie Brobeck (76 Endicott Street) – raised concerns that the proposed structure would interfere with views from her property.

·       Donna Doucette (34 Winthrop Street) – talked about parking in the general area surrounding the property in question.   

In reaction to concerns raised by Ms. Morneau and Ms. Brobeck, Mr. Griffin offered to remove the proposed detached garage from the petitioner’s plans.  
Councillor Jean M. Pelletier (Ward Three) raised several questions regarding the parking for 74 Endicott Street and in support of  Ms. Morneau asked that the vehicles for 74 Endicott Street be parked one behind the other for the proposed driveway.                       

        Discussions regarding the parking resulted in the conclusion that there would still be enough space on either side of the driveway for the cars to be parked side by side.  A condition was included which requires that there be landscaping between the driveway and the property line of Ms. Morneau.

A motion was made by Ms. Debski to grant the variances, seconded by
Ms. Harris.    

Four members (Debski, Curran, Dionne and Harris) voted to grant the petitioner’s request for variances subject to certain standard conditions and three (3) special conditions.   

Petition of Thereas McCarthy seeking variances from side and rear yard setback to construct an addition for the property located at 14 ½ Meadow Street (R-2).  

The petitioner was represented by her son.  Ms. Debski reminded the petitioner’s son that he has a right to continue the petition until August, due to the fact that only
four (4) members of the Salem ZBA were present at the current meeting.  

        Petitioner was seeking variances from side and rear setback to enable the construction of an addition to the first floor of her single family home.  

        There was no public opposition.  Teasie Riley Goggin (9 Wisteria Street) spoke in favor of the petition.  

        Motion made by Richard Dionne to approve the petition, seconded by Ms. Harris and subject to 8 conditions.  

There being no further business before the Board, a motion to adjourn was made by
Mr. Debski, seconded by Mr. Dionne and approved 4-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted:

John P. Bossé
Salem Zoning Board of Appeals