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Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda 03/19/2014

You are hereby notified that the Salem Zoning Board of Appeals will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall Annex, RM 313, 120 Washington St., Salem, MA
Rebecca Curran, Chair

  • February 19, 2014 meeting

Project:                A continuation of the public hearing for a petition requesting a Variance from the provisions of Section 4.1.1 Table of Dimensional Requirements, specifically from the maximum allowed height of buildings, and a Special Permit under Section 3.3 Nonconforming Uses and Structures of the Salem Zoning Ordinance to change from one non-conforming use to another, and to change a non-conforming structure, to allow the conversion of the property to residential use.   
Applicant:      ROBERT WILLWERTH
Location:       107 HIGHLAND AVENUE (R1 Zoning District)

Project:        Petition for an administrative appeal of a decision of the Building Commissioner regarding agricultural use of the property.
Applicant:      MICHELE CONWAY
Location:       69 ORCHARD ST (R2 Zoning District).   

Project:        Petition requesting Variances under Section 4.1.1 Table of Dimensional Requirements of the Salem Zoning Ordinance to grant relief from the minimum lot area, minimum lot area per dwelling unit, minimum lot frontage, and minimum lot width requirements.
Applicant:      ANDREW PERKINS
Location:       15 CHERRY HILL AVENUE and 21 VALLEY STREET (R1 Zoning District)   

Project:        Petition requesting Variances under Section 3.3.4 Variance Required of the Salem Zoning Ordinance to allow an extension & structural change to an existing non-conforming structure for the addition of a second floor and front and rear exterior stairways that increase the existing encroachment on the required minimum depths of the front and rear yards, to the existing single-story building.
Applicant:      DAVID FRANK
Location:       77 BEAVER ST (R2 Zoning District)

Project:        Petition requesting an Amendment to a previously issued Variance decision in order to reduce the number of parking spaces required for the commercial space, and to allow an increased encroachment on the 50 foot buffer required for construction activity abutting residential property.
Location:       72 FLINT ST, 67-69 MASON ST, AND 71 MASON ST (NRCC Zoning District)