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Salem Sate College Advisory Board Minutes 1/24/2011
Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee
January 24, 2011 – Minutes

Attendees:      Beth Bower, Jack Hoar, Marcia Lambert, Joseph O’Keefe, Jason Silva, and Andrew Soll

Absent: Julie Goutzos, Maureen Fry, Robert McCarthy, Kathy Neville, James Rose, John Ronan, and John Walsh

  • Library and Learning Commons
  • Demolition of Existing Building
  • The pilot study for the demolition of the existing library building is underway. It will take until March to complete. They will be removing panels on the western side of the building. No superstructure will be removed during the study.
  • A mast climber work platform has been put in place.
  • Actual removal of debris from the building will begin in a few weeks. Brick infill will be sorted and stored in the building until a full load is ready to be removed. Windows will be removed and stored in the building for the time being.
  • Phase 1 of demolition will follow and remove the back 20% of the building.
  • Construction of New Facility
  • The relocation of telecommunications and data wiring continues.
  • Storm drainage pipe relocation has begun.
  • Construction documents for the new building are complete, and the construction manager is starting to buy out the project.
  • Significant site work is expected to begin in May or June of 2011.
  • Former Weir Property
  • Basic renovation of the Stanley Building is complete.
  • The Stanley Building is fully occupied. ITS, facilities offices and shops have moved in.
  • The Data Center should be moving to the Stanley Building in the spring. Servers will need to be offline for the move.
  • Marsh Hall
  • Punch list work will continue through the spring and into the summer.
  • 8 Charles Street was sold. There are no current issues.
  • An aggressive campaign to get students to park in the Jeffries Furniture lot (Canal Street) began before the holiday break. Campus Police have reported that the lot has been heavily used since the start of school.
  • Councillor O’Keefe reported that Lt. Preczewski is still looking at a resident parking only option for Loring Avenue.
  • HVAC System at Building 1 Update
  • No update at this time since the system is down for the winter.
  • Baseball Field
  • No update at this time as the field is not in use until spring.
  • Central Campus Environmental Updates
  • The university is waiting for the report from the environmental firm. No further updates at this time.
  • Loring Avenue Traffic Study at Raymond Road
  • In response to complaints related to pedestrians crossing at Raymond Road, the city engaged Fay, Spafford and Throndike (FST) to do a study of pedestrian and vehicular traffic at the Raymond Road/Loring Avenue junction. The study will also examine the intersection of Broadway and Loring Avenue.
  • City Engineer Dave Knowlton, Councillor O’Keefe, Jason Silva, and the university met. The university is sharing the cost of the study with the city. Mr. Knowlton gave FST the notice to proceed.
  • The study will identify issues related to pedestrian and vehicular traffic and will make recommendations for mitigation. Councillor O’Keefe asked that the final scope of work be shared with the committee. Beth Bower will contact Dave Knowlton.
  • Snow Removal
  • Sidewalks
  • Snow removal on sidewalks has been an issue on the streets surrounding the campus that are not university property.
  • University will remove snow in front of university property only. The university cannot take the liability to remove snow from private property.  Property owners need to be held responsible for clearing their sidewalks, per city ordinance.
  • Marsh Hall Snow Removal from Roof – Inquiry from neighbor
  • The snow removal from the Marsh Hall roof was routine. Removal was done around drains, hatches, and skylights. This removal happens on all buildings.
  • Pickman Park Playground Project
  • The Pickman Park Association obtained a $20,000 grant from the city to rehabilitate the park.
  • The association wrote the university a letter asking for an additional contribution of $12,000. The university has already contributed to Pickman Park twice in the last three years and is not in a position to make a monetary contribution. However, the university is happy to help recruit volunteers for the build as it did for Forest River Park playground.
  • The association is having a raffle to raise more money for the park. The university offered the association the opportunity to set up a table and sell tickets on campus. The university will also help promote the raffle through a poster campaign.
  • The next meeting will be on Monday, February 28, due to the President’s Day holiday on February 21, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.