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Approved Minutes 7/10/2013
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday July 10, 2013 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Matthew Veno, Conrad Baldini, Russell Vickers, Robert Mitnik, Robert Curran, Bob Curran
Members Absent:         
Others Present:         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan, Andrew Shapiro
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Chairperson Robert Mitnik calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Executive Director’s Report

Lynn Duncan had 4 items to review with the group.
  • Duncan noted that a City Council public hearing meeting regarding the RCG proposal for Dodge Street was held the other night. Questions were centered on the 38 parking space issue. Duncan commented that the parking lot will be open to the public but will be privately owned. The 38 parking spaces are to be purchased. While most feedback provided was positive, only 2 people requested more information. The public hearing will be continued on July 18th because not enough City Council members were present to vote.
  • Duncan noted that the Peabody Essex Museum would present before the SRA board at the August meeting.
  • Duncan commented that the City Council would be considering the appointment and confirmation of J. Michael Sullivan as a new member of the DRB at the July18th Council meeting.
  • Duncan noted that the pedestrian mall is 95% complete. There are no major disruptions; workers are just finishing up the electrical cabinet. A punch list has been done which includes fixing certain areas that could be more level, adding new key bollards, and relocating existing benches. Duncan noted that the fountain has been put on hold temporarily. The fountain’s construction bid came in higher than the original estimate.
Veno questioned if any feedback from business owners has been received in regards to how the city managed to make the construction process less disruptive.

Duncan commented that businesses appreciated the information on changes to be made and making the construction process schedule available to owners.  Feedback has been mostly positive.  Duncan noted that the contractor revised the way work was completed in the first phases.  Since the mall was never fully closed the construction process required more time.  Duncan commented that business owners were grateful for the pause in construction during the long holiday weekend in July.

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review

  • 45 Federal Street (Cornerstone Court LLC): Discussion and vote on proposed window and siding replacement.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes cut sheets, a proposal, and photos of the proposed window and siding replacement.

Mitnik commented that an additional trim board should be added to separate the new building from the older one.  Mitnik noted that this would make the building appear more symmetric.

Shapiro commented that the DRB recommendations included:

  • 6.25 width Hardyboard siding exposed 5” silver plate sterling grey finish
Contrast rear of building with vinyl siding.
Windows will have glass panes replaced. Windows will replace the 6 over 6 with a 2 over 2 3Dimentional window grid.
Double hung standard 6 over 6 windows in rear of building
White trim with no fluting
No ornamental exaggerations

Additional condition made by the SRA:

  • Add an additional trim board equidistant from the peak.
Vickers:  Motion to approve with recommended changes addressed by the DRB and additional condition addressed by the SRA,
Seconded by Baldini. Passes 5-0.

  • 302 A/B Essex Street (North Shore Children’s Theatre): Discussion and vote on proposed signage.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes cut sheets and photos of the proposed signage.

Shapiro noted that the city has approved an 80 sq. ft. clearance in place of the traditional 40 sq. ft. maximum signage clearance to provide flexibility in concealing some of the existing signage that requires clean-up. Shapiro commented that total signage proposed includes an off white aluminum building sign and 4 window decals.  Decals will include the company’s logo and 3 words “acting, dance, theatre”.  Shapiro commented that the DRB recommends painting the remaining existing signage maroon to clean up the facades appearance.  Total rough signage is 76.5 sq. ft.

Shapiro commented that the DRB recommendations included:

  • Lettering size should be about 75% of the proposed signage.
  • Off white color
  • Window lettering will be 8” and the same maroon color.
  • Paint the remaining existing signage band maroon.
Baldini:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB,
Seconded by Curran. Passes 5-0.

  • 30 Church Street (Nick’s Firehouse): Discussion and vote on proposed signage.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes a letter, cut sheets and photos of the proposed signage.  

Shapiro noted that the signage will be made of red cedar and hung in the same location as the existing sign. There will be a total signage of 3 1/2 sq. ft.

Curran:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB,
Seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.

  • 83 Washington Street (Melita Fiore Cakes): Discussion and vote on proposed outdoor seating and topiaries.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes a letter, cut sheets and photos of the proposed outdoor seating and topiaries.  

Shapiro commented that there would be no service outside, just public seating for guests. 26” diameter bistro style tables will have a height of 28”.  Shapiro noted that the proposed design meets the city ordinance and building departments requirements. Shapiro noted that 2 64” high topiaries with built in led lights would be located at each side of the entry door.

Veno:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB,
Seconded by Baldini. Passes 5-0.

  • 191-211 Washington Street/ “The Hawthorne Building” (RCG, LLC): Discussion and vote on proposed façade improvements, awnings, and signage.
The Board reviewed a submission that includes photos, cut sheets, and a letter for the proposed façade improvements, awnings, and signage.

Shapiro noted that work would include the following:
  • Repainting cornices and columns proposed tan finish as submitted
  • Signage and 201 address block located above the entry door will be painted black with gold leaf lettering.
  • Windows and door trim will be painted a dark green finish as submitted.
  • Goose Neck sconce lighting will be located at panels.
  • New wall sconce lighting will match the existing parking lot street lamps.
  • New awnings will be solid black. One red awning with no wording or any form of signage will be located above Bank Of America.
  • Starbucks coffee awning with signage will remain.
  • 1 2’-8” x 3’-3” blade sign per business will be added. Individual signage for each business will need to be approved by the DRB.
Shapiro commented that the DRB recommendations included:

  • Approving the submitted samples of Waters and Brown paint in Hunter Green, Sand, Dark Black, and Dark Tan
  • Providing more information regarding signage square allowances and exact sign design to ensure that signage complied in terms of square footage.
Vickers:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB,
Seconded by Veno. Passes 5-0.

The minutes from the June 12, 2013 regular meeting was reviewed.

Veno:  Motion to approve.
Seconded by Curran. Passes 5-0. 

Baldini: Motion to adjourn,
Seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:41 pm.