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Approved Minutes 10/09/2013
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday October 9, 2013 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Robert Mitnik, Conrad Baldini, Robert Curran, Russell Vickers, Matthew Veno
Members Absent:
Others Present:         Andrew Shapiro
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Chairperson Robert Mitnik calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Executive Director’s Report

Andrew Shapiro provided an update on the items listed below.

  • A notice to the public was issued on behalf of national grid, explaining its proposed project to replace existing transmission lines and work to be done on transfer stations. A preferred or alternate route would affect parts of the urban renewal area. On Oct. 22 there will be 3 different meetings at the main stage theatre providing the public an opportunity to comment.
  • Phase 2 work on the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall is 100% complete. Some final items that were completed over the past few weeks included replacing a temporary bollard, permanently installing existing benches, minor maintenance on portions of brick, and replacing a tree located in front of the Magic Parlor. The next portion of work would include the renovation of the town pump (Washington Street fountain). An RFP for this scope of work is being finalized and reviewed. The intent is to have the work start next spring. The design has been previously agreed upon and approved by the DRB and SRA.
  • The Peabody Essex Museum’s first phase of construction has been completed, which focused on the installation of a rooftop mechanical penthouse. The project is currently waiting on a new architecture firm to provide full-scale plans for expansion, which is going to be reviewed by both the DRB and SRA. The estimated end date would then be extended.
  • The DRB last month began the schematic design review for the RCG development at Washington and Dodge Streets.
Sign, Awning, Lighting, and Façade Review

  • 320 Derby Street (Pia): Discussion and vote on proposed signage.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes a plans and photos of the proposed signage.

Shapiro noted that the owner is rebranding the store and transitioning the current store name to Pia. Signage includes four window decals, two of which would say “Pia” and a 27” x 36” blade sign that will be hung in the existing sign bracket. The DRB unanimously approved this design at the last meeting.

Baldini:  Motion to approve
Seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.

  • 11 Church Street (The Essex Condominium): Discussion and vote on proposed exterior soffit replacement.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes plans and photos of the proposed exterior soffit replacement.

Shapiro noted that rotting and deteriorating existing soffit and wood trim necessitated a replacement of wood soffit. The proposed new soffit would be fashioned to replicate the existing. The material would change to Verstex/PVC Vinyl in order to prevent the need for constant mainenenace. The DRB made the recommendation that the proposed soffit should exactly replicate the existing soffit with the proposed Verstex material.

Veno questioned what the purpose of the street level views were for and if anything else would be changing.

Shapiro noted that on some projects it helps to have a good understanding of the surrounding context. The scope of work is going to be concentrated to under the roofline.

Veno:  Motion to approve.
Seconded by Curran. Passes 5-0.

  • 209 Essex Street, Rear (Salem Cyberspace): Discussion and vote on proposed signage.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes a plans and photos of the proposed signage.

Shapiro noted that the space is very difficult to place signage on because the business is located in the basement. The DRB’s concern was that the proposed signage encroached upon tenant space that could be leased in the future, creating a misidentification. There was a real need for the business to be identified by parents and kids. Shapiro commented that the overall plan is to have a two part building sign with vertical lettering located next to the first floor window but a specified distance away from the entry door of the empty tenant space. Shapiro noted that a second blade sign with vertical lettering would be aligned with the window on the far right of the building and would align with the existing window size. Both signs would have a yellow background with black lettering. If a new tenant were to request changes to the signage plan, the existing sign would be removed and the new signage would need to be approved by the DRB and SRA.

Vickers:  Motion to approve.
Seconded by Baldini. Passes 5-0.

The minutes from the September 11, 2013 regular meeting were reviewed.

Veno:  Motion to approve,
Seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.        

Baldini: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:21 pm.