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March 17th, 2009
City of Salem
Youth Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 17th, 2009
5:00 pm

In Attendance:  Joanne Scott (Chair), Bil Legault, Peter Baglioni, Mary Manning, Meg Farrell, Chrisanthe Theodorakakis
City Staff:          Jason Silva, Tom Watkins
Joanne opened up the meeting.  The group introduced themselves to all.  Meeting minutes from the February meeting were reviewed and approved.  

Youth Week    
Youth Week is scheduled for April vacation which will be from April 19 – 24.  

Bil said that the Park Service can host a movie at their auditorium but it has to be in the evening hours.  Bil would also like to host a pizza party beforehand outside at Armory Park.  It was decided to have the pizza at 6 pm and start the movie at 7 pm on Friday night, the 24th.  Joanne will get some ideas for the movie.  

Bil also said that he will host the Bike Ride at the Salem Common as opposed to his original idea of doing it on the Bike Path.  The Bike Ride will be on Tuesday and Friday from 10:30 – 11:30 am.  He will need about a dozen volunteers and kids will be required to wear helmets in order to participate.  

Mega and Joanne will work to organize a hip-hop event for Youth Week.  

Bil will talk to Deb Amaral about some more YMCA hosted events, such as an open swim.  

Bil will talk to the Park Service about having some group tours of the Friendship.  

Jason will talk to David Smith to see if he can help organize an event with Sail Salem.  

Bil and Jason will work on organizing a scavenger hunt in downtown Salem for Thursday morning.  

Tom will talk to Kate Fox about seeking businesses/organizations to offer discounts or even free admission during Youth Week.  

Tom will finalize the Youth Week calendar and email it out to the group.  

Suicide Prevention    
Joanne briefed the Commission on an email and dvd about suicide prevention that is available.  She wants to know if the group would be interested in hosting a forum on this issue, possibly next Fall.  Bil thought this was a great direction for the Commission and thought SATV would be a good resource.  The rest of the Commission members agreed but felt that alcohol was a bigger issue in Salem at this time and would like to focus their first forum on this.  Safe Homes, Health Quarters and the Teen Outreach Program at Salem High School would be good groups to get involved.  The forum should address both teens and adults.  The forum panel should include people such as a representative from the District Attorney’s Office, Salem Police Department, high school and middle school students, a parent, etc.  Joanne said she will attend the Safe Homes meeting next month to bring this idea to their attention.

Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 at 5:00 pm.      
The Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm  
Meeting minutes recorded by Tom Watkins