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July 17, 2007
City of Salem
Youth Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
5:30 pm

In Attendance:  Bil Legault, Eileen Dunn, Ann Marie Tanzella, Jodi Goldenberg, Zachary Broughton, Mary Manning, Jerry Curley, Jason Silva, Tom Watkins

Child Safety Day
After a brief introduction and approval of the meeting minutes from the Commission’s June 19th meeting, the group began discussing the details of Child Safety Day which is set for September 15th.  It was stated that Bil Legault and Deb Amaral will help to market the event and seek the possible vendors and sponsors.  The two will conduct some PR through the media and the schools.  Ann Marie will begin to work on food donations (pizza, popcorn from the Willows, cotton candy, face painting, drinks, etc.).  Mary Manning said she will include the flyer for the event in a packet for students at the schools.  Jodi will also reach out to the Safe Homes Program.  Bil stated that the event will require about 25 to 30 volunteers and he can get them through the YMCA and Teen Diversion Program.  Mary stated she would like to have school bus safety included in the event and she will work on coordinating this as well as work on trying to procure a bus for the event.  The time of the event was set from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm and will require a police detail.  Bil will also check up on the Identification Card program.     

Discussion of City Playgrounds
It was mentioned that Beverly has 12 open parks that are staffed and once a week they go on a field trip.  The Town of Danvers has 6 full day staffed parks and 8 which are staffed half of the day.  The City of Peabody has 3 parks which are staffed but require a fee of $80.00 week.  The City of Salem has 1 free park (Mary Jane Lee Park) and 1 paid park (Camp Naumkeag).  

It was mentioned that there may be high demand in some other areas of the City for a staffed park, including the Pequot.  Bil stated that the YMCA should be able to provide some funding to staff City playgrounds next summer through a FirstJobs grant.  Jason mentioned that if the group votes to advocate for additional staff at the City’s parks, they should do so by writing a formal letter and request to both Mayor Driscoll and Doug Bollen, Director of Recreation and Community Services.  Eileen mentioned that structured programs, such as that at Camp Naumkeag, seem to work out better.  Eileen mentioned that Doug Bollen had said the demand is low in the City and Mary would like to know the reasons as to why kids are now not going to the parks.  Bil seems to think the need to have staffed parks is there.  Eileen said she will look into the possibility of sending out a needs assessment survey through the Park & Rec. Office.  It was also stated that having staffed parks will come at a cost to the City – staff, a supervisor and materials.  The group also said that maybe they could work on a pilot program for next summer.  

Community Calendar
Tom stated that the Youth Events Calendar is now on the homepage of the City’s website as well as linked to the Youth Commission webpage on the City’s website.  He mentioned Youth Commission members need to email him events/dates so he can begin to post them on the calendar.  Jodi and Bil said they have some dates they will get to him.  

Next Meeting
The Youth Commission’s next scheduled meeting is set for Tuesday, August 21st, 2007 at 5:30 pm in the 3rd Floor Conference Room of the City Hall Annex Building, located at 120 Washington Street.  

The Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm  
Meeting minutes recorded by Tom Watkins