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Salem Sate College Advisory Board Minutes 3/21/2012
Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee
March 21, 2012 – Minutes

Attendees:      Beth Bower, David Coleman, Jason Doviak, Marcia Lambert, Joseph O’Keefe, Jason Silva, Andrew Soll, and Josh Turiel

Absent: Maureen Fry, Jack Hoar, Robert McCarthy, Jim Rose, and John Walsh

Guests: Joe Berry (Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.)

  • Chair Silva introduced David Coleman as the new representative for Ward 7.
  • Library/Learning Commons
  • The final three slab on deck placements on the east wing will be placed the next three weeks, with the first starting tomorrow, Thursday, March 22. These placements are roughly 350 yards and will require 35 to 40 trucks per placement. Placements will begin during regular business hours. Concrete delivery is anticipated to be completed between 3 and 5 p.m. for each pour, with finishing work going into the evening. Concrete placements are weather dependent, and the university will post dates online and provide the dates to the neighborhood email list as soon as the final pours are scheduled.
  • The tarps and temporary heating that have been in place during the winter months will be removed early next week, and construction on the exterior walls will begin. The building is expected to be fully enclosed structurally by the end of the summer of 2012.
  • Rock removal by Meier Hall is continuing and will occur on Saturday, March 24.
Councillor O’Keefe inquired about the proposed completion date for this project. – Mr. Berry replied that it is late June of 2013.

  • Fitness & Recreation Center Addition
  • Beth Bower explained that the project is still in the design phase and that the Construction Manager (CM) has not been identified. Early bid packages for items such as site, foundation and steel, are being prepared. Early bids should go out in the next three to four weeks, with remaining bids going out after the CM is identified.
  • Marcia Lambert asked if there have been any design changes since the presentation. – Andrew Soll responded that there have been slight changes in color or texture, but nothing significant. Updated visuals will be presented at the April SSUNAC meeting.
  • Neighborhood Disturbances
  • Mary Lou Gauthier stated that there is a new motor sound coming from the Marsh Hall roof that is a squealing sound. She has heard it since mid-winter. – Adria Leach has been working on this issue with Mrs. Gauthier and had informed her that rubber stabilizers were installed on the fan on Marsh Hall. Mrs. Gauthier added that this did not improve the noise she is hearing. Ms. Leach will investigate further and report back her findings to Mrs. Gauthier and the committee.
  • Mrs. Gauthier also noted that there have been some early morning deliveries between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m. – Ms. Leach has been working on this issue as well, and all vendors have been reminded that deliveries are not allowed before 7 a.m.
  • Chair Silva asked for a report on the baseball field parking issues.
  • Councillor O’Keefe reported that the university and the Salem Police Community Impact Unit have been collaborating on this issue and have come up with a signage plan that will be paid for by the university.
  • Beth Bower reviewed the signage plan which includes a bollard-sign that will be placed on the Pickman Park path at the university’s property line that will state "Ball Field Parking at Central Campus in Designated Areas;" signs at the Loring Avenue end of Grant, Lincoln and Monroe Roads that state “Ball Field Parking at Central Campus” with an arrow directing traffic down Loring Avenue; and directional signs in the Atlantic Hall parking lot that read "Path to SSU Ball Field" to direct visitors to the walking path that leads to the baseball field.
  • Jason Doviak reported that all teams, including university opponents, families and renters, as well as umpires and Salem High School were reminded by letter that baseball field parking is on Central Campus. Letters listed 71 Loring Avenue as the address for the field and strongly encouraged guests and renters to utilize the ample dedicated parking on campus and refrain from parking in the neighborhoods. New renters are required to complete a walkthrough of the parking and field areas with Athletics staff prior to their first event on the field.
  • Councillor Turiel stated that businesses at the corner of Broadway and Loring Avenue including Rainbow Tile were having issues around parking. The city will repaint the service zones, remove an outdated handicapped parking space that belonged to a former resident, and will institute 30-minute business parking in this area at the corner.
  • Alumni Field Lights
  • Ms. Lambert reported that the neighbors she has spoken with regarding the new times for the alumni field lights (play until 10:30 p.m., lights out at 10:45 p.m.) were not satisfied. She will continue to reach out to neighbors in the area for additional feedback. One neighbor attended the meeting in support of Ms. Lambert’s statement.
  • Ms. Bower will continue the conversation on the university side and will report back at the April meeting. The challenge is that academic classes require field time and varsity sports require practice and play time that prohibits scheduling any intramural activity before 9:30 p.m.

  • Raymond Road Traffic Study
  • Dunkin Donuts Window Treatment Meier Hall
  • HVAC System at Building 1 Update
  • Off-Campus Parking Update
  • Tobacco Free Campus
  • The next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 18, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.