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February 19, 2008
City of Salem
Youth Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
5:30 pm

In Attendance: Deb Amaral, Peter Baglioni, Mary Manning, Eileen Dunn, Chrisanthe Theodorakakis, Ryan Heath, Sasha Santiago, Jason Silva, Tom Watkins
Meeting minutes (January) were reviewed and approved.  The group welcomed new member Sasha Santiago from Salem High’s Alternative school program.  Deb also gave Tom the email for sash Gaddapati of Parents United for Salem.  He will add her to the group’s email list.   

Youth Week
Tom reported to the group that James had been in contact with Chuck Puleo of Puleo’s Ice Cream and he has agreed to donate ice cream to the Sunday on Sundaes event.  Mary said she will contact James about hosting the event at the Middle School.  The event will be held on the first Sunday of the week to kick off Youth Week.    

Deb listed the events the YMCA will be hosting as part of Youth Week:
·       Open Swim, 1 -3 pm Monday – Friday
·       Kids Boot Camp Week for 9 – 12 yr. olds, 9 – 10:30 am Monday – Saturday
·       3 on 3 BBall Tournament for Thurs. and Friday.  Still working out price.  3 different brackets
·       Discounts at the Children’s Museum
·       Dive – In Movie
·       Teen Center, Mon. – Thursday, 4 – 9 pm
·       Rock Band & Guitar Hero Tournament

Tom will follow up with Paul Van ness about hosting a movie at CinemaSalem.  Jay also talked to Kate Fox of destination Salem and will follow up with her about what local businesses would be willing to offer discounts to their stores/attractions.  The Boys & Girls Club will host a board games tournament – Tom will follow up with Ann Marie as to when they will be able to hold this.  The Salem Police will host an Open House of the Station on Wednesday from 11 am – 1 pm.  The event will be entitled “Family Open House at the Police Station”.  

Ryan Heath had been in contact with Caitlin Harrington who has agreed to take the lead to organize a Battle of the Bands Concert.  She has put these events together in the past and has agreed to help us out.  Mary will talk to Dave Angeramo about having the event in the High School Auditorium.  Peter will talk to Chief St. Pierre about having a police detail for the event.  There will be an admission charge at the door.  

Tom will follow up with Deb Kneeland on the Step Class Show event.  

Eileen Dunn reported the events that the Park & Rec. Office will host for Youth Week:
·       Bingo on Thursday, 1 – 2:30 pm.  Charge is $1 to play.
·       Knitting 10 – 11:30 am Tues – Fri.

After much discussion about the Roller Palace it was felt that it would be in the groups best interests to not hold a skating time there.  Tom will check to see when the Salem Willows opens up.  Deb mentioned that Debbie Kneeland said her daughter could help design a flyer for Youth Week.  Tom will update the Youth Commission’s contact list.  

The Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm  
Meeting minutes recorded by Tom Watkins