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June 17th, 2008
City of Salem
Youth Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 17th, 2008
5:30 pm

In Attendance: Deb Amaral, Peter Baglioni, Eileen Dunn, Larry Keegan, Jason Silva, Tom Watkins
Child Safety Day
After some discussion, it was decided to hold Child Safety Day on Saturday, September 13th from 10am to 1pm.  The group would like to hold the event this year on the Salem Common.  Eileen Dunn will bring this idea in front of the Park & Recreation Commission, for which the group will need approval from in order to use the Common.  In the case that they do not receive approval or if it rains, Child Safety Day will be held at the Collins Middle School.  

Individual members of the group will take on various assignments to help out with Child Safety Day.  Peter will talk to the Police Chief to secure the T3’s, dive equipment, a police cruiser, dogs from the Essex County Sheriff’s Office, bicycles, car safety seat checks and pamphlets on internet safety, amongst other things.  He will also see if he can secure a helicopter to land at the Common for the day.  Tom will work to contact the Fire Chief, David Cody, to ask for his assistance in securing the Smoke House and a pump truck for the event.  Tom will also invite the Bike Path Committee to se if they can do some demonstrations on bicycle safety as well as hold a bike rodeo.  Tom will contact Commission member James Lister to see if he can get in touch with north Shore Ambulance.  He will also contact HeartScreen America and ask Jodi at the Boys & Girls Club to see if they can do something on Halloween safety.  Larry Keegan will contact the American Red Cross.  Commission member Mary Manning will be asked to organize a demonstration on bus safety.  Eileen Dunn will work on pet safety and check on having pizza donated from local vendors.  She will also see if they can secure the Winter Island port-o-pottie for the day at the Common.  

Tom will email the group and let others know what there assignments are.  Should any group members have any other ideas, they should contact either Deb or Tom.  

The Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm  
Meeting minutes recorded by Tom Watkins