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November 15, 2010
Salem state University Neighborhood Advisory Committee
November 15, 2010 – Minutes

Attendees: Maureen Fry, Marcia Lambert, Joseph O’Keefe, James Rose, John Ronan, Jason Silva, Andrew Soll, and John Walsh

Absent: Beth Bower, Jack Hoar, Julie Goutzos, Robert McCarthy, Kathy Neville, and John Ronan

Other: David Coleman, MaryLou Gauthier, and Rick Moylan

  • Library/Learning Commons
  • The electrical relocation project is almost complete. Peabody Hall is the only building that remains on the existing service through the old library building. It will be cut over to a new line during the Thanksgiving break.
  • Interior demolition and asbestos removal have begun within the existing library building. A work plan for the removal has been submitted to the EPA.
  • A groundbreaking ceremony for the new library/learning commons is planned for December 7.
  • Former Weir Property
  • Renovations within the Stanley building are progressing rapidly. Construction for current plans for this space should be complete by the end of 2010.
  • Once renovations are complete in this area, the Data Center will be moving into this space. It is estimated that this move will take place in early 2011.
  • Marsh Hall
  • The work scheduled for the Marsh Hall rooftop equipment has been completed. The screening of the equipment over the bridge section of the building has been installed, and the sound attenuation equipment has also been installed in the equipment on the south wing that was identified by the sound engineer as the issue
  • David Coleman reported that he can still hear the equipment, especially from the second floor of his home. The sound is changed and is now more vibratory than before. He does not want a noise study, and suggests that the university look at the system on Atlantic Hall, from which he has not heard noise. MaryLou Gauthier confirms his statements.
  • The university will share this information with the contractor and will report back on the issue at the December meeting.
  • Assistant Dean of Student Life Shawn Newton has continued to respond to reports he receives from the CIU and is in regular contact with Dennis King. There were no new reports this week and no reported incidents on Halloween weekend.
  • Loring Avenue Issues
  • Deputy Chief of Campus Police Shane Rodriguez wrote a letter to the editor of the Salem State Log regarding the available parking lots for Marsh Hall residents. This ran in the November 8 issue. Copies of article were shared with meeting attendees.
  • Councillor O’Keefe explained that he, Jason Silva, and the director of the Department of Public Works identified areas on Loring Avenue where parking signage needed improvement.
  • Jason Silva reported that the city has increased its enforcement of this area. Approximately 15 tickets were given out over 3 days. The city will continue enforcement, with particular attention in the early morning so as to catch overnight cars that are parked illegally.
  • Lt. Preczewski is not convinced that resident parking can be established for this area as it is a state highway.
  • Reports of issues include the blocking of driveways as well as visibility from connecting streets including Station Road.
  • The city will continue working on this issue.
  • The university will look into the effectiveness of flyers and letters about parking targeted to residential students.
  • HVAC System at Building 1 Update
  • With the renovations in the Stanley building moving forward, the university data center in the Classroom Building (Building One on Central Campus) will be moved to the Weir property in early 2011.  At that time, operation of the DX units behind the Classroom Building will be discontinued.
  • Baseball Field
  • New signs stating “No Ball Field Parking” are expected to be installed by the city before field use gets heavy in the spring.
  • Central Campus Environmental Updates
  • Additional testing has been completed. Actual results should be received by the university by the end of the month. Results appear to be favorable.
  • The university’s LSP will submit a report to the DEP in February of 2011.
  • MaryLou Gauthier reported that the lights on the loading dock between Atlantic and Marsh Halls shine brightly into her property all night since the leaves have fallen off the trees. The loss of leaves also gives a much more open view of the loading dock area from her property. She suggested that the university look into motion lights, have timers or block the area with evergreens.
  • The university will look into this issue and will report back at the December meeting.
  • The next meeting will take place on Monday, December 20, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.