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Salem Sate College Advisory Board Minutes 2/15/2012
Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee
February 15, 2012 – Minutes

Attendees:      Beth Bower, Maureen Fry, Marcia Lambert, Joseph O’Keefe, Jim Rose, Jason Silva, Josh Turiel, and John Walsh

Absent: Jason Doviak, Jack Hoar, Robert McCarthy, and Andrew Soll,

Guests: Joe Berry (Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.), Dave Coleman

  • Library/Learning Commons
  • Steel erection will be completed in the next couple of weeks. The white tarp enclosing the west wing of the building is in place to contain temporary heat so work on concrete slabs on deck and fire-proofing can continue during cold weather.
  • All floor slabs for the west wing have been placed. The roof slab placement for this wing will take place in warmer weather, with an anticipated pour in early April.  Placement of slabs on deck for the east wing will follow.
  • Rock removal by Meier Hall and utility work on College Drive will take place during Spring Break (March 12-16), when classes are not in session. Drilling and hoe ramming remove rock near the west side of Meier Hall. More details on the timing and process will go out in the neighborhood email blast and website as the date gets closer.
  • Councillor O’Keefe received a call from a constituent who wondered if there was welding taking place at night on the site. – Mr. Berry responded that all trades are cleared out by 5 p.m. at the latest and what the constituent could be hearing is the temporary heating system, which can be heard when close to the site.
  • Raymond Road Traffic Study
  • Jason Silva reported that there was a good turnout at the neighborhood meeting, but that it seems like it will be difficult to build consensus within the neighborhood on next steps.
  • He added that the result of the meeting was the creation of a smaller subcommittee that will work to build consensus. There is no large meeting planned at this point.
  • Dave Coleman noticed more enforcement in the neighborhood following the meeting. Marcia Lambert did as well.
  • O’Keefe Center Fitness & Recreation Center Addition
  • Beth Bower responded to questions that arose from the special presentation meeting on January 30.
  • The height of the new addition will be 50’9” high, which is roughly 1’ taller than the hockey rink.
  • She also showed a view of the entire face of the building as seen from Forest Avenue, as was requested at the special meeting. This image is posted on under the Fitness and Recreation Center Project.
  • Marcia Lambert asked about student parking for the new facility. Ms. Bower explained that student parking will not change, and the O’Keefe Center lot is dedicated to commuter student use only.

  • Neighborhood Disturbances
  • Beth Bower stated that there was nothing new to report from the university’s perspective on disturbances.
  • Adria Leach reported that the issue around the security lights on the blue building on the former Weir property that affected Charles Street has been resolved. Both she and Marcia Lambert spoke with the neighbor who initially called, and he is satisfied with the solution.
  • Councillor Josh Turiel reported that a neighbor on Geneva Street had an issue with cars blocking her driveway. She has worked with Salem Police on this issue and had at least one car towed. The issue seems to be resolved at this point.
  • Alumni Field Lights
  • Beth Bower reported that there have been several internal discussions with Athletics and Student Life around the Alumni Field light issue. The increase in the number of sports played and interest in having a set playing time for intramural sports has caused field usage to run later than in years past. Accounting for all of the varsity team practices and games scheduled on the field and the fact that there is only one field available for use after dark, intramural teams do not gain access to the field until 9:30 p.m. most nights, which is the reason lights have remained on until 11 p.m.
  • Ms. Bower brought a proposal from the Athletics Department that intramural play would run until 10:30 p.m. with players and lights off the field by 10:45 p.m.
  • Marcia Lambert stated that she would run the proposed schedule by the neighbors who are concerned and will respond at the next meeting.
  • Councillor Turiel asked if intramurals could be played on the baseball field. Ms. Bower responded no, because the MOU for that field states that no lights can be installed on that field for evening/night usage.
  • New Neighborhood Representative for Ward 7
  • Since the redistricting of the city wards, Councillor O’Keefe requested to add a new representative for Ward 7, as his original recommendation lives in a neighborhood that has been redistricted to Ward 5. Councillor O’Keefe has recommended that David Coleman be added to the Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee as the Ward 7 representative.
  • The committee supported the recommendation, and Jason Silva will bring this to the Mayor’s attention and will get notice out to the committee and Mr. Coleman before the next meeting.
  • Deferred Items
  • Jason Silva asked if there were any updates on the deferred items on the agenda.
  • Beth Bower stated that the only call we have received regarding the below items was a complaint about smoking on Lafayette Street. The neighbor was told that he could call Campus Police. She added that President Meservey also commented on the Tobacco Free Campus initiative at a recent campus meeting where she noted that at the beginning of each semester there is a slight backslide in this effort as new students come on to campus. This is something the university will continue to educate and monitor its population about.
  • Dunkin Donuts Window Treatment Meier Hall
HVAC System at Building 1 Update
Off-Campus Parking Update
  • Tobacco Free Campus
  • The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 21, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.