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Draft Minutes December 12, 2012
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes—DRAFT

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday December 12, 2012 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Robert Mitnik, Conrad Baldini, Russell Vickers, Matthew Veno
Members Absent:         Robert Curran
Others Present:         Tom Daniel, Economic Development Manager
Recorder:       Jennifer Pennell

Chairperson Robert Mitnik calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Executive Director’s Report
Daniel noted that Lynn Duncan was glad to see that so many members could attend the Salem Partnership Annual Holiday Get Together at Old Town Hall. The event was very successful and many attendees noted Gordon College’s success at Old Town Hall with the Salem Museum.

Vickers commented that the five-year lease provided a great public use while preserving the historical attributes of Old Town Hall.

Old/New Business
  • 6 Front Street: Discussion and vote on proposed window.
The submission under review before the SRA includes a window proposal, drawings, and photos.

Bill Goldberg was present on behalf of Goldberg Properties. Daniel noted that the submission was reviewed by the DRB last month. Following the SRA’s direction, the intent was to receive additional feedback from the DRB regarding the transition from multi pane to plate glass windows. The DRB was very enthusiastic towards the change to plate glass, the board liked the consistency between 6 Front Street and the building across the street which houses JMode.

Vickers: Motion to approve the DRB’s recommendation with the following added condition:
  • Ground floor uses shall be limited to retail or restaurant.
Seconded by: Baldini, Passes 3-0.

  • 87 Washington Street (Opus): Discussion and vote on proposed exterior changes.
The submission includes a letter and photos of the proposed exterior changes.

Mark McDonough and his landlord were present on behalf of Opus.

Daniel noted that the items reviewed by the DRB included the following:
  • Reinstate a window located in the alley with an exhaust vent above.
  • A proposed wood slat enclosure located in the back that would mimic the wood slat enclosure around the emergency back up generator at Salem Five.
  • Erecting a brick shaft along the back that would enclose a kitchen exhaust duct, which protrudes up to the roof.
  • The bulkhead would be removed and replaced with a metal platform.
  • Adding LED string lights in the alley, which should be secured to the existing attachment points located on the City Hall building.
  • Heat pump system installed on the roof.
Vickers asked if the door on the alley would provide a new access into the restaurant.

Daniel commented that the proposed door was a previously approved fire rated door with access to the basement.

Daniel noted that the DRB felt the brick shaft would be too massive and recommended an industrial look instead with an exposed round shaft. The property owner has agreed, and this element will be reviewed by the DRB next week. Daniel recommended that tonight the SRA approve the shaft element subject to the DRB’s review and approval.

Daniel noted that existing metal brackets located on City Hall would serve the proposed LED string lights. A new outlet would be added to the 87 Washington Street building. The DRB requested a dimmer be included.

Mitnik asked what David Jaquith’s diagram reflected in regards to the wood slat enclosure.

Daniel noted that the diagram reduced the footprint of the enclosure. The original proposal didn’t require as much square footage.

Baldini: Motion to approve the DRB’s recommendation with the added condition that the revised shaft element is approved subject to DRB review and approval.

Seconded by: Vickers, Passes 4-0.

The minutes from the November 27, 2012 annual and regular meetings were reviewed.

Veno:  Motion to approve.
Seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.

Baldini: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:15 pm.