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Approved Minutes 9/10/2014
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday September 10, 2014 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Robert Mitnik, Conrad Baldini, Robert Curran, Russell Vickers, Grace Harrington
Members Absent:         
Others Present:         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan,  Economic Development Planner Andrew Shapiro
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Chairperson Robert Mitnik calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Executive Director’s Report

Lynn Duncan first expressed that the Town Pump Fountain project has been coming along quite nicely.  Rehabilitating this fountain has been a challenge and there is one remaining challenge with respect to an electrical conduit running between the service box and the fountain.  That being said, the site is still enclosed with a fence and brickwork in front of the fountain has just been completed.  

Baldini questioned the amount being spent on the fountain.

Shapiro explained that the original price of the contract to rehabilitate the fountain was about $247,000.

Duncan continued by noting that she is aware of a change order that will increase the project total by about $15,000 and that other work is being done that had not been originally contemplated by the contractors.  The etching on the concrete blocks proved to be extremely challenging.  It will be exciting to the fountain lit up and to see the project finally completed.

Duncan then explained that the Department of Planning and Community Development is currently working on developing a request for proposals for the conveyance and development of the District Court Building.  She noted that any such project would not be moving forward at this time for the Superior Court Complex and County Commissioners building due to the Secretary of State’s interest in those properties, potentially for the relocation of the Registry of Deeds.  The intent right now is to present a draft RFP to the SRA at the October meeting.

Duncan wrapped up by noting that the proposal by RCG to develop a mixed-use development at Washington and Dodge Street was moving forward at the Planning Board, and that the project had already been heard at one public hearing.

Urban Renewal Area Projects

  • 209 Essex Street (LEAP for Education): Discussion and vote on proposed A-Frame sign.
Shapiro noted that the proposal is for an A-Frame sign to be located within 5’ of the front door of 209 Essex Street.  The applicant’s office is in the rear of the building, but would like visibility on the Pedestrian Mall in order to make people aware that they are there, and to direct clients to their location.

The proposal calls for a fairly typical 2’-0” x 3’-0” white, plastic, A-Frame sign.  Shapiro commented that the design would have one side written in Spanish and the other side written in English because many of their program participants speak English as a second language.

The DRB felt that the design could be improved a bit. The differing fonts and texts sizes could be more consistent. The DRB commented that the text justification and how it is situated in relation to the center of the sign could be tightened up a bit. The DRB asked that the SRA condition the applicant to work with DRB member Glenn Kennedy to finalize the sign’s design.

Vickers:  Motion to approve subject to review and input of Glenn Kennedy,
Seconded by Baldini. Passes 4-0.

Grace Harrington arrived after the vote had taken place, and before the second item was heard.

  • 30 Federal Street: Discussion and vote on installation of rooftop solar panels.
Robert Lutts was present on behalf of the 30 Federal Street proposed project.  

Lutts commented that the proposal is for 30 solar panels.  He noted that 29 panels was originally proposed, but the DRB had recommended 30 in order to round off the appearance of the panels on the roof.  He referenced a photo provided that showed a home with a similar set of panels installed on its roof, noting also that the spaces in between the panels in the photo would not be present on the installation for 30 Federal Street.  

There will be no exterior wires or anything running along the sides of the building.  

Curran:  Motion to approve as presented,
Seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.

  • 230 Essex Street (Tibet Arts & Healing): Discussion and vote on proposed blade sign.
Shapiro commented that the proposal is for one blade sign to be hung 10’-0” above the sidewalk. The original proposal included maroon backing with gold lettering. The DRB commented that the design’s text was too far apart, and therefore recommended that it be brought closer together.  The applicant agreed to do so.

Baldini:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB
Seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.

  • 7 Central Street (New England Dog Biscuit Company): Discussion and vote on proposed signage.
Shapiro noted that proposal calls for a few different signs.  One is a blade sign to be hung with an existing black iron bracket above the storefront. The second item proposed would be the exact same dog logo as proposed for the blade sign placed above the door in a vinyl back material. Shapiro commented that the door would have text stating the company information.  Windows would include script describing what will be sold with-in the business and a bunting graphic would be located at the top of the windows. The DRB commented that the text located on the door should be regular, and be consistent with no backing.

Baldini:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB,
Seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.

  • City Of Salem: Discussion and vote on proposed pole mounted cigarette butt recycling receptacles for Downtown.
Shapiro noted that the Mayor would like to reduce the amount of cigarette butts littered on city streets. A program run by a company called TerraCycle was discovered that has been piloted in a number of cities, one being Vancouver, CA. Slim aluminum receptacles would be attached to street light poles and used for the disposal of cigarette butts. The butts would then be recycled.  The City would like to purchase approximately 100 of these for areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, especially where bars and restaurants are located and have a high likelihood of smokers congregating.

Shapiro noted that for every one pound of butts recycled, one dollar would be donated to “Keep America Beautiful,” and another dollar would be donated to Salem Main Streets.

The DRB noted that all brackets should match the color of the poles to which they are attached. No receptacles should be affixed to any poles that have bike rack parking. The DRB suggested a change in text.  Receptacles could be labeled “Recycle your butts here,” instead of “Cigarette butt recycling” in order to provide more active language.

Vickers inquired as to whether the receptacles would take on water when it rains.

Shapiro noted the receptacle’s very small opening, making it hard for water to penetrate.  He also explained that the DRB had heard comments from the public about the potential for vandalism.  Shapiro noted that the receptacles come with a lock and key system for security.  DPW would have access to them.

Mitnik pointed out that the receptacle has a rain gutter to reduce rain intake.

Ward 2 Councilor Heather Famico questioned the cost to maintain the operation of the receptacles.  She also asked if the 100 units would be placed solely downtown, or elsewhere in the city as well.

Shapiro explained that the locations would primarily be downtown and then pointed to a list of potential locations staked out by DPW for the installation of the receptacles.

Vickers commented that it might be worth looking into the economics of this program.  How much time does it take to maintain these receptacles?

Harrington questioned whether the proposal would have to come back before the SRA once specific locations for the receptacles were identified.

Shapiro said that he believed that unless something about the proposal changed significantly, then the proposal would not return to the Board.

Duncan pointed out that the SRA would be approving the maximum number of locations outlined in the packet provided.

Harrington expressed a concern that if all locations presented were to be approved, clustering of receptacles might occur and lead to a certain area or street appearing cluttered.

Chairman Mitnik expressed support for the proposal noting that these receptacles will be very useful around the Common because of the amount of butts he sees on the ground there.

Vickers:  Motion to approve as submitted,
Seconded by Harrington. Passes 5-0.

The minutes from the August 13, 2014 regular meeting were reviewed.

Harrington:  Motion to approve,
Seconded by Curran. Passes 5-0. 

Baldini: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:30 pm.