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March 16, 2009
Salem state college neighborhood
advisory committee
March 16, 2009 – Minutes

Attendees:      Beth Bower, Lee Brossoit, Adria Leach, Robert McCarthy, Joseph O’Keefe, Jason Silva, Andrew Soll, and John Walsh

Absent:         Fran Carson, Jack Hoar, Marcia Lambert, James Rose, and Matt Veno

Other:          Dana Lothrop

  • Beth Bower reviewed the one registered complaint from a Raymond Road abutter.
  • Six of nine Raymond Road residences identified as immediate abutters by the Massachusetts State College Building Authority (MSCBA) accepted the pre-construction survey from an independent survey company in New Hampshire. Each will receive a copy of the survey report. Four additional homes have been identified by MSCBA and will be offered surveys through a delivery confirmed letter from the college that will go out on March 17, 2009.
  • Councillor O’Keefe asked about a claims procedure. The college will provide a claims procedure at the next meeting.
  • Dana Lothrop requested that the committee define the term “abutter” as it is used in several areas. Beth Bower defined the term abutter as a neighbor whose property abuts college property. The abutters referred to in SSCNAC minutes and college materials depend on the campus location addressed in the content.
  • Construction Updates:
  • Site prep has begun: fences were installed, the removal of topsoil has begun, and the relocation of utilities is underway.
  • The foundation construction has changed from excavation and spread footing to geopiers. Geopier testing began today and will go forward. This is the same process that was used in the construction of the existing Central Campus Residence Hall. Vibration readings will be taken prior to and during equipment use.
  • Foundation and excavation is scheduled to take place over the next month.
  • The concrete trucks will travel through the north Entrance located across the street from Salem Diner and exit out the south Entrance (by right-turn only) located behind the Enterprise Center for the start of the project. As the building progresses, the trucks will exit out the north entrance. The contractor has committed to notifying subcontractors that trucks are prohibited from Raymond Road and Broadway between Loring Avenue and Canal Street.
  • Pest control correspondence has been sent to the Salem Board of Health.
  • Councillor O’Keefe convened a meeting between the college, Salem Police and the Mayor’s Office to discuss the upcoming baseball season to avoid any issues that occurred last year.
  • The college distributed a letter to abutters surrounding the ball field regarding mitigation from last year (see attached).
  • The college has and will continue to encourage all involved to park on Central Campus instead of on neighborhood streets. Letters have gone out to all opposing college and university teams that will be playing at Central Campus with clear directions as to how to get to the field and where to park their vehicles at the Central Campus parking lot. Opposing coaches have been told to have their fans park on Central Campus in specifically designated areas. Family members and friends of the college’s team as well as Salem High School parents have also been instructed to park on Central Campus.
  • Student ambassadors from the college will be situated at Pickman Park to offer visitors assistance in finding the designated ball field parking on Central Campus.
  • The college will re-meet with Councillor O’Keefe, the Salem Police and the Mayor’s Office two weeks after the start of the season to review the progress.
  • Dana Lothrop inquired about weekend baseball practice schedules. The college will obtain this information and will get back to the committee at the next meeting.
  • Councillor McCarthy requested that the college clean the Cat Cove parking lot when it has its spring cleaning of lots on other campuses. Andrew Soll will address this with facilities.
  • Jason Silva noted that the committee has not had a regular representative from Rainbow Terrace. Councillor O’Keefe will reach out to the Housing Authority to find a permanent representative.
The next meeting of the SSCNAC will take place on Monday, April 27 at 6:30 in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.