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D. Approved Minutes, May 11, 2011
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday May 11, 2011 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Michael Brennan, Russell Vickers, Conrad Baldini, Robert Curran
Members Absent:                 Robert Mitnik
Others Present:                 Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan
Recorder:                               Lindsay Howlett

Chairperson Michael Brennan calls the meeting to order.

Executive Director’s Report

Duncan states the application has been submitted to the National Endowment for the Arts for the development of a master plan for public art as well as design/development plans for the pedestrian mall.

Duncan states the parking management study is still with the Council Committee of the Whole as there were a number of concerns expressed by local residences. Duncan adds they are looking at hours of enforcement, parking tickets, cost of garage parking, revenue and cost of new technology.

Duncan states Council will be responsible for approving any obstruction of sidewalks regarding the outdoor dining permits for outdoor cafes and the SRA will continue to still permit outdoor cafes in the Urban Renewal Area.

Duncan states later in the meeting they will discuss the Urban Renewal Plans.

Small Project Review

  • 168 Essex Street (Lakay Island Restaurant): Discussion and vote on proposed outdoor dining area
Vladimir and Sarah Lassage are present on behalf of Lakay Island Restaurant. The board reviews plans and photographs for the proposed outdoor dining area dated April 10, 2011.

Lassage states they are looking for approval to have four tables outside on their patio area.

Duncan states the DRB reviewed the proposal and they referred it to Glenn Kennedy for review before it came to the SRA. Duncan adds Kennedy reviewed the revised submittal and has recommended approval. Duncan adds the planters have been removed from the new proposal. Duncan further adds this is a great way to keep the downtown and pedestrian mall vital and active.

Curran: Motion to accept the proposal as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Baldini.
Passes 4-0.

Baldini asks if the SRA has jurisdiction over the private property where this dinning area is located.

Duncan responds yes.

Old/New Business
Request for temporary art exhibit in Lappin Park

Jennifer Bell is present on behalf of the Salem Arts Festival and states the city will be hosting their third annual art festival to attract more people into the downtown area. Bell notes this effort is a result of the Seidman report.

Vickers asks what kind of art is going to be displayed.

Bell states they will not alter the park or obstruct any sidewalks but they may put out silly things that will get people thinking and questioning the space they are looking at, to start thinking of art in a different way, outside the box. Bell adds they have a permit for a performance stage in East India Square. Bell further states there will be various places around Salem where they will have different forms of art per the proper permits.

The board suggests Bell meets Mike Lash.

Vickers:        Motion to approve the use of Lappin Park for the third Annual Arts Festival,  
seconded by Baldini. Passes 4-0.

Urban Renewal Plans
a)  Update on status of Urban Renewal Plans
b)  Discuss and vote – funding for consultant services for Amendments to Heritage Plaza East and Heritage Plaza West Urban Renewal Plans.

Duncan states the two Urban Renewal plans were adopted in 1972 and 1979 and are good for 40 years. Duncan adds the East plan expires on March 23, 2012. Duncan states the purpose of the update to these plans is really to keep the two plans from expiring.

Duncan explains the State Department of Housing and Community Development will ultimately need to approve the updated plans. Duncan adds they do not need new plans but can simply update the old plans. Duncan further adds they want to look at the plans, see what’s been done, what has not been done, what the objectives are and what the plans are to implement the objectives.

Duncan states it makes sense to update both plans at the same time.
Duncan states they will be advertising for consultants to submit a proposal and are looking for a firm that has experience with urban renewal plans and urban design. Duncan adds there have been a lot of changes downtown within the past forty years and while it’s considered an update, it is a significant update.

Duncan further adds they want the changes to be meaningful to have plans moving forward. Duncan explains they will work with a consultant, form a working group with two representatives from the SRA and DRB, ward councilors, planning board and historic community and will hold public meetings to discuss.

Duncan adds they will ultimately need a vote and a hearing by the Planning Board, then the two updates will need to be adopted by the City Council and be submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development by the Mayor, where it will be reviewed.

Duncan states the cost for the study is estimated to be $50,000. Duncan adds the SRA has approximately $20,000 left in their account and at some point when the Old Salem Jail is converted to condos and are sold, then the payment from New Boston Ventures will be paid, but that will still be a few years down the road.

Duncan recommends the SRA vote to expend the $20,000 toward the cost of this study. City funds will be used for the remainder.

Brennan volunteers to work with the people picking the firms to propose if there are no objections from the board.

The board approves.

Duncan states the SRA will need to vote tonight on the approval of the expenditure. Duncan adds it would be great if the Chair and one rep could continue to work with Duncan and Daniel on this project.

Baldini asks if they have to give the whole $20,000.

Curran agrees if they give all of their funds, they won’t have anything for future use.

Duncan states she does not know what would be more important to spend the money on.

Brennan agrees this is what they spend money on, plans and studies.

Vickers understands the concern not to deplete their funds, but agrees there is not a lot of precedent on how they spend money.

Vickers asks what would happen if they did not renew the urban renewal plans.

Duncan states the urban renewal plans would no longer be in existence and the SRA would no longer have a function.

Duncan states for the last dozen years the SRA has controlled design for café seating, signs, storefront improvements when there were no design controls for the downtown area.

Duncan adds the Old Salem Jail and Police Station were SRA initiatives, transferred from the City due to bidding and law restrictions, whereas the SRA could be more flexible in their selection. Duncan further adds one of the most significant qualities is that the SRA is the only board or commission in the City who can say no to demolition.

Curran states the building inspector has the authority to say no.

Teasie Riley Goggins from the public asks if the SRA has the right to stop the demolition of St. Joseph’s Church.

Duncan replies no because it is not within the Urban Renewal Area.

Duncan adds the SRA could look at potentially expanding the boundaries of the urban renewal areas but isn’t sure if that is something the City wants to do.

Brennan asks Duncan to check with the City Attorney.

Shirley Walker of the public recommends establishing a commission or group to work with consultants about renewing the urban renewal plans and to include downtown residences with pertinent ties to the community to be within the group; someone who has lived downtown for a significant amount of years.

Brennan replies they are very big on and open to citizen participation.

Walker replies residences that were pertinent to the parking study were not included in the discussions and reiterates pertinence as her key concern.

Brennan disagrees.

Vickers understands trying to leave a little money in the bank but under the circumstances, he can not see any other projects that need funding. Vickers thinks the SRA should go ahead.

Curran disagrees and thinks it’s important to always have money.

Vickers responds they don’t know what the SRA would use the money for.

Duncan states the City is coming up with more than half for the cost of the study.

Vickers:        Motion to support the study to the extent that we have $20,000 available, seconded by Curran. Passes 4-0.


Approval of the minutes from the February 9, March 9, and April 13, 2011 regular meetings.

Curran: Motion to accept all three meeting minutes, seconded by Baldini. Passes 4-0.

Vickers:        Motion to adjourn, seconded by Baldini. Passes 4-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:24 pm.