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I. Approved Minutes, November 17, 2011
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Thursday November 17, 2011 at 5:30pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chairperson Robert Mitnik, Robert Curran, Matthew Veno, Russell Vickers
Members Absent:         Conrad Baldini
Others Present:                         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan, Tom                                    Daniel
Recorder:                               Sarah Brophy

Chairperson Robert Mitnik calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Annual Meeting

  • Annual Report and Financial Report – Executive Director
Duncan clarified that the annual and fiscal reports being presented are for fiscal year 2011. She highlighted key projects from the past year.

  • Salem Downtown Renewal Plan Update: The work on updating the urban renewal plan has been ongoing for 8-9 months and the Draft Plan is now complete. The City Council public hearing follows the SRA meeting.  If approved, the plan will be valid for 30 years.
  • Old Town Hall:  For the past several years, Old Town Hall has been under the management of Gordon College. This summer, Gordon College opened the museum of Salem history.
  • Parking Management:  Most of the recommendations in the Parking Management Study were adopted. Tom Daniel continues to work on the details of the plan implementation. The plan will be implemented in fiscal year 2012.
  • Design Review:   The SRA continues to review designs for store fronts, outdoor cafes and signage.
  • Public forums (4) on the Essex Street Pedestrian Mall:  Public forums have looked at design improvements to the mall that do not preclude sharing the mall with vehicles to a greater degree. The City continues to apply for funding for those design improvements.
During fiscal year 2011 there was  a consistent financial balance. However, this balance does not include the SRA’s contribution to the urban renewal plan. The SRA committed $15,000. The balance going forward will be $5,000.

Veno:  Motion to approve the Annual Report and Financial Report, seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.

  • Election of Officers
  • Chairman
Vickers nominated Mitnik for Chairman.

Vickers:  Motion to approve, seconded by Curran. Passes 3-0.

  • Vice Chairman
Mitnik nominated Vickers for Vice Chairman.

Mitnik:  Motion to approve, seconded by Veno. Passes 3-0.

  • Treasurer
Vickers nominated Veno for Treasurer.

Vickers:  Motion to approve, seconded by Curran. Passes 3-0.

  • Approval of 2011 Meeting Schedule
Vickers:  Motion to approve, seconded by Curran. Passes 4-0.

  • Adjournment
Curran:  Motion to approve, seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.

Regular Meeting

Executive Director’s Report

Duncan indicated that there is no Executive Director’s Report in addition to what was reviewed during the annual meeting.

Old/New Business

Small Project Review
  • Urban Renewal Plan: Discussion and vote to approve Salem Downtown Renewal Plan
Duncan provided a brief summary to the group regarding proposed amendments to the October 27, 2011 Plan. Amendments included the following:

  • Modifications to the boundaries of the plan. The green space in front of the Old Salem Jail has been eliminated, and the boundaries will be extended to include the adjacent rights of way.

  • Correction of the effective date in the Executive Summary. The new effective date is contingent on the DHCD approval date.
  • Changes regarding design criteria and standards. Modifications clarify what guidelines are to be used. This was a great opportunity to pull all design guidelines together.
  • The land use plan has been updated and the narrative has been revised to correspond.
  • Document has been structured so that it is clear that the SRA cannot over rule zoning.
  • Some corrections were simply grammatical and rewording to make the document read better.
Mitnik:  Motion to approve the Salem Downtown Renewal Plan dated October 27, 2011 with amendments referred to in the November 15, 2011 letter from the Mayor to the City Council and with amendments to the section National Register Historic Districts and Landmarks as presented at tonight’s SRA meeting, as a major plan change, which consolidates and updates both the Heritage Plaza East Urban Renewal Plan and the Heritage Plaza West Urban Renewal Plan and includes all associated and previously approved amendments of those plans. Seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review

  • 128 Washington Street (Café Kushco): Discussion and vote on proposed exterior improvements and signage
The board reviews a submission which includes images of proposed signage—two wall signs and one blade sign. Daniel summarized the changes being proposed by Café Kushco and the recommendations proposed by the DRB.

Veno noted that the word sandwich is not spelled correctly.

Curran:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.

  • 72 Washington Street (Salem Cycle): Discussion and vote on proposed portable sign
The board reviews a submission, which includes images of proposed sign. Daniel reviewed the proposal before the SRA. Salem Cycle is looking to update the A-Frame and has incorporated the DRB comments into the revised design.

Vickers:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Veno. Passes 4-0.

  • 322 Derby Street (Rouge): Discussion and vote on proposed portable sign
The board reviews a submission, which includes images of proposed sign. Daniel noted that the applicant was looking to have the existing A-Frame sign approved. While meeting with the DRB, suggestions were made to incorporate Rouge’s logo as a permanent element on the A-Frame.

Curran commented that this is the first application before the group that has hand written text on the sign. Veno questioned if there are guidelines regarding the handwritten elements. Daniel stated that there are guidelines for permanent elements, but there are no regulations regarding what is hand written. Duncan stated that temporary signage is much more flexible than permanent signage.

Veno:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.


Veno:  Motion to approve, seconded by Curran. Passes 4-0.
        Veno:   Motion to adjourn, seconded by Curran. Passes 4-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 6:14 pm.