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Approved Minutes 09/11/2013

City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday September 11, 2013 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Robert Mitnik, Conrad Baldini, Robert Curran, Russell Vickers, Matthew Veno
Members Absent:         
Others Present:         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan, Andrew Shapiro
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Chairperson Robert Mitnik calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Executive Director’s Report

Lynn Duncan provided an update on the MBTA garage groundbreaking ceremony. The event will take place on Friday, September 13 at 11:30am; everyone is invited to attend.

Duncan commented that a draft memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the City and the MA Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) regarding the disposition of the district court and county commissioner’s buildings has been circulated. The Salem Redevelopment Authority would manage the RFP process, whereby it would solicit proposals to redevelop the buildings.  DCAMM would retain responsibility for the maintenance of the buildings and would then turn over ownership of the buildings to the SRA after a developer is selected.  The SRA would then transfer the properties to developer(s) upon satisfaction of a land disposition agreement (LDA).

Old/New Business
Sign, Awning, Lighting, and Façade Review

  • 318 Derby Street (Petite Etoile): Discussion and vote on proposed signage.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes a plans and photos of the proposed signage.

Shapiro commented that the proposal is to erect a new 24”x36” blade sign mounted to the existing bracket. Shapiro noted that the DRB recommended the applicant remove the border surrounding the sign. The applicant has made these revisions.

Baldini:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB
Seconded by Curran. Passes 4-0.

  • 253 Essex Street (Santander): Discussion and vote on proposed signage.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes a plans and photos of the proposed signage.

Shapiro noted that the SRA would be reviewing the rebrand of an existing Sovereign Bank branch. All signage will be replaced to meet the new brand logo requirements. Shapiro noted that some existing signage would be removed.

The representative of Santander noted the changes on the pages of the submitted proposal listed below.

Page 18 addresses the placement for a new sign that will match the dimensions of the existing signage (determined to be 5’x4’). The DRB recommended that the sign should not protrude over 48” onto the sidewalk. The SRA could approve the 3’x4’ sign as proposed at the DRB meeting, or consider the revised request of a 5’x4’ blade sign.

Page 19 notes the re-facing of an existing sign cabinet. The perimeter would be painted red.

Page 22 acknowledges the replacement of an existing blade sign.

Page 26 notes the addition of a new directional sign.

Page 32 addresses a new entryway sign which will not extend past the width of the 12’-8” opening as recommended by the DRB.

Page 22 documents the existing parking blade sign, which would be approved by the SRA.

Vickers questioned whether the DRB was reviewing incorrect information. Vickers commented that the DRB should be allowed to review the proposal with the proper information in regards to the scale issues.

Shapiro commented that one option is to approve the previously proposed 3x4 signage as approved by the DRB. The business can file for the approval of a 5x4 sign at a later date with the SRA and the DRB. Shapiro noted that the existing bracket could support the signage at all of the specified dimensions.

Curran commented that the SRA could approve the rest of the package.

Duncan noted that the 5x4 sign request could be removed from the proposal package tonight and the SRA could make an approval to support the DRB’s recommendations for this item.

Curran:  Motion to approve all recommendations made by the DRB with the following conditions:

  • Approval of the 3x4 (Page 19) sign as proposed to the DRB. The sign will require further approval for a proposed grey bracket.
  • Approve all recommendations made by the DRB
Seconded by Veno. Passes 5-0.

Small Project Review

  • 43 Church Street (Turner’s Seafood): Discussion and vote on proposed excavation and construction of exterior stairs and fenced border.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes a plans and photos of the proposed excavation and construction of exterior stairs and fenced border.  Jim Turner was present on behalf of Turner’s Seafood.

Turner commented that the business has a concern for their deliveries. The size of establishment really needs a delivery door with direct access to the basement or exterior coolers. The proposed space is a 6’ wide greenscape. Turner commented that the proposal is to take over this space and enclose it with a wrought iron fence. The intent is to excavate a staircase that allows access to the basement.

Shapiro commented that the original proposal had the fence extending to the addition in the rear of the building. The DRB recommended that the fence should extend back to the end of the brick. The tree would sit outside of the fence.

Mitnik questioned where the necessary mechanicals would be located.

Turner commented that the equipment would be small and the landscape would conceal it.

Vickers:  Motion to approve
Seconded by Baldini. Passes 5-0.

The minutes from the August 14, 2013 regular meeting were reviewed.

Baldini:  Motion to approve,
Seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.        

Baldini: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Veno. Passes 5-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:40 pm.