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January 13, 2011
Board of Commissioners of Trust Funds
Minutes of the January 13, 2011 Meeting

Present:  Mayor Driscoll, Robert Lutts, Raymond Vaillancourt, Thaddeus Buczko and William Goreham

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Driscoll at 5:30 P.M.

Raymond Vaillancourt made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2010 meeting.  The motion was seconded by William Goreham and voted unanimously.

January Large Grants were administered.

The Salem Council on Aging submitted requests for medication expense reimbursements in the amount of $685.40.  Raymond Vaillancourt made a motion to approve the expenses from the Endicott Fund.  The motion was seconded by William Goreham and voted unanimously.

Members from the Bookholz Fund Committee will be requesting funding this month.  Raymond Vaillancourt made a motion to approve funding pending the Bookholz Committee’s recommendation.  The motion was seconded by Thaddeus Buczko and voted unanimously.

Robert Lutts was contacted by Dr. Albright, Administrator of the Read Family Trust.  Mr. Lutts will send him current information about the our Read Fund accounts.  

The Mayor discussed the possibility of the Trust Fund holding funds for the school portion of the Dominion gift possibly administering income earned to benefit Salem schools.  She is reviewing several alternatives at this time.

Next meeting Thursday, February 10, 2011.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

F. Kay Fouhey, Clerk