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Approved Minutes, April 11, 2012
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday April 11, 2012 at 5:45 pm
Meeting Location:                       Salem Five Community Room, 210 Essex Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Robert Mitnik, Conrad Baldini, Robert Curran, Matthew Veno, Robert Mitnik, Russell Vickers
Members Absent:         
Others Present:         Lynn Duncan, Tom Daniel
Recorder:                               Sarah Brophy

Robert Mitnik calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Executive Director’s Report

Lynn Duncan stated that there is no Executive Director’s Report this evening.

Old/New Business

  • 60 Washington Street (3 Potato 4): Discussion and vote on proposed signage and carry out window
Veno: Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Curran. Passes 5-0.

  • 281 Essex Street (Life Alive): Discussion and vote on proposed signage
Baldini: Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.

  • 32 Derby Square (Salem Museum): Discussion and vote on proposed signage
Veno questioned how the banners would be attached to the building. Daniel stated that there was thought put into the attachment and the intent is to avoid penetrating the masonry facade.

Vickers: Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Baldini. Passes 5-0.

  • 76 Lafayette Street (Howling Wolf Taqueria): Discussion and vote on proposed flower boxes and outdoor dining area
Daniel explained that the owner is seeking approval of existing window boxes previously installed as well as new ones. Daniel provided a summary of the recommendation provided by the DRB. It was suggested that the new flower boxes should match the old in terms of style and color. However, the new flower boxes will have a counter top above for bar height seating. Some tables have been removed to maintain accessible clearance on the patio.

Curran questioned if they do business at two locations, as there are two addresses on their application. Daniel stated that they have a Lafayette Street address but the door is on Derby Street.

Baldini: Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Veno. Passes 5-0.

  • Two East India Square (Essex’s NY Deli & Pizza): Discussion and vote on proposed portable sign
Vickers: Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Veno. Passes 5-0.


The minutes from the March 14, 2012 regular meeting were reviewed.

Veno: Motion to approve, seconded by Baldini. Passes 5-0.

  • Essex Street Pedestrian Mall: Discussion and vote on proposed conceptual improvements to Essex Street pedestrian mall
Lynn Duncan welcomed the audience. Duncan stated that the City has pursued three grants to get funding for the proposed improvements to the mall, but has been unsuccessful to date. However, three applications are pending one of which is in association with the PEM.

While funding has not been secured for the entire project, the Mayor does not want to lose the momentum that was generated from last year’s forums. As a result, the City is focusing on a list of strategic improvements that will be presented this evening by Tim Love from Utile.

Duncan summarized the improvements to be presented by Love and made special note regarding the fountain at the intersection of Essex and Washington Streets. While the City is aware of the history the fountain acknowledges, the fountain is being proposed to be removed. The City hopes to respect the historic nature of this site in a creative way through the inclusion of a new marker or other treatment.

Love presented images from previous working sessions to remind the audience of what was discussed during last year’s forums. The conceptual proposal before the audience strives to tackle maintenance and safety issues in the mall while reducing visual clutter. The goal is to increase visibility into the mall from Washington Street thus making it more inviting to pedestrians. A series of sight lines and clear pedestrian zones will be created as was illustrated in the before and after renderings.

Specific tasks being proposed include the following.

  • Remove/reset uneven/dangerous paving
  • Remove understory trees to open view corridor
  • Remove planters for increased pedestrian travel
  • Remove fountain at Washington Street
  • Replace or reset uneven paving
  • Insert new canopy trees
  • Fill in paving where planters and fountain are removed
The audience was invited to comment on the conceptual proposed modifications to the mall. The comments are summarized below.

  • David Hart, 104 Federal Street – Hart stated that he traveled to Spain last September and noted that the streets were much more lively and echoes what is being proposed. Hart stated that in addition to pedestrians there were bicycles and automobiles. Hart advocated for a smoother texture stone and made note that the concrete pavers are in disrepair while the granite is not. Hart suggested that the removal of fountain needs some consideration and does not see it as an impediment.
Duncan stated that the City is looking at a couple of paving options and it will be discussed in detail with the DRB when design commences.

  • Pamela Jendrysik, Salem Garden Club – Pamela stated that the Garden Club stopped taking care of the planters near the fountain due to the clutter and trash cans near the kiosk, in particular the newspaper boxes.
Duncan commented that the City needs to determine how to manage the mall and the objects that are placed along it.

  • Roberta Clement, Salem Garden Club – Roberta questioned the timeline of the proposed project and the disruption it might cause.
Duncan stated that the City is anxious to move forward with this project and would like to have the project complete before the tourist season begins.

  • Dorothy Hayes: Hayes advocated for resetting the cobbles and stated that they are not hazardous if reset correctly.
  • Kirt Rieder: Rieder advocated for preserving the cobblestones as well. Rieder suggested that the City already owns the cobbles and he would urge them to spend the money on additional strategic improvements instead of new cobbles.
  • Annie Harris: Harris is a great fan of the cobbles but acknowledges they can be challenging for people with disabilities. Harris expressed a need to provide an area for people to travel unimpeded. Harris understands the desire to remove the fountain but stated that fountains are nice features in the urban environment. Harris is in favor of removing the understory of trees, but commented that the space can be bleak in the winter time.
Daniel stated that the City plans to have public art on the mall again this season.

  • Dick Pabich, 35 Winter Island Road: Owns building with Fountain Place and Scrub. Pabich agreed that the fountain should be removed for a variety of reasons, but he believes there should be a small water entity to honor the site.
  • Joan Brennan: Brennan was concerned about the timeline and how it will impact business. Brennan stated that businesses lost money this past October during the snowstorm. The shops on the mall need to have July-October construction free to survive.
Duncan stated that the comment is well noted.

  • Jamie Metsch, 230 Essex Street, Scrub: Metsch spoke in support of the plan as proposed. In agreement that this fountain should be removed. A water feature should remain but be handled in a different manner.
  • Dave Williams, 342 Essex Street: Any improvement to the safety of the pedestrian mall is warranted. Fountain represents something very important to the City. Every great city has nice water features. Williams travels in Europe where café culture is vibrant there and would love to see that kind of activity brought here to Salem.
  • Josh Turiel, Councilor Ward 5: Turiel likes the plan being presented. Turiel stated that he would like to see some of the cobblestones preserved and maintained better. Turiel commented that the fountain, as it is currently constructed, has become an attractive nuisance.
  • George Atkins, Chairman of the Salem Partnership: Atkins stated that the Salem Partnership is in favor of the improvements. Atkins made some personal comments regarding the proposal that focused on the improvements required to make the cobblestones less hazardous.
  • Betty Bouchard, Trolley Depot: Bouchard would love to see some cobblestones stay. Cobblestones are often mentioned in media pieces about Salem and are an important element to keep. The water feature is historically important and is the entrance to the mall. It is an inviting entrance. Bouchard expressed concern about the number of trees being added and hoped that they would not block signage and buildings. Lastly, the timing of the project is critical to business owners on the mall and would like the mall to be construction free from June through October.
  • Kate Leavy, 230 Essex Street, Scrub: Stated that the mall is a mixed use space and should be clearly explained as there are a lot of kids out and about and it can be dangerous at times. Currently there is a false safe feeling on the mall.
  • Linda Stark, Essex Condos: Stark supported the idea of a smaller fountain and advocated for increased bench seating. Stark expressed an interest in continued white lighting in the trees. Stark also stated that there needs to be an increased police presence on the mall during the weekends.
  • Annie Harris: Harris is delighted that the City is making improvements and questioned what the treatment at the base of the tress will be.
Love said that they have not gotten to the details yet, but are hoping for a flush tree grade and the exchange between the store and the street will be as fluid as possible.

The SRA members discussed the conceptual plan.

Vickers was not clear about the schedule of the project and how the schedule ties in with the summer months. Duncan confirmed that they are trying to do as much of this as they can this year and would urge the SRA to move to vote to send this forward to the DRB. Vickers commented that the schedule is aggressive and expressed concern about getting the work done by June.

Veno queried the cobble repair. Love explained the process. Veno questioned if the palette of the mall would have too many materials. Love stated that the end result will be similar to what is in place now. One of the goals of the pilot project is to have the mall look like it was always that way.

Mitnik stressed the importance of saving the fountain from a landfill, as it is a piece of art even if it is not kept in Salem.

Curran: Motion to move to design, seconded by Vickers. Passes 5-0.


        Curran: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Baldini. Passes 5-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 7:38 pm.