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February 23, 2009
Salem state college neighborhood
advisory committee

February 23, 2009 – Minutes

Attendees:        Beth Bower, Lee Brossoit, Jack Hoar, Marcia Lambert, Adria Leach, Robert McCarthy, Joseph O’Keefe, Jason Silva, Andrew Soll, and John Walsh

Absent:             Fran Carson, James Rose, and Matt Veno

Other:                Leif Lamoray, Leftfield, LLC


·        Beth Bower reviewed the Web address for construction project updates:  Updates to the website will be made on a bi-weekly basis and new renderings will go up over the next few weeks.  Ms. Bower also reminded the committee that neighbors should continue to contact the college’s Campus Police at (978) 542-6111 so that any issue is resolved in a timely manner.

·        Vehicle Access & Fencing were reviewed:

o       Fences were erected around the construction site and walkways were fenced off for the students.

o       There will be two initial access gates for construction vehicles: the north entrance to Central Campus across from the Salem Diner; and south entrance behind the Enterprise Center.

o       Gates will be labeled for emergency vehicle access to the specifications of the fire department. The fire department will have access to gate keys and the fences surrounding the gate entrances are on cement shoes in order for emergency vehicles to easily drive through them if need be.

o       Truck access and egress has been changed with the shift of student rooms away from the bike path. The building on the south side has been extended to accommodate these rooms, thus preventing the south gate from being an entrance/exit point after the foundation excavation. Trucks will enter Central Campus through the north entrance across from the Salem Diner and will initially exit the campus from the south entrance behind the Enterprise Center.

o       All truck traffic exiting Central Campus will be restricted to right-hand only turns onto Loring Avenue. Contractors have been notified that construction vehicles will be restricted from using Raymond Road and Broadway.

o       Jack Hoar recommended that the college and contractors consider using a police detail during high traffic times (concrete pours) to allow trucks the option to take a left onto Loring Avenue from the south exit. Leif Lamoray said they would take this under advisement.

o       Contractors are still reviewing off-campus parking options and are in private negotiations with area parking lots.

·        Pest Control: Councillor O’Keefe requested that the college share the pest control plan from Waltham Pest Control with the City. Leif Lamoray will arrange for the City to receive the plan.

·        Noise: Construction equipment and machinery will meet all state noise abatement requirements.

·        Pre-construction surveys: Property surveys have been offered to immediate abutters of the new residence hall site to establish a baseline for any potential claim. Two property owners have taken advantage of this opportunity thus far. Others have been notified through two letters and a phone call if their numbers were listed. A final notice will be sent certified mailed to abutters who have not scheduled a survey.

·        Ms. Bower sent a memo to Jason Silva and the SSCNAC from the college’s environmental consultants, Woodard and Curran, that addresses the turf concerns from the January 2009 meeting. Mr. Silva and the committee agreed that all concerns were addressed in this memo. The memo is attached.

·        A resident raised concern regarding pet messes along the bike path and the surrounding college paths to Marcia Lambert of the South Salem Neighborhood Association. According to the resident, pet owners are not picking up after their pets. She suggested that signage about fines be posted and adding trash receptacles and bag posts to the bike path. Ms. Lambert suggested that the resident contact Frank Taormina of the Department of Planning & Community Development. The resident has and Mr. Taormina has added the concern to the agenda of the next bike path meeting. The SSCNAC committee has deemed this a City issue and Mr. Silva will follow up with Mr. Taormina on the issue.



·        End of Semester Move Out: Councillor O’Keefe raised a concern regarding students leaving excess trash along the curb when they move out. Ms. Bower has shared the City’s trash regulations with Student Life who will share the information with the students. It was suggested that someone remind the landlords to inform students of the trash policies to ensure that they are not fined by the City if trash regulations are violated.

·        Crosswalk at the top of Loring Avenue near Lafayette Street: Mr. Hoar requested that the parking signs at the top of Loring Avenue be evaluated and parking monitored as cars continue to park in the restricted area before the crosswalk.



The next meeting of the SSCNAC will take place on Monday, February 23 at 6:30 in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.